"The Taiyin Sutra has been perfected, and the system has imprinted the complete Taiyin Sutra in the host's mind!"

At this moment, the voice of the system sounded in Taichu's mind. _


Chapter [-] Instructing the two goddesses of the yin in the name of Taoist ancestors (please order first, please order first!)


At the beginning of the day, to force the two goddesses of the yin to take action was to systematically analyze the power of the yin!

The system imprinted the Taiyin Sutra into Taichu's mind, and Taichu has completely mastered the power of Taiyin.

And it is achieved, there is no need to continue to carry it L

Tai Chu stretched out his hand to stop the two daughters and smiled, "The two goddesses, in fact, Pindao came to the Taiyin Star this time on the order of the master and Taoist ancestors, and came to point out the two goddesses." people!

What's more, there are two peerless beauties!

But you can't come up abruptly with u- and say to point people


In this way, Daozu was moved out.

Saints, of course, are the most persuasive

In Zixiao Palace, Hongjun Zhezu suddenly opened his eyes, his nose crooked with anger.He scolded angrily, "This stinky boy dares to use the reputation of the poor to swindle, bastard..."

Sure enough, the name of a saint works!

The two Taiyin goddesses were stunned.Stopped. 16__

Xi and the goddess looked at Taichu with a puzzled look, and frowned, "Daoist friend Dachu, are you really sent by Taoist ancestors?"

At the beginning, I slapped my chest with a loud bang, I said loudly

. "Pin Dao is the first disciple of the Dao Patriarch, if the replacement L is of course sent by Dao Patriarch."

The goddess Changxi looked suspiciously at the beginning: "In the beginning, I asked, "Daoist friend in the beginning. I don't know why Zu asked you to guide us?"

At the beginning of the day, his face was not red and his heart was not beating, and the two were originally three thousand red guests in the Zixiao Palace.However, the two did not go to the Purple Thunder Palace. The tutor said that the two were destined to be one of the red dust guests of the Zixiao Palace. Although you did not come, you still sent a poor Daoist to preach! '

The two goddesses twitched violently and sighed.

Daozu valued the two of them so much?


The goddess still asked in disbelief, "Da Chu Dao friend. I don't know what you want to preach to the two of us?."

Taichu said with a smile: "The two goddesses are the goddesses of Taiyin, and the Pindao naturally preaches the way of Taiyin!"

In the Zixiao Palace, on the cloud bed, Ancestor Hongjun twitched violently. 2 murmured: "What the hell is this stinky boy doing? He doesn't understand the Tao of Taiyin. What's more, you can teach the Tao of Taiyin to the goddess of Taiyin. Are you sure you can pass on the Tao of Taiyin? Are you sure you know more than others? Stinky boy. If you fall into the name of the poor, let's see how the poor will deal with you..."...

Listen to what Taichu said. Two

A lunar goddess pouted in disdain

The goddess Changxi said coldly, "Tai Shi Dao friend, since our two sisters are Taiyin goddesses, you dare to say that you will teach me the way of Taiyin? Hmph, it's not that I'm talking nonsense, that is, saints are on the way of Taiyin. I'm afraid it's not as good as the two of us sisters. What you said is really full of loopholes, and it's hard for the two of us to be convinced!"

Xi and the goddess also snorted and said solemnly, "Daoist friend in the beginning, you better go."

Being ridiculed so much, I really wanted to turn around and hit in the beginning⊥

Anyway, his goal has been achieved, it doesn't matter if he pats his butt and leaves.are two wives

The yin goddess does not know the goods.They have no chance.

But at the beginning of the day, Daozu was moved out. If he left like this, wouldn't the name of Daozu be weakened.

In the name of Daozu, also destroy the reputation of Daozu⊥

I'm afraid that since he has just released the moon star, the Taoist ancestor will find him to settle accounts."

So, at the beginning of the day, this is the arrow on the string. I had to send it⊥

The two Taiyin goddesses who were smiling at the beginning said, "How do the two goddesses want to be impoverished?"

The two women, Yihe and Concubine Xi, one represents creation and the other represents destruction⊥

The goddess Concubine who represents destruction is

Impatient, he immediately said angrily, "Hmph, the best proof that you broke the Sun Array between our sisters is the best proof L."

Saying that, Goddess Changxi drummed up her mana.Then he slashed at the beginning of the day with a sword

Taichu grins_smiles.Grab it out.Fold space.

Just momentarily.From the very beginning, he appeared in front of the goddess Changxi.One pointed at the door of Goddess Changxi.

That is the chest!


The goddess Changxi blushed with shame, gritted her teeth, and wished she could hit the wall with a sword.

It's just that her cover door was hit, and that room only felt the magic inside her body.

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