Great Artist

Chapter 1015: replenish blood



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Life hasn't been easy lately for Kurt-DePablo, who has been out of work for nearly six months after finishing her work on "The Jury" last year. .In fact, since graduating from college in 2000, her life has not been easy. After making cameo appearances in three TV series, she ushered in a fixed role in the TV series "The Jury" last year, but unfortunately the series did not get it at all. Any effect, and soon she was out of a job again.

Today, Cote de Pablo slept until noon and didn't get up because she was worried that she would get up too early, and there was no solution for breakfast and lunch. She only had the ability to enjoy one meal, which she set for the evening. . In this regard, she can only comfort herself by losing weight. After all, for actresses, keeping in shape can't be more important, isn't it?

After getting up, Kurt Pablo dragged her body again to the Screen Actors Guild on Wilton Avenue. She had to look for a job opportunity. Otherwise, what could she do, either continue to look for a job or go to the restaurant to serve dishes. So even though she's been at SAG for two weeks in a row, she has to keep going. Fortunately, there are quite a few "homeless people" in the Actors Guild of America, and the staff have long been accustomed to this situation, so she doesn't have to worry about being scorned. On the contrary, there are free refreshments at the Screen Actors Guild office, and that tiramisu tastes very good.

Thinking of the free refreshments, Kurt DePablo moved a little more briskly. When she arrived on Wilshire Boulevard, it was two o'clock in the afternoon, when the sun was at its fullest. She frowned and walked forward, mumbling about the big meal she would like to eat if she were rich, as she unzipped her jacket and continued on. Row.

The phone rang, and Kurt Pablo immediately became excited. Could it be that there was an interview notice? It couldn't be better. Kurt DePablo stood where he was, and after calming himself down a bit, answered the phone. Sure enough, it was a call from the Actors Guild of America. She managed to resist her urge to jump up. After patiently listening to the explanation on the other end of the phone, she didn't even have time to think, she just replied, "I'll be right now. Right there, right away. Thank you, thank you for calling."

As soon as the phone hung up, Kurt de Pablo quickly rushed towards Building 5757. While running, her brain flashed a few words from the phone call just now: Ewen Bell, "NCIS, "And... work! She's about to get a job, no, she's about to get an interview for a job, what could be more wonderful? Yes, that means she successfully passed the interview and got the job!

Standing in the elevator, pressing the "seven" button, Kurt DePablo hurriedly took out a rubber band, tied his hair, and combed it into a ponytail. He looked down at his outfit, black sweater jeans, brown leather jacket, very good. It's not formal, but it's not rude. Kurt DePablo kept breathing deeply, reminding himself to stay calm and take this interview well. However, what kind of crew is this interview coming from?

".Ding". The elevator stopped on the seventh floor, and Kurt de Pablo paused, stepped out of the elevator, and the gate of the Screen Actors Guild was in front of him.

Entering the door, reporting his name at the front desk and explaining his intention, Kurt de Pablo soon saw Evan Bell sitting at the door of the reception room not far away. It's Evan Bell! Curt de Pablo was taken aback, and then she realized she seemed to be missing something important. By the way, "Evan Bell, NCIS, work," she had been focusing on "work" just now, completely ignoring the two important words in front of her.

Kurt DePablo couldn't help but stopped, facing the glass door at the door, reconfirmed that his hair was not messy, and then walked in the direction of Evan Bell. But at this time, Evan Bell was talking to two people, she hesitated, and felt that it seemed very rude to step forward to disturb the other party, so she stood there and waited for them to finish their conversation before stepping forward.

Waiting is always easy to make people nervous, not to mention that it is a waiting that involves his future. Kurt DePablo thinks that if it takes a while, he should explode. Should he explode before he explodes? He stepped forward and told Evan Bell that she was the one who came for the interview.

"Hey, I think you're Miss Pablo." Evan Bell's voice came over, interrupting Kurt de Fearbro's thoughts, and she responded subconsciously, "Yes! ” A decisive answer, neat and eloquent, like a soldier.

This crisp answer shocked the two people next to them, and they quickly turned around and left.

Kurt DePablo couldn't help being a little annoyed, annoyed by his recklessness, but when he looked up, he saw Evan Bell's bright smile, and he didn't mind at all, "I just hope to have an interview with you. Evan Bell, producer of NCIS," Evan Bell introduced himself.

