Great Artist

Chapter 1058: take advantage of each other

~Date:~Oct 23~

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Lee Kelleher looked at the boy in front of him, this boy named Evan Bell. .... the first time the two met should be in the spring of 2001. Lee Kelleher's initial impression of Evan Bell was that "Just a Dream (, even though Evan Bell released many classic songs later, including, of course, "Sky Light" which swept the charts and made countless history. (ent, but for Lee Kelleher, his favorite was always "Just a Dream". Because every time he listens to this song, Lee Kelleher always has a different feeling. In a trance, he feels that he can also see a different face of Evan Bell.

I remember the first time we met back then. The two sat on both sides of the table because of copyright issues. The reason why today's meeting reminds Lee Kelleher of the distant 2001 is because the focus of today's issue is copyright The problem, and it is still related to the Internet, is still related to the Internet. Evan Bell promoted the commercialization of digital music, allowing traditional record companies to open up the process of digitizing music copyrights; this time, Evan Bell was promoting the promotion of online videos, using It's called "squeezing out the last ounce of copyright," in his words, and Lee Kelleher couldn't help laughing.

Lee Kelleher knew that Evan Bell's main purpose was to license himself to utube, allowing the site to upload and browse all of Warner's music videos. Eden Hudson had had several interviews with himself before, and he knew enough about the plan.

However, Evan Bell also put forward a point of view. When the Internet era comes, if the Internet is used to serve major companies, this is a topic that must be considered. Combining the Internet with traditional publicity channels to conduct both online and offline publicity, websites like Facebook and Youtube can become a brand-new publicity platform for traditional companies, and maximize benefits with minimal investment.

In fact, Evan Bell's idea is not much different from four years ago. The core problem is still very simple. The spread of word music on the Internet has become unstoppable. Since it can't be stopped, why not join the army of digital music commercialization first, compared to piracy Rampantly speaking. It's better to take the initiative to license the copyright to itunes, and also create revenue in digital music♀ once, as well. With the development of the Internet, the spread of videos on the Internet has become an unstoppable trend. Instead of holding the copyright of music videos in their hands, record companies and film companies should take the initiative to cooperate with video sites such as utube. Thus. .First of all, you can get copyright income, secondly, you can also get video placement advertising dividends, and finally, you can achieve the purpose of dissemination through the video website platform: everyone knows how terrible the communication ability of the Internet is.

Of course, Evan Bell's idea still intrigues Lee Kelleher, as if he has countless novel ideas in his head. Evan Bell said, "For example, Warner Music has established its own channel on utube. You have singers who are preparing to launch, and you can let them upload videos on your channel. Take the lead in accumulating popularity, conduct market research, and conduct market research on you. At the same time, for example, I am going to release a new album, and the title song cannot be determined. You can publish relevant videos in the channel, and netizens can choose; if you are willing to upload trailers and promotional videos on utube , it is also a good idea to carry out pre-warming publicity.”

"Also, you can also form cooperation with itunes and Facebook. For example, when you buy digital singles in itunes, you can insert a link to watch v on utube, and a link to the singer's interest group on Facebook. The same is true. It can be used to implant links on utube. There are also fan activities on Facebook. For example, Facebook organizes an event, uploads videos on utube, participates in creative competitions, and the winner can win a certain amount of download coupons from itunes…”

Lee Kelleher listened to Evan Bell there, and there were countless thoughts in his head. Aside from whether or not to license the copyright of the music video to utube, it is just the use of network resources to promote it. Let Lee - Kelleher open a whole new door. You know, in the current market, the hearts of fans are becoming more and more elusive. And record promotion, once invested, there is no turning back, but if you can use the Internet for publicity, the record company's publicity channels will immediately diversify.

Just now Evan Bell mentioned the situation of ** musicians. For example, Warner Records is about to launch a ** musician, but his music is too personalized, and it is estimated that the market will not accept it. Even if he does not release physical singles, It is still impossible to make a profit just by releasing digital singles, if they cannot be sold, they cannot be sold. But now, companies can upload videos of pornographic musicians, run viral video campaigns on utube and facebook, attract loyal fans of this personalized music, and then release digital singles without trying to hit the market. Big purple, but it is no problem to attract special groups and win recognition in the niche.

The flexible use of the Internet makes Warner Music's plan for its artists immediately diversified. Not only mainstream singers can win a new publicity channel, but unique singers can also have their own loyal fans.

