ps: Ask for collections, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation tickets! ! ! ! ! ! ! !


Chapter 4: Slaying the Demon Emperor with a Sword

"This is the first of the three Kaitian styles?"

Yuanshi Tianzun exclaimed.

"How is that possible? In such a short period of time, he actually realized the first style of Kaitian..."

Tongtian Sect Master's face twitched violently, his eyes widened.

Even the always calm Taishang Laozi was stunned and could hardly believe his eyes.

You must know that they were transformed by the primordial spirit of the great god Pangu. Even so, it took hundreds of thousands of years for them to comprehend the first style of Kaitian.

Unexpectedly, not long after the opening of the sky image was obtained at the beginning,

It is true that I realized the first style of opening the sky!

At the beginning of the beginning, this shocking sword was slashed, and it seemed to have an image of chaos. A ray of light appeared from the chaos, and then the clear air rose and the turbid air sank. Xuanwu.


The sword light was like a sword, and the force was like a broken bamboo. Wherever it passed, it destroyed the dry and the rotten, and directly flew back with a whimper of the Chaos Bell, and the turtles and snakes shattered, and the mountains, rivers and rivers collapsed.

This is more than that, the trend of the sword light is more and more, and it directly slashes at Di Jun and Taiyi.

Di Jun was horrified and desperately called back Hetu Luo Shushou


But it was already too late. Hetu Luoshu was smashed by the sword light as soon as a layer of light film appeared.


A heart-piercing scream sounded, blood spattered, Di Jun screamed and flew out, looking at Tai Chu with a look of horror.

If it wasn't for Chaos Bell and Hetu Luoshu hitting most of the power of this sword, I am afraid that Di Jun would have been split in half by this sword at the beginning!

How can Di Jun not be afraid of life and death?

Donghuang Taiyi was guarded by such a treasure as the Chaos Bell. Although he was not injured, he was quite embarrassed and staggered when he was beaten.

Dong Huangtai was startled and exclaimed, "Brother!"

"Why is this guy's first style of opening the sky so powerful? Could it be that what he has learned is more essential than ours..."

Sanqing was shocked and exclaimed.

The sun on Di Jun's body was blazing brightly. He covered the wound with his hand, and shouted piercingly: "Kill him, kill him for Pindao..."

Although the demon clan people were trembling and trembling, they still rushed up.

Right here, a voice and shadow appeared beside Tai Chu, it was none other than Yang Mei Daxian.

Daxian Yang Mei snorted coldly,

With a flick of his sleeve, the wind blew in an instant, the space was chaotic, and countless people from the demon clan were exiled to nowhere.

This is also because Great Immortal Yang Mei has a weak nature and doesn't like to kill, otherwise, just going down that sleeve and cutting through space will be able to stir those monsters into a pulp.


Di Jun and Taiyi looked terrified and shivered, not daring to move.

Because their breath was locked by Daxian Yang Mei, the pressure alone made the two of them almost breathless.


Super strong!

Sanqing, etc.

People were stunned, and looked at Daxian Yang Mei in disbelief.

You must know that Daxian Yangmei has just kicked dozens of Golden Immortals from the demon clan with just one sleeve, which shows how powerful Daxian Yangmei is.

Sanqing glanced at each other, and hurriedly stepped forward and cupped his hands: "Meet the saint!"

In their opinion, I am afraid that only saints can have such magical powers!

Sanqing regarded Yang Mei Daxian as the ancestor of Hongjun!

"Meet the saint!"

The gods and demons were startled and worshipped.

It's just that a group of doubts arose in the hearts of everyone, what was the relationship with the saint in the beginning?

Department, why did the saint want to help Taichu?

Di Jun and Taiyi heard their faces twitching violently, and their hearts were bitter, and they hurriedly paid their respects: "Meet the saint!"

If it really had anything to do with the saints in the beginning, would you still be playing a fool?

"Senior Yang Mei, it's you!"

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