"Curted Pablo. It's an honor to meet you, and thank you very much for giving me this interview opportunity." Kurt de Pablo stretched out his right hand to hold Evan Bell's right hand, and shook it for two down, and then let go.

The two walked to the adjacent waiting room and sat down on both sides of the table. Evan - Bell also not much (--house fastest update


) politeness. In the Screen Actors Guild interview, like other job interviews, politeness does not have much effect. After greetings and self-introduction, you can enter the interview. "I have seen your works 'The Jury' and 'Mambo Song King' and I am very impressed. I have a job in hand now, I don't know if you are interested."

Kurt Pablo was a little surprised. He didn't think that Bell, the dog, had even seen "The Jury." He looked so busy, and news about him was everywhere on the news. Although there are doubts in her mind, her questions and answers are very organized, "Can you explain in detail what the role is?" She is very eager for this job, and the other party is Evan Bell is absolutely trustworthy, but because of the As an actor, she still hopes to have a better understanding of the role, which is responsible for herself and for the role and the crew.

Evan Bell seemed to have anticipated the reactions of Kurt and DePablo, and said without pause, "First of all, it is the role of the 'Navy Criminal Investigation Service' in the white-vision drama, if you are interested , you can go and watch this show, I hope you don't hate it."

Kurt de Pablo heard Evan Bell's relaxed and mocking tone, and his mood relaxed a little, and he couldn't help but smile, "Secondly, this role is the female character of the investigation team, the female character in the current play. Kate will leave the cast after the season ends, so a new blood is needed. There is not much conception for this character at present, and the writers and I will come up with a framework. But my current thinking is, capable, Murderous, not afraid of confrontation, there may be unknown hurts in her heart, only she knows her vulnerability. She can handle the relationship with male colleagues well, usually looks like a man, but only after familiarity Only then will the femininity in her be gradually excavated."

With Evan Bell's description, Kurt DePablo's excitement became more and more obvious, and she could hardly hold back. The role does fit her well, and there's a lot to dig into. The most important thing is, "Sorry, Mr. Bell, I heard you just now, this role is a fixed role?"

"Yes, it's a fixed role, not a rotation or a cameo." Evan Bell said with a smile, "Otherwise, I wouldn't need to directly name and hope to see you."

Kurt DePablo took a deep breath, she had to calm herself down and not let the joy go to her head, "I wonder how long you want to sign? What about the salary?" Although she opened her mouth every time Just wanted to say "I said yes," but she still tried to keep herself organized, which was a necessary process.

"You can talk about the specific situation when you sign the contract. I think the crew will give you a suitable condition. However, if the contract is for a period of time, I would like to sign it for one year. Look at the situation after that, and then negotiate the renewal." Evan -Bell has also been prepared for a long time, and this method is also the basic contract of TV actors.

Kurt Pablo found that it was really a pie from the sky, the conditions were indeed the best, and it was still a fixed role. "Mr. Bell, I think I'm honored to join the 'NCIS' crew." Finally, Kurt DePablo was able to release the longing in her heart. She spoke quickly, lest she speak slowly, and she would Miss this opportunity in general.

Evan Bell looked at the joy of Kurt de and also smiled. "This is executive producer Sean Bonan's business card. You will report to Burbank's studio at 9:00 a.m. tomorrow and talk to him about the specific contract."

"No problem." Kurt de Pablo took the business card, looked at Evan Bell, hesitated and asked, "Mr. Bell, why me, I mean, there are so many actors... ".

Evan-Bell shrugged and gave a big smile, "I think it's because you fit the role." It was a formal politeness, "Also, I can imagine you being on the NCIS team. It will be a very good picture." After speaking, Evan Bell waved his hand, turned and left. Leaving the reception room, also left the Screen Actors Guild.

Kurt DePablo stood there, dazed for a long time, but did not return to his senses, but the expression on the corner of his mouth was always smiling.

After leaving the Actors Guild of America, Evan Bell called Sean Bonan, "I've found Sasha's successor, I'll go to the studio at nine o'clock tomorrow morning to find you, my name is: Kou Ted Pablo."

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