Let’s go back to the original copyright issue. As Evan Bell said, the video has already spread on the Internet. Just like the original digital music, it is impossible to catch netizens who have watched the video one by one. reprimand, the result can only be investigated with the website. But everyone knows that this is an unstoppable problem. In the face of this situation, blocking is worse than sparse. Since it cannot be stopped, it is better to take the opportunity to seize the opportunity.

"No problem, we are willing to authorize the video playback rights of utube Warner Music, but when will Warner Music's channel be established and used? How should this copyright dividend and advertising dividend be calculated?" Speaking of.

Evan Bell did not convince the other party's excitement at all, but said "Cut" in disgust, "Why, we are familiar with each other now, you are too lazy to go around in circles?"

Lee Kelleher shrugged. "We can go in circles if you like."

Evan Bell rolled his eyes and said, "I don't plan to invest in the channel business so quickly. In the early stage, the video website must gather a large number of netizens, and make it a part of their lives to log on to the website to watch videos. The channel business is when people are familiar with it. ↓-level version. I currently expect it to be put into use next summer. If Warner Records is willing, it can try to operate in advance in February.”

Warner Records is willing to be the first person to eat crabs. Of course Evan Bell knows how much determination Lee Kelleher has made. Like the commercialization of digital music at the beginning, it is completely an unknown field and must be embraced. The belief that if you don't succeed, you will become benevolent. Think about the time before and after the commercialization of digital music was implemented for nearly a year. Only other companies are willing to accept that commercializing digital music is a real viable option, knowing how difficult it is. So, if allowed, Evan Bell is still willing to give Warner Records some convenience.

Lee Kelleher nodded, "I'll discuss the specific plan with Eden at a meeting." He also knew that Evan Bell couldn't focus on these businesses every day, "But I said, I took such a big risk. I'm taking a risk and try, and you didn't plan to compensate me? For example, how about the production of the album 'Four' this year?"

Evan Bell doesn't even have the idea to answer, and it's not that Lee Kelleher doesn't know about the recent news about "perfume", and it's a joke to put forward this idea. But Lee Kelleher's ignorance of Evan Bell was unrelenting. It seemed like he wanted an answer. Evan Bell can only say helplessly, "Don't worry, I have always been creating, and when the time is right, I will naturally launch new music works."

"Didn't you sing two songs on the street some time ago? Otherwise, give me these two songs first, and I will release them before the end of the year." This is the real purpose of Lee Kelleher, the smile on his face can Let Evan Bell easily interpret this message.

Evan Bell couldn't help laughing, "Let's talk about it. I've always been concerned about music. I don't need you to remind me. Besides, this Youtube thing is still a good thing for Warner Records, and it has created a new one for your company. The brand-new publicity platform, you still took advantage of me, so don’t ask for it again.”

"Cut", this time it was Lee Kelleher who sneered contemptuously. "The plan is feasible and feasible. It is estimated that the old foxes of the big companies know this, but few have the courage to actually implement it. After all, this is too risky, otherwise you will not find me."

The fact is, major companies can see the feasibility of the Evan Bell plan, and there is digital music commercialization ahead. But think about it carefully, once the copyright of the video is signed to utube, the TV station and theater line that cooperates first will protest, which will inevitably lead to diversion; secondly, the rampant situation of piracy may be out of control~www.readwn. com~ The video was uploaded to utube, and then everyone uploaded it to other websites? Or reprint it to a non-cooperative website? Compared with digital music, it is undoubtedly much more difficult to prevent piracy. Moreover, whether video sites can be profitable is another matter. Unlike the commercialization of digital music, which is to pay first hand and deliver second hand, video websites are made through planting. Dividends from advertisements come from straight-line income. What if the video website goes out of business? What does this mean? It means that the videos of these companies that have signed copyright agreements may be spread freely on the Internet, which will lead to the failure of Internet copyrights.

Therefore, major companies are now watching each other. On the one hand, they are watching the development prospects of utube, and on the other hand, they are watching the reaction of other companies to this proposal. Evan Bell will find Lee Kelleher, who advocates creativity and adventure, just needs this breakthrough!

"Okay, you took advantage of me. Having such a good publicity platform can also benefit online videos; I also took advantage of you and made you a role model for other companies. We will be cleared." Evan- Bell neatly sorted it out, paused after speaking, and looked at Lee Kelleher again, "However, can you talk to Barry Mayer?" As a result, Lee Kelleher flew right in. With a single eye knife, the words behind him were cut off.

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