Great Artist

Chapter 1009: absurd event

1009 Absurd Incident

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Paul Haggis said it happily next to him, but Evan Bell didn't even listen. It's not that his brain is still a mess, but that he has only captured one word in his head now. "Ron Hubbard".

Who is Ron Hubbard? Why would I shudder involuntarily, why?

Evan Bell felt that after the speed of the brain slowed down, he was really not used to it. He always felt that the whole world was not right. Now he no longer continues to rotate, but everything has become slow motion, which is not a good feeling.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew in and got in through the collar of the clothes. Originally, the body had become very hot because of drinking too much. Now it is in close contact with the cold wind. The huge temperature difference suddenly made Evan Bell fight a cold war. The brain also seemed to be a lot clearer, he remembered who Ron Hubbard was!

Ron Hubbard, an American science fiction writer, has more than 40 million copies in circulation and is a very successful science fiction writer. However, he is very controversial in the United States, and his other identity is more widely known than his novel works, the founder of "Science. Learning. Teaching".

Founded in the 1950s, science, science and teaching in the United States have not suffered any restrictions because of the constitutional protection of legal religions. However, in Britain, France, Germany and other places, this religion has been declared a "cult". Evan Bell knew this sect because of the breakdown of Tom Cruise's second marriage in 2012. After marrying Katie Holmes, the Hollywood star couple gained a lot of attention, and they have a beautiful daughter Suri Jr. But this marriage lasted only six years, and it directly led to the divorce because Tom Cruise wanted to send his six-year-old daughter to science.

After the Tom Cruise divorce case broke out, science, learning, and teaching have once again become the focus of attention. Evan Bell also once had a simple understanding. The sect is now a very tight-knit organization, claiming to have eight million members—a number that, of course, Evan Bell, a journalist, questioned in his last life.

The teachings of science, learning, and teaching are more complicated. Simply put, they believe that everyone is reincarnated and immortal, and they divide believers into various levels according to the ladder. Only those who reach the highest level can achieve "eternal life". And to achieve a level upgrade, you must pay tuition fees and take courses in a ship sailing at sea.

In this regard, Evan Bell thinks it is very interesting. Why do people believe that they can use money to improve their "level" and finally achieve immortality? Is this the same as Qin Shihuang's pursuit of immortality? Of course, it is undeniable that the spiritual world of rich people is relatively empty and normal. Evan Bell went to find some information in his last life and looked at it, and the more he looked, the more interesting it became.

The teachings of Science, Science and Teaching warn that even "purified" believers are still in great danger to their souls, unless they go to a higher level, which of course is more expensive. There is a leaked church price list, which is very fruitless. New recruits participate in the "advisory meeting" at $1,000 per hour, and strengtheners are $12,500 for twelve and a half hours.

At that time, Evan Bell did not have any research on psychology, but he had seen the remarks of psychologists. These conferences were carefully designed, starting from people's psychology, so that the audience could have a mental pleasure like taking drugs. Keep consumers coming back for more. These people can become therapists themselves and receive commissions from the new members they recruit, or join church jobs and enjoy free hearings and counseling in exchange for signing labor contracts known as "millenniums."

One of the reasons why the development of science, science and education is so rapid is because they have focused their attention on celebrities, and Hollywood stars have become the biggest targets. Tom Cruise's first wife was a member of Science, and he was introduced to the sect by her.

An American magazine conducted more than 150 interviews and reviewed hundreds of court records and internal science and teaching materials. The survey revealed a rosy picture of a thriving business. According to court documents, Scientology's "spirituality" had revenue of $503 million in 1987 alone. Science, learning, and teaching have become a huge, global money-making machine. This is really scary.

Of course, if science, learning, and teaching just rely on people's beliefs and frailty to make money, then it's not a "cult", at most it just uses psychology to make money.

The important thing is that science, learning and teaching violated personal will, forced to join the organization and illegally imprisoned, which is called "purification". During this so-called "purification" process, believers will be detained, ranging from fasting food and water to complete "purification", and in severe cases, abuse and violence. Because of the purification process, many people died before and after.

