The sword qi slashed on Duke Dong's dragon head crutches, and Duke Dong was so shaken that he staggered back, and retreated hundreds of thousands of feet in embarrassment before he was able to stabilize his body.

Tai Chu grinned and said with disdain: "But that's it!"

Dong Wanggong twitched violently, looking at Taichu with a look of anger and anger, and said angrily: "Taichu, don't be too arrogant, how long can you last by consuming mana like you? inside'

, you can borrow strength from heaven and earth, no matter which direction you attack from, the poor road is standing in the east, that is to say, the poor road is always in the peak state, over time, you will definitely lose! "

Taichu rolled his eyes, and the source of the sun emerged from his eyebrows.

The sun star suddenly lit up, echoing the power of the source of the sun between the eyebrows in the beginning, the power of the sun was raging, and the flames were transpiring.

In an instant, the mana consumed in the beginning was replenished and returned to its peak state.

Tai Chu looked at Prince Dong with a smile, and said with disdain: "You can borrow strength, but can't the poor take advantage of it? Prince Dong, you are still too flirtatious.

If you go on like this, you will die without knowing how! "

" is this possible? How can you borrow power from Sunstar? This..."

Duke Dong looked at Tai Chu in disbelief as if he had seen a ghost, and exclaimed.

This thing is really weird enough. To say that Di Jun and Taiyi can borrow strength from Sunstar, Dongwang Gongxin, after all, Dijun and Taiyi were born in Sunstar.

But in the beginning, he couldn't fight with the sun star, and he was able to borrow strength from the sun star. What is the reason?

Not only did Prince Dong believe it, but everything present was stunned and exploded in an instant.


"What's the situation? In the beginning, it was possible to borrow strength from the sun star. How is this possible?"

"Could it be that the original body of Taichu is the Golden Crow? But it's impossible. In the previous episode, Taichu also fought with Di Jun and Taiyi, and many people saw it!"

"Senior brother is worthy of being the first disciple of the Taoist ancestor. This ability is really amazing..."

ps: It will be on the shelves at nine o'clock, and please make your first order!Five chapters will be released first, and there will be an update at twelve o'clock! ! !Please support the big guys first order! ! !please! ! !


On the shelf testimonials!

The book will be on the shelves soon. It will be on the shelves at nine o'clock. First, there will be five changes, and then there will be another change at twelve o'clock. The update will be as usual tomorrow!

The big guys are cool, but don't forget to subscribe to support!

The first order is really important to the author!

It can be said that the first order determines the life and death of a book. Whether this book can survive or not depends on you guys!

It will be on the shelves at [-] o'clock tonight, please support a wave of the first order, and the author's bacteria will break out on the shelves! ! ! ! !

It will be on the shelves at nine o'clock tonight, begging for the first order! ! ! !

It will be on the shelves at nine o'clock tonight, begging for the first order! ! ! !

It will be on the shelves at nine o'clock tonight, begging for the first order! ! ! !

It will be on the shelves at nine o'clock tonight, begging for the first order! ! ! !

It will be on the shelves at nine o'clock tonight, begging for the first order! ! ! !

It will be on the shelves at nine o'clock tonight, begging for the first order! ! ! !

It will be on the shelves at nine o'clock tonight, begging for the first order! ! ! !

It will be on the shelves at nine o'clock tonight, begging for the first order! ! ! !


Chapter [-] The tyrannical prince of the east, knelt down and kowtowed three times! (Please order first!)

Prince Dong originally thought that he had a supernatural power that borrowed nine from heaven and earth, and could be invincible.Who would have thought that at the beginning of the year, there was such a magical power that borrowed strength, and he still borrowed strength from the sun star.

Borrowing the pure power of the sun is mighty and unmatched.After all, it is much stronger than the force he borrowed.

"Even if you could borrow strength from Sunstar in the beginning, but Pindao's trick is to use the power of heaven and earth to come 2 miles from the east. You can still be invincible. Why don't we shake hands and make peace?"

Prince Dong felt a little guilty and was ready to reconcile with Taichu.

It's just that he was so provocative at the beginning.

Why settle with him?

Tai Chu pouted in disdain.Dongyu fair friend, you are too confident.With this trick of yours, the purple energy comes from the east for [-] miles. You can break it!"

When Duke Dong heard this, he was immediately furious.He said solemnly, "Daoist friend in the beginning, you are too embarrassed to speak loudly. This trick of the poor Dao is a unique skill of the poor Dao. If you can break it with one move, you can deal with it."

Tai Chu raised his brows.. smiled and said, "Okay. This is what you said!"

East Prince 850 raised his eyebrows: head.angrily. "Hmph, if fellow Daoist one can't break the poor road, this trick will come [-] miles from the east, Dao

What about friends?"

Tai Chu said disdainfully, "It's up to you!"

East Prince's eyes lit up. 2 laughed and said, "Okay. If that's the case, then it's settled like this. If you can't break the poor road, this trick will come [-] miles from the east, and you will join my purple mansion. How about you? ?"

"Okay, it's all up to you!"

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