Got it!

This brings out the authentic golden signboard of Pangu!

Taichu was speechless for a while, and was about to speak, but Yuanshi Tianzun on the other side was furious, and said solemnly: "Taichu, don't be too arrogant, what virtue and what ability do you have, sitting in front of the poor brother? Get out of the way quickly. , otherwise don't blame the poor Taoist!"

Tongtian sect master also blew his beard and stared, and said angrily: "In the beginning, our Sanqing is the authentic Pangu, but it is not easy to deceive.

Negative, if you are sensible, get out of the way quickly, otherwise don't blame us for being rude! "

At the beginning, I wanted to explain, but when I heard the words of Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian sect master, I immediately became angry, looked at Sanqing with a playful face, and said with disdain: "The poor way will not leave, how can you take the poor way? Want to fight Come on, come on, I have never been afraid of anyone in a fight!"

Saying that, Tai Chu rolled up his sleeves, eager to try, ready to fight at any time.

The three thousand red dust guests saw black lines all over their heads, secretly saying that this guy was too bold in the beginning.

What is this place?

This is the Zixiao Palace, the sage

In the field, you should be your home, if you want to fight, fight!

Sanqing blew his beard and stared, and the blue veins on his forehead jumped violently.

If it weren't for the saint's dojo, Sanqing would have rushed up to fight Taichu a long time ago!

The old face of Yuanshi Tianzun was ashen, and he gritted his teeth and said: "Hmph, in the beginning, this is a sage's Taoist field, and the poor Taoist doesn't care about you as much.

Tongtian sect master also looked cold and said: "Hmph, in the beginning, you bullied people too much, when the sermon is over, the poor Taoist will definitely hit you with a sword!"

Even the always calm Taishang Laozi blew his beard and stared angrily, saying angrily.

"Hey, fellow Daoist at the beginning, you and our Sanqing have a big causal relationship. It seems that we have to do it. After Daozu finished his sermon, the three poor Daoists waited for Daoist friends outside Zixiao Palace!"

ps: Ask for collections, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation tickets! ! ! ! ! ! !


Chapter 4: Fighting for the Holy Throne in the Zixiao Palace, Received and Zhunti's Weeping Magic ([-]) Ask for collection, ask for flowers!

Tai Chu put down his sleeves, curled his lips, and muttered, "We have to wait until the end of the sermon to fight again. It's really disappointing. I'm afraid you will all be scared to pee by then, how can you fight with the poor..."

Sanqing heard a black line.

On the other side, Daoist Receptionist and Daoist Zhunti looked at Taichu's actions eagerly, and got a seat.

The two of them also wanted to put a futon and sit down by themselves, but when they thought that this was the Zixiao Palace, the saint's dojo, I was afraid that they would hate the saint because of it. Later, the saint didn't know how to punish Taichu.

Thinking like this, the two of them made up the idea of ​​the seven people in the front row.

Xuan Qing?

Forget it, on the surface, this fellow only has the cultivation base of the peak of Taiyi Jinxian, but he has actually reached the realm of the peak of Daluo Jinxian, and he has a heavy treasure by his side. Even if the two of them go up together, they are not necessarily the opponents of the beginning. .

Samcheong?Don't mess with it, forget it!

Nuwa?Even if Yingyin and Zhunti were thick-skinned, they would not dare to provoke public anger, and they would not be able to pull down their old faces to make Nuwa abdicate.

After thinking about it, there are only seats for Hongyun and Kunpeng.

"It's sad and bitter, the two of us came all the way from the west, just wanted to listen to the sound of the Dao at close range, but we didn't even have a seat.

The trust of all living beings! "

Daoist Jieyin and Daoist Zhunti looked at each other, and suddenly Daoist Jieyin burst into tears, how miserable it was.

"Yeah, how should the two of us face the hundreds of millions of creatures in the West, sadness, woo woo..."

The Daoist Zhunti also burst into tears.

The two actually washed their faces with tears in the Zixiao Palace, and burst into tears.

This kind of operation is really a show!

The three thousand red dust guests who watched were all stunned and looked sideways.

Even at the beginning, he was stunned and could hardly believe himself.

His eyes twitched violently, and he threw his hands at the two of Yeyin and Zhunti, and said with a serious expression: "Two fellow Daoists, cows, really cows, poor Daoists have long heard of the Western Yeyin and Zhunti. The two fellow Daoists have the ability to cry, and when I saw them today, they really deserved their reputations, or would you give me the seat of the poor Daoist?"

Yie Yin and Zhun Ti heard a black line and were furious.

In the beginning, this mouth is too damaged!

Still wailing supernatural powers, wailing your sister!

Besides, you put your seat on your own. Besides, sitting in your seat in front of Taishang Laozi, I am afraid that even Daozu and Sanqing will be disgusted.

Dare to sit?

"Bitterness is also sadness, Pindao... Pindao came from hundreds of millions of miles away from the West, but he didn't even have a seat. It's really shameless to face hundreds of millions of living beings in the West. It's better... It's better to let Pindao die. !"

The Daoist Zhunti pretended not to hear Taichu's words, and cried more and more. The sadness came from his heart, and he slammed into the Coiling Dragon Pillar of Zixiao Palace.

Right here, Ancestor Hongyun's figure flashed, stopped the quasi-daoist, and said: "Daoist friends, the seat of the poor Daoist is given to you, there is no need to die or live..."

"Thank you buddy!"

Without waiting for Ancestor Hongyun to finish speaking, another

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