Taichu said with disdain on his face.

Di Jun and Tai Yi felt like they were being forgiven, and hurriedly shot into the chaos.

Yang Mei Daxian looked at Taichu, and said almost flatteringly: "Little friend of Taichu, the rune of the poor..."

At the beginning of the year, a jade slip appeared and handed it to Daxian Yang Mei.

Immortal Yang Mei was overjoyed, put away the jade slip, and said excitedly: "Thank you, little friend of the early days, see you next time!"

Saying that, Daxian Yang Mei flashed and disappeared without a trace.

The gods and demons were stunned.

three clear

He secretly exhaled a suffocating breath.

If it hadn't been blocked by Taishang Laozi, Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian sect master would have found trouble in Taichu, so would their fate be the same as Dijun and Taiyi?

If that's the case, wouldn't they lose all their Pangu's authentic face?

A farce ended in a hurry.

The gods and demons began to try to enter the chaos.

The first person to enter the chaos was an ancient giant crocodile with an incomparably huge body. The giant crocodile was covered in thick scales and was simply an armored machine.

And its cultivation base is not low, it is a master of the Daluo Jinxian early stage!

With its powerful defense, the ancient giant crocodile broke into chaos.

But it goes fast and dies fast!

This ancient giant crocodile was also unlucky. As soon as it entered the chaos, it was smashed to pieces by a violent chaos storm, and there was no slag left.

The gods and demons were stunned.

Some gods and demons left silently, not listening to the sermon.

Obviously, there was a reason for Daozu to set the Zixiao Palace in the chaos. This vast chaos is the first test for the seekers.

If you can't pass this test, how can you be qualified to listen to the sermon!

Chaos is full of things like fire, wind and thunder, as well as terrifying chaos storms. If you are not careful, you will die.

They are taking their lives to chase the Tao!

Although the road of seeking the Tao is difficult, there are still gods and demons breaking into the chaos.

Some gods and demons didn't go far before they were wiped out by the fire, wind, thunder and violent chaos storm, and they died completely, but some gods and demons walked into the depths of chaos.

"Two brothers, let's go too!"

Taishang Laozi looked at Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian Cult Master, patted his forehead, and the mysterious yellow pagoda of heaven and earth appeared behind his head, hanging down in fear.

The terrifying Xuanhuang Qi protects Sanqing.

Sanqing stepped into chaos, no matter how dangerous the earth, fire, wind, thunder and chaotic storms were, they could not shake the exquisite pagoda of heaven and earth.

The gods and demons saw another burst of envy, jealousy and hatred, and secretly praised in their hearts, as expected of Sanqing, there is such a treasure.

Immediately afterwards, the ancestors of Ming He, Daxian Zhenyuanzi, and the ancestors of Hongyun also entered the chaos and went to find the Zixiao Palace.

At the beginning of the Taichu hand, a four-image source pearl appeared, and the four-image source bead was placed on the head, and the four-image source bead emerged with the power of the four images of Qinglong, White Tiger, Xuanwu and Suzaku, protecting Taichu and Taotie.


Tie carried Taichu and plunged into chaos...

ps: Ask for collections, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation tickets! ! ! ! ! ! !


Chapter 1 The green lotus seeds are planted in the chaos, and I meet and invite you and Zhun Ti in front of the Zixiao Palace ([-]) Ask for collection, ask for flowers!

After entering the chaos, Tai Chu was not in a hurry to find Zixiao Palace.

Others are in a hurry to go to Zixiao Palace to hear the sermon, but he is not in a hurry at all. He knows more Taoism and magical powers than Hongjun ancestors. When he goes, he just meets Hongjun ancestors and knows some big bosses. .

At the beginning of the day, he plunged into the chaos, searching for a suitable place, and preparing to plant a lotus seed in the chaos.

In chaos, there is no distinction between upper and lower, and there is no distinction between space, chaos and chaos, nowhere.

At the beginning, he walked all the way, and walked deep enough, then stopped and said with a smile: "Just here!"

Saying that, Tai Chu turned his hand over, and a lotus seed appeared and threw it into chaos.

Then, at the beginning of the beginning, both hands made a combo, and in an instant, the chaotic air rolled like a tide and gathered towards the green lotus seeds.

This is the Chaos Rune!

On the way here, Tai Chu has been studying the Chaos Rune, intending to plant this lotus seed.

Let the chaotic air wrap the green lotus seeds, and at the beginning, he flipped his hands again, took out some black and white chess pieces, and sprinkled them around the chaotic lotus seeds.

After a while, the yin and yang qi rioted, forming a black and white tai chi ball that was spinning, guarding this place.

It's Ling

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