Great Artist

Chapter 1022: song and dance movie

Traxonan let everyone continue to warm up, and after ordering everything, he walked out of the rehearsal room and looked at Evan Bell who was standing there against the wall. Although Evan Bell was raised by Travi Naen, it can be said that he has experienced the entire growth process of Evan Bell, but every time he saw his disciple, Traran Naen still couldn't help but feel satisfy.

Looking at the achievements Evan Bell has achieved now, it is enough to make countless people look up. Even if he puts on a star air, it is a natural thing. But Evan Bell has been the same from beginning to end, still devoting himself to the cause he loves. Not long ago, the media broke the news that Evan Bell's next work is likely to be another pornographic movie with an investment of no more than eight million dollars. Now that many film companies are waving 20 million in remuneration and expecting Evan Bell to join, he always seems to be shooting "Death Illusion" without any change. This is too precious.

"Why did you suddenly think of coming to the theater?" Traxonan pointed in the direction of the exit.

The dog Bell frowned, "You're not going to drink that coffee like monkey urine, are you?" with an expression of gratitude and insensitivity.

Travie-Nan originally wanted to be a little more serious, but he couldn't hold back, he laughed and said, "I'm used to it when I drink it." He didn't deny it.

Evan-Bell could only slump his shoulders, and reluctantly followed Travinaen's side, and walked out together, "How are you, how are you feeling recently?" Travi-Nann last summer vacation , Because I was too tired, my body had a lot of problems. Although it was not a big problem, it was really worrying, so I decided to rest.

Travi Naan waved his hand, "Don't be like Immo, keep nagging." Imogen - Naan, the third wife of Travi - Naan, married for 1 year, and now Been together for ten years.

The dog Bell shook his head helplessly. Terra Ranaen is seventy-four years old this year, and some minor physical problems are normal. Judging from his current spirit, he is already in good shape. It's just that there is no way to direct his beloved drama again, and it's still a little boring to think about it.

"I'm serious. I have a work that I want you to direct. If you're not in good health, then forget it."

Evan Bell said while taking out his wallet and buying two cups of coffee at the door.

Travie-Nan's whole body suddenly came to his senses, "What? Do you have a work you want to find me? Really, what is it?"

After paying the money, Belle stood by the counter and said "So..."

Travi-Nan was stunned for a moment. "Oh, my body is very good, really, very good. You see, I go to the theater every day to supervise the practice. I have absolutely no problems with my body."

Seeing the teacher's positive appearance, Evan-Bei//The fastest text update--no ads//I couldn't help laughing, and he knew that Travi-Nane was someone who couldn't sit still after all. The plan that En-Mayer proposed to him is indeed very suitable for Trassona, and it is now to see if he is interested.

"That's it, a screenwriter under my company wrote a script, a movie script, and we think it's very feasible. But I'm not interested, but it's a pity to miss it, so I want to ask you if you're willing to take over, Challenge the role of a director once. If you're not interested, I'll sell the script to Disney, and they're also very interested." Evan Bell didn't have a social rhetoric to say when he faced Travie Nann, the situation How to say it directly, there is no need to hide it.

When Travinaen heard it was a "movie script", he didn't react for a while, but then he understood that Bell was originally from the movie and TV part, and had no direct business connection with Broadway. Nothing but normal. "I'm curious, you actually want me to challenge the director, what script, tell me."

When it comes to the world-famous musical movies, there are countless works such as "Sing in the Rain", "The Sound of Music", "Chicago" and so on. Among the many musical movies, there is one work that has an unattainable influence among teenagers. It can be said that young people are really involved in music movies, and then even led to the birth of a series of derivatives. This work is "High School Musical".

"High School Musical" was originally just a TV movie launched by Disney on its own channel, and did not give too much weight. But I didn't expect that after this TV movie was broadcast on Disney Channel, it caused a frenzy around the world, created the highest ratings in Disney Channel history, and created a miracle of 160 million viewers worldwide. . Later, related teen novels derived from "High School Musical" became popular, Disneyland theme shows were also very popular, forty-five concerts in North America were sold out, and the tour even visited five South American countries. At the same time, there is also the launch of the stage version. The soundtrack of the TV movie won the album sales champion in z year, and the dvd sales also ranked first in the chart.

