Great Artist

Chapter 1046: Stationed at No. 9

1046 Stationed at No. 9

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Prince Street is located in the lower part of New York City. This ordinary neighborhood has become one of the most prosperous tourist attractions in New York because of the existence of "Eleven Studio". -/ --Ad full text

No. 11 Prince Street is not only the residence of the Bell family, but the custom-made suit business on the first floor is still open to the outside world, which is very lively. The building No. 10 next to No. 11 is the famous "Eleven Studio" office space. Unlike those large film companies that rent office buildings, or even buy land to build a building as an office base, Studio Eleven is still only a small workshop, and there are fewer than five staff members resident at No. 10 Prince Street. Only ten. However, not long ago, Eleven Studio leased 9 Prince Street next door to expand the office space again.

No. 9 Prince Street was originally a warehouse and was affiliated with a textile factory, but in May it officially became the new office space of Studio Eleven. Everything was in vain. Someone once asked Evan Bell, Eleven Studio has an office in Los Angeles, why not simply transfer the company's main office to Los Angeles, after all, it is the seat of Hollywood, and it will be much more convenient to network and do things. To this, Evan Bell replied, "We have lived in New York for more than ten years and have long been used to the city. Our family of three has no plans to change our living environment."

Thomas Lansing stood in front of the alley between 9 and 10 Princes Street, which was originally a dark space for **** and, of course, a dark area where sin breeds. But now, the alleys have been swept away, and the walkways are separated from the street by high wooden fences. Two flower beds were opened on both sides of the alley, some unknown flowers and plants were planted, and a plane tree was planted at the end of the alley. The repainted alley has six parasols, as well as a lot of rattan chairs, benches, and a table football can be seen under the plane trees.

This is the passage connecting No. 9 and No. 10. After the municipal government obtained the permission to use this public area, Studio Eleven opened it up as a small space for company personnel to relax. Everyone can smoke, drink coffee, and breathe here. Get some fresh air. The back doors on both sides of the alley lead to No. 9 and No. 10 respectively, which also makes the communication between the two buildings more convenient. //--//( -- full text)

This is where he will work in the future. Thomas Lansing couldn't help showing a smile. Although he hadn't walked in yet, just standing outside, the ease and joy in his heart began to appear. The iron-grey brick wall of No. 9 on the left hand side, and the large pieces of floor-to-ceiling glass, are all messy hand-painted paintings. It can be seen that they were painted by some amateurs. If someone tells Thomas Lansing, this is the eleventh work. He would express his belief in the drawings drawn by the staff in the studio; the No. 10 on the right hand side is the main color, the clean and transparent floor-to-ceiling glass can see all kinds of musical instruments placed near the window, and there are two drawing tables. , that size, even drawing architectural design drawings is enough.

Teddy Bell told Thomas Lansing that Number Nine was now the home of the movie business, and Number Ten was the home of the music business. Although the rest of Teddy Bell did not explain in detail, what Thomas Lansing heard was that the third floor of No. 10 was Evan Bell's recording studio and lounge, and the second floor was Teddy Bell, Eden - In the office space of Hudson and others, a large office was also vacated as Catherine Bell's exclusive studio. As for the first floor, it is the real office of No. 10. For this reason, No. 9 was also leased as the base of the entire department of Eleven Productions - the newly established distribution department "Eleventh Distribution" will not be released, but will be hung under the name of Eleven Productions , just like Eleven creations hang under the name of Eleven Music.

I have long heard that Studio Eleven is a very free and comfortable place. Many young people hope to work here, not only because of the existence of Evan Bell, but also because of the atmosphere and environment of the studio. Comfortable, even working overtime can be very interesting. Thomas - Lansing is now just standing in the doorway, you can feel the leisure drifting in the sun.

Walking into No. 9, the conversation between the two staff members next to him caught Thomas Lansing's attention.

"Are you serious? Do you really think Evan will play Clark?" Sitting next to him was a young man who seemed to be just over 30. He was holding a script in his hand and looked across from him in surprise. people.

On the opposite side was a younger man, who stood up, "You think about it, Evan put red **** on the outside, put on a red cape, oh oh oh, and that blue one It's definitely something every girl dreams about."

