Great Artist

Chapter 1042: acquisition plan

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In June of 2005, Evan Bell did not participate in this year's summer vacation, but its lively scene will not weaken at all. When Evan Bell was in full swing to film "Little Sunshine", the North American summer movie market showed a thriving scene.

Since "Spider-Man" in 2002 swept $800 million at the global box office, and beat "The Lord of the Rings" and "Harry Potter" to become the year-end box office champion, the North American market has officially ushered in a full-scale hero movie market. recovery. Last year, the great success of "Spider-Man 2" and the animated "Incredibles" also boosted the major film companies' confidence in movies adapted from comic heroes. This year, Warner Bros. ambitiously created the "Batman Prequel Movie" Mystery..." will finally take to the big screen, announcing that the Batman movie will be restarted after seven years.

Seven years ago, Josh Schumacher's "Batman and Robin" failed both at the box office and in word of mouth, putting the Batman series under tremendous pressure, and Warner Bros. had to temporarily seal the heroic image of Batman for a while. Now, the new potential director Christopher Nolan has taken over the guide tube and started the journey of the Batman series again. In the early stage of publicity, "The Mystery of the Batman Prequel..." has received huge attention from the media, looking forward to what this movie will do in the summer.

The summer of 2005 was kicked off by the epic blockbuster "Kingdom of Heaven" starring Orlando Bloom, but unfortunately, this 140 million-dollar blockbuster film, even with Orlando Bloom, Edward — The blessing of Norton, Liam-Neeson and other huge lineups still failed to recover the two-year decline of epic movies. In the first week, the box office only won the championship with 25 million US dollars, and then the box office plummeted by 10% in the second week. Fifty. It seems that the most expensive film in 20th Century Fox's history is going to be lost again.

Later, "Star Wars: Episode 3 Revenge of the Sith" really allowed people to appreciate the madness of the summer season, winning the championship for three consecutive weeks. Then DreamWorks produced the cartoon "Madagascar" Brad-Pitt and Angelina Jolie starring "Mr. and Mrs. Smith" respectively, which also made the 2005 summer season officially enter the ranks of the strife. In this case, "The Mystery of the Batman Prequel..." was officially released, joining this hot war.

Evan Bell originally planned to attend the premiere. After all, this was Christopher Nolan's official stage performance. As a friend, Evan Bell felt that it was very important to show support. But because he had just been in a car accident and the shooting of "Little Sunshine" was busy, Christopher Nolan seriously rejected Evan Bell's kindness, believing that his health must come first. Instead, Evan Bell shot a video and played it at the premiere, showing his support for Christopher Nolan.

This is the first time Evan Bell appeared in public after being injured in a car accident, and it must have caused countless topics. Even if Evan Bell himself appeared at the scene, it is estimated that this is the effect. In any case, Christopher Nolan still received Evan Bell's support for his friends.

In addition, Teddy Bell also rarely appeared at the premiere. Although he did not walk on the red carpet, he still made Christopher Nolan very happy. Not only did Teddy Bell represent Eleven Studios and Evan Bell at the premiere, he also had another mission on his hands today.

Barry Mayer, the current CEO of Warner Bros., also appeared on the scene today as Warner Bros. rebooted the first film of the Batman franchise. In addition, Thomas Lansing, who has a good personal relationship with Barry-Mayer, will also be there.

Thomas Lansing, owner of New Market Pictures. Teddy Bell's task is exactly the acquisition plan of New Market Pictures. He needs to contact Thomas Lansing a few more times. If Barry Mayer is willing to be the middleman to facilitate this, it will be all the better. .

The reason why Teddy Bell worked so hard was because he wanted Thomas Lansing to become the operating officer of Eleven Studio's publishing department.

Speaking of Thomas Lansing, he is only forty-five years old this year, which is indeed very young among the leaders of the ** Film Company. Thomas Lansing started from TV, as a TV producer at the earliest. Since the 1990s, Thomas Lansing started from the basics and gradually came into contact with the film production business. He can be seen behind works such as The Kramers", "Instinct" and "Saving Private Ryan". In 1994, Thomas Lansing established the New Market Film Company, which has successively released outstanding t-works such as "Memento" and "Death Illusion", and also produced "The Devil" and "Whale Rider". Oscar-nominated and even winning films. So far, the tenth anniversary of the founding of New Market Pictures, although not as well-known as Lionsgate, Fox Searchlight, and Focus Pictures, it still has a very good reputation in the industry.