Since then, the musical trend caused by "High School Musical" has swept across the United States, and a series of youth musical films have sprung up. The fierce year of z directly gave birth to a song and dance TV series "Glee". This TV series broke the ten-year **** of "American Idol" on the ratings chart, created a series of miracles, and was known as a phenomenon. The works, the soundtracks, actors, and songs accompanying the TV series are all extremely popular. It can be said that as long as anything related to "Glee" will instantly become popular.

It can be said that a series of youth phenomena caused by "High School Musical" can definitely be said to be a cultural innovation.

And the new plan that Evan Bell received is the script of "High School Musical". The screenwriter of this phenomenal work, Pete Bassochenyi, is unknown—in fact, he is not known for anything other than "High School Musical." The screenwriter's script for "High School Musical" at Studio Eleven is now in the hands of Sean Mayer. Sean Mayer really doesn't know how to define such a work.

To say that it is excellent, this script is indeed not excellent, it is just a simple high school love story, don't say "but not lost", it is actually the most simple and clichéd campus story. From the story alone, it can even be described as "boring".

But it's clumsy, but it's not the case. The script combines the story and the music. The most important thing for musical films is that the music and the story cannot be separated, and there must be interaction between the two. This is done well. It is worth mentioning that after entering the third season of "Glee", the ratings dropped sharply, because the story was led by the nose by the music, and it became a fictional story for the sake of singing. In short, it is a collection of music videos.

Therefore, Sean Mayer's judgment on the script of "High School Musical" was inaccurate, so he took it to Evan Bell, hoping that he could make a judgment.

As far as Egabel is concerned, he likes the "High School Musical" series of films very much, because it is a teenage work that can be enjoyed simply and easily without any burden. Note that the modifier "teenager" must exist. Secondly, the music in the movie is really good, catchy and has a high rate of singing.

Of course, if you like it, you like it. If Evan Bell is asked to direct or act, he will be grateful. This movie does not have any test for acting skills, and the characters are not attractive. Let Evan Bell, who has challenged works such as "Pirates of the Caribbean" and "Brokeback Mountain", play "High School Musical" and he will be bored. to fall asleep. As for the director's words, Evan Bell really thinks that he should concentrate on shooting "Little Miss Sunshine".

However, if Eleven Studios wanted to make the movie "High School Musical", Ewen Bell would not object. After hesitating, the name of Travi Nahn appeared in Evan Bell's mind. As an excellent stage director, Travi-Nan has an excellent ability to grasp the interaction between song and dance and the plot, and it is not bad to choose a movie like "High School Musical" when transitioning from a stage director to a film director s Choice. What's more, Terra Ranaen, who is now idle at home, can pick up the guide tube and open up a new road. Movies are a lot easier than Broadway - and it is also a good choice.

But these are all Evan Bell's own He still needs to ask Trabanaan's opinion. If Terra Ranaen is unwilling, Evan Bell will not be reluctant.

After all, it is unknown whether he will be willing to make a big director who has directed such big production stage plays as "Cats", "Nine" and "Oklahoma" to let him shoot a teen movie.

After listening to Bell's elaboration, Terra Ranaen didn't answer immediately, "So, you want me to direct this movie, a movie for high school students?" "High School Musical (h*cdm., uuue name shows, this is a story of artemisia, which is indeed a bit difficult for Travi-Nan to adapt to.

Evan Bell shook his head with a smile, "It's not that I want you to direct, but I ask if you are interested in directing." This is a big difference. "Travi, if you are not interested, tell me directly, I'm fine." Evan Bell glanced at Traxonan, saw that he had no intention of speaking, and continued, "I just think, first of all, this is a song and dance movie; second, this It is a song and dance movie that is closest to young people. Compared with 'Chicago', this work should attract the attention of many young people. I think this may be an opportunity for young people to re-understand stage play. Compared with me , aren't you more suitable?"

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