Daoist Mosquito was frightened and hurriedly opened his mouth.Released the primordial spirit of the Virgin of Ghosts

The Lady of Turtle Spirit was confused, suddenly saw Wu Yunxian, and exclaimed, "Junior Brother Wuyun..."

Wu Yunxian saw that the Virgin of the Turtle Spirit only had the primordial spirit L but no physical body.Can't help but exclaimed, _

Sister Turtle.How did you become like this?"

The Lady of Turtle Spirit gritted her teeth, "I was plotted against by Nass, so I lost my body and ended up in this field!"

What the Lady of the Turtle Spirit said was plotted by the Daoist Receiver, it was true.

During the Great Array of Myriad Immortals, the Virgin of Jiaoling Taizhan detained Sun, and chased and detained Sun all the way to the west. Who knew that halfway he met the Daoist Receptionist.The Taoist who was taken in sealed the six senses of the whole body with six pure bamboos, as well as the mana of the whole body, but he could not move.

The receptionist originally wanted to transform the Lady of the Turtle Spirit 497 degrees.Let the Virgin of the Tortoise Spirit surrender to Western Buddhism, but the Virgin of the Tortoise Spirit is loyal

Chastity in interception.refuse to surrender

He was unable to save the Daoist, so he became murderous, but he was a saint.I'm too embarrassed to shoot and kill the turtle spirit.Then he thought of the poison of killing the Virgin of the Turtle Spirit with blood mosquitoes.

The Daoist Receiver deliberately asked the Bailian boy to put the Virgin of the Turtle Spirit and the Blood Mosquito together.

The blood snake had just been born at this time, ignorant and ignorant, sucking when he saw it, pitiful Notre Dame of Turtle Spirit, the master of the peak of Daluo Jinxian.Unable to move, he was sucked alive by the blood and mana of the blood mosquito.

The primordial spirit of the Virgin of the Turtle Spirit was also inhaled by the blood mosquito, but because the Virgin of the Turtle Spirit was after all a master at the peak of the Daluo Jinxian, and the blood mosquito was temporarily

There was no choice but to retain the primordial spirit of the Lady of the Turtle Spirit.

If it hadn't been rescued at the beginning, I'm afraid the Virgin of the Turtle Spirit would have already died.

Wu Yunxian gritted his teeth and said angrily.

"Changjiao and Buddhism combined to persecute me and cut off my teaching. It made me cut off the teaching and ended up like this. If it wasn't for the help of the poor master, I'm afraid. I would have already died. Senior Sister Jiaoling, you too ( eehl was rescued by Master Uncle"

Our Lady of Turtle Spirit was still angry.Too early to not help.I didn't want to pay attention to what Wu Yunxianyi said at the beginning.He hurriedly thanked him; "Thank you, Master, for saving your life!"

At the beginning of the virtual world, she helped the Lady of the Turtle Spirit. Faintly said, let’s get up, this seat is just under the control of your master.” The Lady of the Corner Spirit stood up and looked at the devastated Jinao Island, and couldn’t help weeping.

Wu Yunxian looked at Taichu and asked, "Da Shun forced. You just said that Senior Sister Wudang is still alive?"

When the Lady of Turtle Spirit heard it, she stared at Taichu with wide eyes.

Taichu nodded and said, "Wudang is indeed still alive, but Wudang has its own good fortune, and I will meet you later!".

Wu Yunxian and Our Lady of Turtle Spirit nodded. They were overjoyed.

Taichu flipped his hand and flicked his fingers, carrying the streamer towards the Virgin of the Fish Spirit with a touch of merit.Reshape the golden body for it.

Our Lady of Turtle Spirit was ecstatic, and hurriedly said "Thank you, Master Uncle"

Taichu nodded and said, "The sect is weak. If you want to go beyond the sect, you need to break through the quasi-sacred realm. It's just to break through the quasi-sacred realm." Not only that.And also to find the treasure of suppressing luck!"

Our Lady of the Turtle Spirit and Dark Cloud Fairy - Big Head

They intercepted and taught that there were only two people how to compete with Chanjiao and Buddhism 2

especially Buddhism, such as

Today's Buddhism has absorbed the success of the Intercept.Kidnapped the three thousand immortals who intercepted the sect.He was stunned to be transformed into three thousand Buddhas by the two of them.

Today's Buddhism has become the first major religion, and the luck is lingering.

And the treasure of suppressing luck. How hard to find 3

According to legend, there are five treasures for suppressing qi and luck, namely the Three Treasures of the Open Heaven, the Twelve Grade Golden Lotus and the Eight Treasures of Merit Pond.

The golden lotus of the twelfth grade of merit is in the place of the Daoist, the pond of merit of Erbao was robbed by Taichu, the picture of Taiji is in the place of Laozi, and the pangu pan is in the place of Tianzun of Yuanshi.Also, only the turbid clock is missing.

Twelve grades now

The golden lotus of merit was sucked by Daoist Mosquito.Even if you fall into the lower grades, you can't suppress your luck, and everyone in Buddhism must be looking for the whereabouts of the turbid bell.

How can they win over Buddhism? How can they win over Confucianism?

Taichu rolled his eyes and his face was speechless, secretly said, "It seems that the restoration of the teaching. It is not an easy task, and it has to be planned from scratch, trouble⊥"

Our Lady of Turtle Spirit and Wu Yunxian also showed signs of impatience when they saw the beginning.Don't dare to ask any more

At this moment, a strong bloody aura rushed toward the face, and everyone looked up and saw the blood clouds rolling in the sky, and the air was suffocating.There are ghosts crying and wolf howling

Wait for the vision to accompany.

Above the blood cloud, the ancestor of the Stygian River came with murderous aura.

When Taoist Mosquito saw Minghe Zhezu 1, his face changed so much, he hurriedly looked at Taishi, and exclaimed, "Saint help. Saint help!"

But it turned out that one mountain does not allow two tigers. The ancestors of Ming He and Taoist Jiao were both born from the sea of ​​​​blood. kind of.

It's just that Daoist Mosquito escaped from the sea of ​​blood before and was caught by Daoist Receptionist Ming He. The ancestor did not dare to compete with the saint, so he endured it.

Who knows, the ancestor of Ming He

He also sensed the breath of Daoist Mosquito, so he killed him with murderous aura, and wanted to take Daoist Mosquito's life.

"Daoist Mosquito, accept your life... Huh? Senior Brother!"

If it was in the past, even if the ancestor of Yanhe was killed, he would not dare to rush into Jinao Island, but now the sect is intercepted and destroyed.Jinao Island was in vain. Ancestor Yanhe came in murderously, but he was about to show his power, but suddenly he saw Taichu, and he was busy lowering the cloud head and looking at Taichu.He cupped his hands and said, "Styhe meets Senior Brother Tai."

At the very beginning, Daoist Eye Mosquito looked at Old Ancestor Ming He again.He knew the reason and said with a smile, "Fellow Daoist Minghe, Taoist Jiao, is already affiliated with: I belong to the Wuji Mountain Range, and I do errands under this seat.

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