In 2009, the "New York Times" broke the shocking secret that Science, Science and Education imprisoned and abused believers in a place called "Golden Base". The "Golden Base" is real, and many Hollywood stars have recorded promotional videos for this base.

For decades, most believers never knew about this secret base. It is a property purchased by the church 150 kilometers southeast of Los Angeles, covering an area of ​​more than 20,000 acres. It not only has offices, churches, dormitories, but also spa treatments, movie theaters and golf courses. The base looks like a hot spring resort, but it is surrounded by sharp fences. There are vibration sensing devices on the ground at the entrance and exit. There is also a sniper post bunker on the hillside in the distance, overlooking the entire building.

In the "New York Times" revelation, Rasburn, a former senior manager of Science and Teaching and in charge of doctrine and legal strategy, reached an agreement with the court last year to testify against Science and Teaching. In this testimony, Rasburn stated that he refused to carry out the orders of the "histor" Miscavec, and was unwilling to corporally punish the believers who did not obey the order, so he was locked in the "cave" of the "Golden Base" in 2004. . The so-called "caves" are two widened RV compartments that house 80 to 100 punished believers. "They made us repent day and night," Rathburn said in his report.

Rathburn also said that Miscavage arrived at the "cave" to host a chair-snatching game for punished believers. He turned up the volume on the speakers and played Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody." When the music stopped, the congregants who didn't get their chairs were sent to more remote places to be imprisoned. The game didn't end until four in the morning, and the devotees beat and kicked each other to grab a chair.

Another witness, Walker, who was present at the time, explained that many believers in the "cave" were unable to communicate with the outside world, were penniless, and even did not have any identification documents, and were afraid of being abandoned by the church again.

After the "New York Times" news broke, a huge wave was set off in the United States, and the accusations against science, learning and teaching reached a peak, and even the FBI joined the investigation. However, the U.S. federal court still did nothing, and only said that "the evidence is insufficient to prosecute, and the case has not yet been closed."

Evan Bell remembers that after the Tom Cruise divorce case broke out in 2012, science, learning, and education on the cusp of the storm were still not banned, and the US government still did not act, but other countries around the world were on alert. Even in the United States, in fact, the voices of criticism have risen from wave to wave, making the "Christians" miserable. As far as Evan Bell is concerned, this is a "cult", no doubt about it.

Although an incredible non-scientific event like rebirth happened to Evan Bell, he always believed that a belief needs to hurt itself to achieve its purpose, which is completely unbelievable.

It's just, I didn't expect that Paul Haggis is actually a believer in science. I learned from his conversation just now that he was a believer in this church before he became a screenwriter in the 1980s. Moreover, going to the Berlin Film Festival to seek the opportunity to "crash" was also the opinion of the church. Sure enough, he met Evan Bell and was successful. Therefore, Paul Haggis is even more convinced of the church.

"I think you should really look into the situation, although I still can't get into the teachings, but maybe you can, you can go and read the book 'Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health', which is ha Bird's writings are also the theoretical basis of our teaching." Paul Haggis said cheerfully, he was a little too excited today, and his voice broke repeatedly when he spoke. It is estimated that the vocal cords will not work properly tomorrow.

What? It's ridiculous that Paul Haggis came to teach himself...

"You haven't penetrated the teachings yet? Then you still believe? Isn't faith the one that should be devoted to? Many people have memorized the Bible by Evan Bell said with a half-smiling smile, It was the first complete sentence he uttered tonight. Although the tongue still has some disadvantages, it is no longer fragmented.

Paul Haggis didn't hear the sarcasm in Evan Bell's words, but explained it seriously, "You can't deny my right to believe because I'm not smart enough. Although I still don't understand a lot about the doctrine. There is a place, but I have the spirit of Hubbard in my heart. Every time I feel depressed, I can always find support in the church." Speaking of which, Paul Haggis seemed to think of something, watching Evan Bell had a radiant expression on his face, "By the way, didn't you study psychology? Our teachings are based on psychology. Believe me, you will definitely be able to find resonance."

Oh god... Evan Bell felt it would be more appropriate to stand behind Jesus, and of course the Jade Emperor would be a good choice.

"No, I think I'll forget it." Evan Bell said these words very neatly, leaving no room for him, and refused directly.

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