Tongtian sect master came out of the big formation, looked at Taichu with a look of anger, sighed for a long time, did not speak, took out a jade slip, imprinted his own image of Kaitian in it, and handed it over to Taichu with mana. .


Finally got all the images of Kaitian, happy in the beginning

Incessantly, he said, "Three fellow Daoists, farewell!"

Speaking, Taichu turned into a streamer and shot towards Yujing Mountain.

Everyone sighed, obviously they didn't expect to win in the beginning, and they dispersed.

Yuanshi Tianzun looked at the direction of Taichu's escape, gritted his teeth and said, "Big brother, third brother, can't you just let the Taichu guy leave like this?"

Taishang Laozi took a deep breath, a light flashed in his turbid eyes, and said, "Forget it, forget it, the three of us are afraid that we won't be able to keep him, and Quan should have a good relationship!"

"The three of us can't keep him? Brother, what do you mean?

Said...that guy in the beginning retained his strength? "

Yuanshi Tianzun exclaimed.

The old man nodded.

Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian Sect Master thought about it and quickly understood the key.

In the beginning, he must have hidden his strength. If not, how could he dare to clamor for the three cleanliness without fear, and seeing that the Dao of Pill, the Dao of Weapons, and the Dao of Formation are all connected in the beginning, such characters must not be easy.

"Let's go, let's go back to the dojo to clean up, and prepare to rush to Zixiao Palace to hear the sermon!"

Taishang Laozi said lightly, and turned his head to go back to the dojo.


The next moment, Taishang Laozi was stunned and froze in place for a while.

Because their mountain protection formation has been improved in the beginning, it has exceeded their cognition range. In other words, they were blocked by their own mountain protection formation...

ps: Ask for collections, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation tickets! ! ! ! ! !


Chapter 2: The Queen Mother of the West invites you, meets the great god Fuxi on the road ([-]), asks for collection, asks for flowers!

On the other side, Taichu went to Yujing Mountain.

Halfway through the journey, Tai Chu frowned, stopped, and said, "Fellow Daoist, you have followed Pindao all the way, come out!"

Saying that, Tai Chu looked to the right behind him.

A figure appeared, looked at Taichu with a smile, and said, "Pin Dao Yaochi, I have seen Taoist friends in Taichu!"


Could it be the Queen Mother of the West?

It seems that the Taoist name of the Queen Mother of the West before she was proclaimed by the Taoist ancestors was Yaochi!

Taichu looked at Yaochi and said with a smile, "I don't know what it means for fellow Taoist Yaochi to follow Pindao?"

Yaochi cupped his hands and said, "Don't worry, fellow Daoist, there is no malice in the poor Daoist, but I just saw that my fellow Daoist has immeasurable magical powers, and I just want to make friends!"

Tai Chu smiled and said, "Friend Daoist is overrated!"

Yao Chi said with a smile: "Pin Dao's dojo is in West Kunlun. If you are free, you can come to West Kunlun for a gathering. Pin Dao sweeps the couch and welcomes you!"

Tai Chu laughed loudly and said, "Since this is the case, in the future, poor people will definitely be bothered!"

"Okay, then it's settled, farewell!"

Yaochi surrendered to Taichu, and then turned into a streamer, heading towards West Kunlun.

After Yaochi left, in the beginning,

After returning to Yujing Mountain, he called Taotie and flew into the chaos.

When I went to Zixiao Palace to listen to Taoism, I was not very enthusiastic in the beginning. After all, I had read the ancient books of Taoist ancestors in the beginning, and there were also three thousand avenues of runes in the beginning.

To say that he is knowledgeable, at the beginning of the day, he was more than Hongjun ancestors.

What the ancestor Hongjun knew was basically known in the beginning, and what the ancestor Hongjun didn't know, he still knew in the beginning.

When I went to Zixiao Palace this time in Taichu, it was just to meet the ancestor of Hongjun and get to know the three thousand red dust guests in Zixiao Palace.

Therefore, in the early days, he was not in a hurry, he swayed along the way, and walked by gluttony.

On this day, in the middle of the line, a wonderful sound of the piano suddenly sounded, the sound of the piano was pleasant to the ear, sometimes like a mountain and flowing water, sometimes like a clear spring hitting a stone, sometimes like a golden horse and an iron horse, with a magnificent momentum.

"Huh? Honghuang still has such a person who understands the rhythm, it's rare, it's rare..."

Taichu patted Taotie's head, Taotie understood, and carried Taichu to follow the sound of the piano.

After a short walk, I saw a huge boulder in front of me. On top of the boulder sat a Taoist man, who was playing the piano by himself.

There are many elves and monsters beside the stone who are listening to the sound of the piano, and they are fascinated.

After a long time, the Taoist finished the song and stopped playing the qin.

The Taoist opened his eyes to look at Tai Chu, and said, "Fellow Taoist, do you also understand the rhythm?"

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