The primordial spirit of the beginning suddenly appeared in the heaven and earth, standing in the sky.Awe-inspiring.

The three yuan of heaven, earth and man. Tianyuan returned to its place, and it finally broke through the realm of quasi-saint in the beginning!

"This... This fellow at the beginning of the year has broken through the quasi-saint realm?"

Sanqing was stunned and stunned, and could hardly believe his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, the face of Sanqing's "swipe" turned red.Quietly returned to their respective palaces, and went to the group to practice.

They had just been arrogant and ambitious to break through the quasi-sacred realm before the beginning of time. As a result, they broke through the realm of quasi-sages as soon as the words fell into the beginning. This is an invisible slap in the face.The old face of Sanqing, who was carrying it, made a "smack" sound.

So that Sanqing couldn't face each other, so they could only go to retreat and practice obediently.

Inside the Zixiao Palace, above Qingyun.Ancestor Hongjun suddenly opened his eyes and said in horror; ".-.This stinky boy has actually created a method of sanctification? This, this.--This stinky boy is too perverted. Evil..., evildoer:. "

Above the lunar star.At the beginning of the leaf, the mouth is turbid.Close the back of the brain vision. A stand up


"Congratulations to your son for breaking through the quasi-saint realm!

The two goddesses of the yin came over and said crisply.

Tai Chu smiled and said, "The two of you 350 should also work hard to break through to the quasi-sanctified realm as soon as possible." "This is the method of breaking through the quasi-sage. You two can practice according to it!"

The two yin goddess women are cold.I didn't go to Zixiao Palace to listen to the sermon. Therefore, I didn't understand the method of breaking through the quasi-sage. In the beginning, Wang Cui taught the two daughters this method. After all, the two daughters were called Taichu-Master Sheng.In the beginning, you can't treat people badly.


Thank you son! '

The two girls said crisply.

Tai Chu smiled and said, "Okay. The two of you should work hard to cultivate. There are still some things to deal with, so you will leave the mountain first."

"Young master is leaving? When will the son come to the Moon Star?"

The two women were extremely anxious, and Xi He hurriedly asked

"Yeah, son, why don't you take our two sisters with you. Also, let us two sisters take care of son⊥"

Changxi blinked her big watery eyes and said.

Tai Chu smiled bitterly, "The two of you should still cultivate in this Taiyin Star...,

When will you break through the quasi-holy realm?Pindao will come to find you"


Changxi blushed and said.

Tai Chu raised his brows and turned his hands.A jade slip appeared and smiled at the worker, "This is a teleportation talisman. If the two of you are in danger, crush this jade talisman. Poor Daoist should come here⊥"

Xihe took over the jade talisman. . Said, "That son slow down, we two sisters must work hard to cultivate. Live up to the son's high expectations!"

"Yes, we must work hard to cultivate!

Changxi clenched her small fist and said with a serious face.

Too early to smile bitterly,

Said, "Okay, Pindao will say goodbye first⊥"

Saying that, at the beginning of the universe, he left the Moon Star with a flash.

After breaking through the quasi-sage, the speed of Taichu was a hundred times faster than before, and even more than a thousand times.

In addition, the technique of folding space can be said to be hundreds of millions of miles away in the beginning.

On the other side, the mountain of enlightenment before the beginning of time

Taotie was shivering from hiding in the cave.Looking at a fat Taoist outside the cave with a look of shock and anger, he said angrily. "Zhunti Daoist, don't be mad, and when my master comes back, you will be dead⊥"

The fat Taoist outside the cave is indeed a quasi-tied Taoist⊥

But it turned out that Daoist Zhun Ti was fighting the autumn wind in the east and found this cave by accident.He actually found Taotie in it. He thought that Dachu was also in the cave, but found that Taichu was not there. Only Taotie was alone.

The Taoist Zhunti remembered that Tai Shi had embarrassed him several times, and he was afraid of Biansheng, so he thought of bringing gluttony to the Western world.This can be regarded as a slap in the face of the beginning.

It's just that there are restrictions placed in the cave in the beginning, and the quasi-daoist can't break it for a while.So the two are stuck here.

The quasi-mentioned Taoist put his hands together and looked at Taotie (bghe). Road. "Taotie Dao. Friends, you and I have a destiny in the West.

Why don't you go back to the West with Pindao and enjoy the bliss, how?"

Taotie angrily said, "Ah, I'm going to your Western Paradise. Who doesn't know that your Western World is a place where birds don't shit, and I went to your Western World. I'm afraid I can only eat ten!"

gluttonous tongue.It's not poisonous!

This sentence alone made the Daoist quasi-speaking blushing.

The Daoist Zhunti was so angry that he scolded

"If there is a master, there is a slave. You damned thing, wait for the poor road to break through this great formation. It will definitely kill you."

Say it, quasi-daorist

crazy bombardment

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