At the beginning of the year, after Eleven Studio decided to develop the distribution department, Teddy Bell also learned about the leaders of each company while inspecting the company, hoping to find a qualified, experienced and experienced person for Eleven Studio. competent management personnel. After all, after David Greenblatt left, Eleven Studios is indeed lacking in this regard. And Thomas Lansing is a very suitable candidate for Teddy Bell. He has rich experience, has a fanatical preference for pornographic films, has a wide network of people in the circle, and has a very clear development plan for the new market film industry. It would be great if Thomas Lansing could join Eleven Studios with New Market Pictures.

In addition, Curt Laporte at the helm of Roadside Scenery is also very suitable to be in charge of Eleven production, or become Thomas Lansing's deputy. Curt-Laporte, who is only 35 years old this year, has only established the roadside landscape film industry for less than two years, but his preference for pornographic movies is not a secret. Although he has not achieved much so far, Evan -Bell is very fancy to him. The best-case scenario is to complete the expected acquisition, and then hire Thomas Lansing and Kurt Laporte to work at Eleven Studios, then the future development path of Eleven Studios will be much clearer.

Teddy Bell didn't walk the red carpet. After congratulating Christopher Nolan in the theater, he stepped aside. After Thomas Lansing appeared, Teddy Bell did not rush forward, and still calmly chatted with the guests who arrived at the scene today. However, there were only so many people at the premiere, and it was just a simple half-circle, and Teddy Bell met Thomas Lansing.

"Hey, Teddy, I didn't expect to meet you here." Thomas Lansing was all too familiar with this kind of politeness in social situations, and came up with a surprised look.

Teddy Bell's simple and honest face showed a shy smile, "Evan is injured and can't attend. I came here specifically to congratulate Chris." This is what Teddy Bell is best at, his picture I don't know how many people have been fooled by the extremely deceptive simple and honest face.

"Is Evan all right? Look at those news that are written very seriously." Thomas Lansing also asked politely.

The two of you came to me like this, greeted me a few times, and then turned away. If you don't know the truth, you really think that the two of you just met and exchanged a few words. When Teddy Bell and Barry Meyer met, Barry Meyer saw through Teddy Bell's thoughts at a glance, "Is it for Thomas today?" Barry Meyer and the Bell brothers had several dealings , These two brothers are not hard bones to chew on, so he didn't plan to beat around the bush, he just said with a smile.

Teddy Bell was not so stupid, and smiled, "Isn't Chris' movie premiere today? Don't you forget that Chris is an artist of our company, and you and Evan should have a face-to-face talk about the cooperation of this film. of."

It's good that Teddy Bell didn't mention it, but Barry Mayer felt depressed immediately when he brought it up, but he was not a soft persimmon, "Very well, it seems that you didn't come for Thomas, I talked to Thomas yesterday about Eleven. The studio wants to acquire a new market. It seems that you don't want to talk about business today, so let's talk about it another day." If there was another person in front of him, Barry-Mayer would probably change the subject directly, pretending that it didn't happen. But the person in front of him was Teddy Bell, and Barry Mayer knew that if he didn't throw the bait, it would not be easy for Teddy Bell to "give up".

Hearing Barry Mayer's words, Teddy Bell is not in a hurry, he is not a idiot who has just left the world, "Really? I didn't expect you and Thomas to have such a good relationship, and you will talk about the acquisition. It seems that if Warner wants to acquire new markets, it is estimated that it should be very smooth." Universal Pictures is now acquiring DreamWorks It is relying on the personal friendship of Lang Mayer and Steven Spielberg achieved.

Barry Mayer was not angry when Teddy Bell was blocked like this. Anyway, he had the upper hand. Even if Teddy Bell beat around the bush, the ultimate goal would not change. Sure enough, Teddy Bell then said, "According to your tone, the new market is indeed considering selling it? Eleven Studio went to inquire about it last time, but the price is really tricky.

It seems that the new market has listened to Warner's newspaper, and it is inevitable that the vision will be high. "Teddy Bell said this paradoxically, and immediately picked up the topic.

Barry-Mayer couldn't help laughing. This Teddy-Bell became more and more talkative. He calmly gave himself a step down, and then naturally raised the topic to the acquisition issue. It's not embarrassing, and it doesn't fall behind, so Barry-Mayer has to talk about it, "Warner doesn't mean it, but looking at the recent actions of Eleven Studio, it seems that there are a lot of ideas."

Teddy Bell didn't let Barry Mayer continue, he cut off the conversation and said, "We do have ideas. Since Warner is boring, I wonder if you can help us connect?"

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