Hearing this, the two of them couldn't help laughing, and a girl sitting next to him threw a script directly over, "Then you might as well let Evan take it off and stand in front of you. Evan refused successively. With Peter Parker and Bruce Wayne, it's not like you don't know, and you're still struggling with comic book hero scripts."

Thomas Lansing couldn't help but smile, and if Evan Bell played Superman, the scene would be absolutely spectacular. Peter Parker is Spider-Man, and Bruce Wayne is Batman. It seems that Hollywood studios all want Evan Bell to play a comic hero, but unfortunately, Evan Bell doesn't seem to buy it.

"Just kidding, fantasy is innocent." The second man who spoke vividly said with a smile, "I just put aside the 'Transformers' script."

"'Transformers'? Really or not? This is also a real person?" The first man was a little surprised, "This is a big script, do you want to show it to Teddy?"

"Cut." Several people next to him made disdainful voices at the same time, and their contemptuous eyes immediately drowned out the first man. Seeing such a joyful picture, Thomas Lansing couldn't hold back any longer and just laughed. Although he is 45 years old this year and has worked in many companies and production crews, this is the first time I have seen such a dynamic company.

"Good morning, can I help you?" The first despised man saw Thomas Lansing and asked.

"Good morning, I'm Thomas Lansing." Thomas Lansing stepped forward and shook hands with the man, and introduced himself with a smile on his face.

"Mr. Lansing, welcome to the eleventh studio." The man said with a smile, looking at his expression, his brows were still full of the pleasure of joking with his colleagues, "Teddy still has something to do on the tenth, he We'll be here at about half past nine."

"No problem, our original appointment was at 9:30." Thomas Lansing's gaze swept the entire space briefly. There were not many people in the office at this time. At first glance, it was only about twenty It's just people, but everyone is busy with things in their hands, but there is a relaxed smile on their faces. The early morning sunlight casts in, making the navy blue cement wall full of nostalgic artistic sense. To his surprise, not only the side facing the street is a glass wall, but the back side is also a front glass wall, which makes the sunlight completely in. Unbridled in space. However, because of the stairs and the obstruction of the space on the second floor, the sunlight is not hot, it just makes the whole space brighter.

"Mr. Lansing, you can leave your mark on the glass wall, whether it's a pattern, handwriting or signature." The man pointed to the dazzling graffiti on the glass wall, "Every employee can Leave your own mark on it. Of course, if you want to draw a large-scale graffiti, you can wait for a while after the meeting, and then come down and draw when you have time. We were free to draw on it before, but later found that it seems We were a little too enthusiastic, and there are not many places for new colleagues in the future, so we had to stop. Look at the concrete wall, those are our new positions. "

Thomas Lansing was not surprised, and it completely matched his guess, "Did Evan leave writing on it again?"

"Yes, just a little bit on the right hand side of the main entrance, the phrase 'life is as gorgeous as summer flowers, as quiet and beautiful as autumn leaves' is left by Evan. When many people come to Prince Street, they always like Take a group photo there." The man pointed to the line of beautiful cursive writing on the glass wall and introduced it skillfully.

"Tagore?" Thomas Lansing wrote this verse to Evan Bell, sipped it thoughtfully, then walked to the floor-to-ceiling glass, saw several markers placed below, and picked it up A red wrote on the glass, "Be yourself (. Looking to the side, I saw the sentence "Enjoy it (, and turned around and asked, "Who left this sentence?"

"Mr. Curt-Laporte, he arrived ten minutes earlier than you." The man looked at the location and font, turned around to confirm with his colleagues, and then said.

Kurt Laporte, the head of Roadside Landscape Pictures, was also acquired by Eleven Studio this time. It seems that he also joined Eleven Studio.

Thomas Lansing nodded slightly, glanced at the sentence left by Evan Bell, and then turned to ask, "Where can I meet Teddy later?"

The man pointed to the space above his head, "The first conference room on the left hand side of the second floor has the words 'stupid (d)' on it, that's it." sat down.

Thomas Lansing glanced at the script on their desk, along with the pile of documents, and knew they were busy working. So he raised his footsteps and walked up to the second floor along the carved iron stairs.

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