It stands to reason that Taoist Kunpeng was helped just now in Taichu. At this time, Sanqing came. Taoist Kunpeng should stay and help Taichu. As a result, Taoist Kunpeng slipped away because he was afraid of Sanqing and did not want to cause trouble.

It's kind of annoying!

But not in the beginning

Care, even if Sanqing, Jieyin and Zhunti were besieging him, he would still have a way to escape.

The study of space runes for so many years in the early days was not for nothing!

Even if it is a real fight, there are many treasures to protect the body in the beginning, and it is not afraid of the three clear and the five people.

As for Taoist Kunpeng, he will find trouble for him in the future!

"I've seen Big Brother!"

Sanqing glanced at Jieyin and Zhunti, then turned to look at Taichu, and bowed to Taichu.

"Uh? What is this operation?"

At the beginning, I thought that Sanqing was going to start, but who would have thought that Sanqing would actually

Salute him.

Not only was he confused at the beginning, but even the two of them were a little confused...

ps: It will be on the shelves at [-] o'clock tonight, and please subscribe to support! ! ! ! ! !


Chapter 4: The two hard-pressed western saints, the prince of the east is gone ([-]) For collection, for flowers!

Didn't these three clears come to seek trouble in the beginning?

Why are you so polite to Taichu?

Jieyin and Zhunti were confused, and the Daoist Zhunti covered the bloody wound, looked at Sanqing, and said, "Friend Sanqing, you are..."

Taishang Laozi looked at Jieyin and Zhunti and said, "Two fellow Daoists, the three of the poor and the senior brother have no grievances. This is understandable, but the three poor people don't know the identity of the senior brother, so they are abrupt!"

Having said that, Taishang Laozi surrendered to Taichuyi.


He Zhunti's face trembled violently when they heard it, and it was really the case when they heard Taishang Laozi say this.

Taishang Laozi turned his head to look at Jieyin and Zhunti, changed the topic, and said solemnly: "It's the two Daoists, Jieyin and Zhunti, who used the second brother of Pindao to get it when they were in Zixiao Palace. With a holy seat, I still want to use the hands of the three impoverished Daoists to make the three impoverished Daoists become enemies with the big brother, saying that Pangu Zhengzong is a crooked way, and the two fellow Daoists have ulterior motives!"

Yuanshi Tianzun snorted coldly and said solemnly: "Hmph, the two Taoists are so scheming, and they also said that Pangu Zhengzong is an outsider's evil way. Today, the poor Taoist will let Taoist friends know what Pangu Zhengzong is!"

Saying that, Yuanshi Tianzun stepped forward, flipped his hand, and the Pangu banner appeared, and he swayed violently at the two of them.

In an instant, the terrifying Chaos Sword Qi roared out, as if it was about to pierce through Chaos, and shot at Jie Yin and Zhun Ti.

Jiyin and Zhunti were horrified, and Daoist Jieyin hurriedly stomped his feet, and the twelve-grade golden lotus of merit spun out, bursting with golden light, protecting him and Daoist Zhunti.


Yuanshi Tianzun snorted coldly and shook the Pangu Fan violently.

The terrifying chaotic sword qi "swipe" wave after wave shot out, frantically rushing towards Jie Yin and Zhun Ti Er


Jie Yin and Zhun Ti were beaten and staggered, and their standing was unsteady.

Although the [-]th-grade golden lotus of merit is a defensive treasure, it is still a notch lower than the Pangu Fan, and the Taoist who receives and leads uses the [-]th-grade golden lotus to protect the two of them, so it is inevitable that the defense will be scattered.


In the end, a chaotic sword energy broke through the [-]th grade golden lotus of merit and directly penetrated the shoulder of the Taoist.

Daoist Jieyin screamed, blood spurted out, and Daoist Zhunti hurriedly turned into two streams of light, and fled to the distance in embarrassment.

Taichu and Sanqing did not chase after the two

, after all, it was only a small friction between them. They had done one game and injured the two of them. It was already a cause and effect.

The reception and Zhunti were also hard-pressed. First, Daoist Kunpeng was instructed at the beginning of the day, and he was seriously injured.

After that, Sanqing came again. I thought that Sanqing was looking for trouble in the beginning. Who would have thought that it was looking for their bad luck. The Daoist who received and led was injured because of the Daoist Zhunti, and was injured by Yuanshi Tianzun with a Pangu flag. It's really sad.

After driving away Jie Yin and Zhun Ti, Tianzun Yuanshi put away the Pangu banner and said with a big laugh, "Happy, happy..."

Taishang Laozi looked at Taichu, cupped his hands, and said, "Master

Brother, the matter is over, the three poor people will leave! "

Tai Chu grinned and said, "The three junior brothers walk slowly!"

Sanqing turned and turned into three streamers and left.

After watching a farce, I was in a good mood at the beginning, so I continued to ride the gluttonous food and go to the prehistoric world.

Before reaching the World Barrier, many gods and demons were seen gathered from far away, as if they were discussing something.

The leader was the Duke Dong, who was named the head of the male immortal by the Taoist ancestors. At this time, the Duke Dong was dancing with raptures and dancing, as if he was discussing the matter of opening up the Purple Mansion and leading the Great Wilderness.

At the beginning of time, he rode a gluttonous gluttonous gluttonous gluttonous gluttonous gluttonous gluttonous gluttonous gluttonous gluttonous gluttonous gluttonous gluttonous gluttonous gluttonous gluttonous gluttonous gluttonous car to enter the world.

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