Great Artist

Chapter 1025: earning opportunities

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"She needs me now, but I can't find the time. I finally found a new job..." Evan Bell was writing down what was in his head on his manuscript paper, but it wasn't really a song at all, it was a simple story, and the writing is very ordinary. But, isn't every song a story//fastest text update--no ads//thing? Singing the story in combination with the melody and expressing the emotion in the heart through the notes is the most moving thing, isn't it?

However, Evan Bell's thoughts were interrupted by the boy in front of him.

The boy looked like the boyfriend of the girl opposite, he sat down beside the girl, "Don't give up, we will all be fine, okay?"

The girl pushed the boy's hand away in frustration, "How? In what way?" The boy was speechless.

Evan Bell lowered his head, did not speak, and did not intend to interfere with the couple in front of him. After all, he was just a strange bystander, wasn't he?

When faced with difficulties, people always like to say, "everything will be fine" and "time will heal everything", but what people often overlook is that, indeed, time can heal everything, but if you don't cooperate and don't work hard, then Time can also completely destroy a person. It’s like being sick. If the patient treats negatively and doesn’t cooperate with the treatment, then what they are waiting for is being swallowed up by the germs. To make “everything get better”, the patient must actively treat the treatment and work hard to live, even if the disease still cannot be cured in the end. Radical cure, but at least, during the period of struggling to fight the pain, I have worked hard and faced life with a smile, so I have no regrets.

It's not easy to work hard in the big city of New York, but at least you have to work hard, otherwise, you will not take the initiative to find your door in the future. Not all say. A pie from the sky may make people rich overnight, but it may also crush people to death. That's the truth.

The boy held the girl's hand. With a pleading look on his face, he said, "Let's look for a job together, don't be knocked down by reality, okay? No matter how hard it is to find a job, as long as we are willing to work hard and start from the plate, there is bound to be a job that suits us. Isn't it? At least, I won't let you eat cold pizza for lunch again. Please don't give up on me, okay? Let's work together, let's work together..."

The boy's earnestness made Evan Bell's pen stop, at least, he was working hard. Then, the girl's low whimpering voice came over, and Evan Bell saw the girl fall into the boy's arms out of the corner of his eyes. All the frustration and suffering in the heart are released.

Husbands and wives are birds of the same forest, and when disaster strikes, they fly separately. The word "share weal and woe" is not something that can be achieved by any one, and the stories of true love in adversity have become less and less in this cold society. Unexpectedly, the two young people in front of him allowed Evan Bell to see such a rare sight.

Intermittently, Evan Bell can describe the story of the young couple who traveled across the ocean from Dublin to New York to work hard. American dream, many people have a great dream and landed in the United States, a country of immigrants, hoping to realize their vision of life here. But life is not as good as it should be, and the two people in front of them are in a dilemma. They will be frustrated, disappointed and painful, but they never give up hope, they support each other. Hope to be able to make a breakthrough in the life of suffering.

However, will the icy forest constructed by New York's reinforced concrete allow this couple who support each other to find a future? Or, does the true love of two people end in farewell in the face of cruel reality? Evan Bell hopes it's the former, at least let him believe it. There is still love in this world.

"Hey, there." Evan Bell put down the pen in his hand and shouted to the young couple opposite, and the two looked at Evan Bell in surprise, "I have a way to make you earn a money, are you interested?"

After Evan Bell said this, the two did not show the joyful expressions they expected, but instead looked at Evan Bell with a wary expression. After thinking about it, Evan Bell patted his head angrily. He was too reckless just now. Imagine that a strange man suddenly said to you "I can make you some money". Anyone would be suspicious, and 80% would associate it with negative things like drugs and prostitutes.

Evan Bell did not blame the nervous couple in front of him, he raised his baseball cap with a helpless smile, "I mean, I have a small performance on the street, are you willing to help? As for the pay, you can watch it after the show, how about it? It won't take you too much time, at most half an hour before and after. I think there is no problem with letting you at least have lunch."

Evan Bell found himself singing a one-man show, and he kindly wanted to help the couple, but he was very happy to talk here alone, but the two of them didn't respond, and they looked like they saw a ghost. Evan Bell couldn't help shrugging, "It's okay, it's normal if you don't want to..." Since he wanted to help and the other party didn't appreciate it, he should continue to be his stranger.

"Bei...Bell?" The boy said hesitantly, "Evan Bell?"

Evan Bell laughed dumbly, "I would be happier if you didn't have to look at me like a ghost." Although he knew that he suddenly said that he was Evan Bell, it was estimated that others would be surprised, but the couple in front of him His expression was so funny that he couldn't help laughing.

"Ah... Evan Bell!" The girl suddenly screamed, and there were less than twenty people in the entire cafe, and all of them turned their heads and looked over in an instant. This made Evan Bell embarrassed. Should he press down the baseball cap and pretend that the other party recognized the wrong person, or... Thinking of what was going to happen in a while, Evan Bell stood up and took off the baseball cap , said sorry to everyone with a smile, "I'm sorry to disturb everyone's coffee."

Seeing Evan Bell's handsome face, in an instant, there was a commotion in the entire cafe.

The girl covered her mouth and looked at Evan Bell in horror, "Hold... I'm sorry, I didn't mean it." She seemed to realize that she had caused Evan Bell a lot of trouble.

Evan Bell waved his hand, smiled and said, "Sorry, I eavesdropped on your conversation and peeped at your postcard." Evan Bell pointed to the postcard on the table, "If you don't go to the courthouse If you sue me for spying on personal **, I think I can help you solve your problem."

In the face of Evan Bell's humor, the couple in front of him still stared at Evan Bell in a stunned manner, and seemed to have no response at all, especially the girl, she couldn't believe it at all, Evan Bell sat in such a big way. In front of her, and her attitude just now was still so impatient... and the customers around the coffee shop quietly gathered here. The cafe became lively.

"But...but..." The boy didn't seem to be very comfortable with Evan Bell's friendliness and generosity, and he stammered.

Evan Bell smiled and pointed to the drawing paper in front of him, "Just treat it as a reward for you to provide me with inspiration. Your story, let me write two songs, is your story." There is another sentence. Evan Bell did not say, this is also the story of Catherine Bell, the story of everyone who embraces the American dream.

"Two songs... this..." The boys and girls were a little overwhelmed, and they didn't seem to know how to react to all this sudden. At the same time, my head is still calculating, how much time has passed just now, ten minutes? twenty minutes? Evan Bell actually composed two songs, this speed...

"Our story?" The girls still don't quite believe it. What stories did they inspire Evan Bell?

Evan Bell smiled, "Yes, your story is very simple, but a very special story." He didn't intend to explain too much. After all, it is difficult to describe the creative inspiration. Strictly speaking, it should be said that the story of this couple made Evan Bell think of Catherine Bell's story, and it also reminded him of all the stories of holding dreams but bowing their heads in front of life, and even more reminding him of still facing hardships. A beautiful love that knows each other. Evan Bell is not a nosy person. He just hopes that the couple in front of him will not give up, and let this cold world at least retain the red color that belongs to love, so he put forward a proposal to help.

"If you're willing to run, you can help me get to the Broadway theater not far away, and I'll have someone deliver the guitar to the door of the You can take the guitar back here, that's all." Evan Bell did not continue to explain, but turned his head and said to the boy, who nodded ignorantly, "Of course, if you are too excited, shout 'Evan Bell will be on Broadway Avenue and Three. The "Street Performance at the Crossroads of Eighteenth Street" is also a good publicity effect. "Evan Bell actually just said it casually, but the boy actually lowered his head and recited some words. After confirming that he had memorized it, he kissed his girlfriend's face and then ran out quickly.

"Evan... Do you really have a street performance here for a while?" Some of the customers who were watching couldn't help but asked aloud.

Evan Bell turned his head and said with a smile, "Of course, especially for this..." Evan Bell turned his head and glanced at the girl across from him. The girl didn't understand at first, so she said in a panic. To, "Della, Della-Wells," "This Miss Welles and her dear boyfriend acted."

"Come on, let's go to the street." Evan Bell stood up and said refreshingly.

"Don't wait for David to come back with the guitar..." The girl also stood up in a panic, the situation was completely chaotic.

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