Great Artist

Chapter 1062: selfie video

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After sending off the Chinese guests, Evan Bell's life returned to the busy track, it was just a small episode of daily life{///Book friend upload}

Earlier, Evan Bell jokingly asked Kelleher to be his lobbyist and persuaded Barry Mayer that Kelleher would naturally not agree. Although the relationship between Warner Records and Warner Bros. is good, Kelleher Lee is very good. It is clear that there is a big difference between the distribution of music videos on the Internet and the distribution of movies on the Internet. The copyright issue of movies and TV dramas involves the entire chain of DVD sales. Before it is determined that the copyright monitoring system of the video site is effective , the film company is absolutely impossible to let go

Of course Evan Bell knew this, and he was just talking about it. Even if Barry Mayer got water in his head and agreed to license the copyright to uTube, Evan Bell also felt that it was not the time to involve movies and TV dramas with great fanfare. In the early stage of uTube's development, if someone uploads movies and TV series to the website, deletion is the only option, and copyright disputes in this area must be strangled in the cradle. field development

Therefore, after reaching an agreement with Warner Records, Evan Bell found EMI Records again, and it took a lot of effort to obtain the authorization of EMI Records. Now the only big record companies are Sony Bertelsmann Records and Universal Music. , Evan Bell knew these two were hard bones, so he and Eden Hudson started with a ** record company -- a real ** record company, not a ** label owned by a big company

Throughout July, Evan Bell stayed in New York for the post-production of "Little Miss Sunshine" while advising Eden Hudson. Although there were many obstacles, before "Little Miss Sunshine" completed the editing, uTube had a total of Winning video licenses from 18 record companies is nothing compared to the number of 18 record companies in the world with more than 400, but for uTube, this is a very successful first footprint

In order to establish the impression of uTube in this regard, Evan Bell hopes to play an exemplary role. He intends to follow Lee Kelleher's request to shoot a "fact-fiction" music video and upload it to uTube.

Throughout the "Bell Girl" that appeared in Evan Bell's music video, Anne Hathaway, Megan Fox, Scarlett Johansson, Jessica Alba, Rachel McAdams... each one is a super beauty , so whenever Evan Bell has a music video released, people always look forward to whether there will be another beauty this time. -Book_) However, this time it is estimated that the audience will be disappointed because Evan Bell is conceiving" In the music video of "Fact and Fiction", he did not consider the element of girls at all. It is estimated that his recent emotional state is too chaotic. He does not want to make things more chaotic for the time being.

Evan Bell chose the shooting location of the music video in the recording studio on the third floor of No. 10 Prince Street. The recording studio that was full of musical instruments has been cleaned up at this time. In the innermost soundproof room, there is only a high foot. Stool, just a microphone stand

Evan Bell set up the camera and adjusted the focus and light. Teddy Bell and Eden Hudson, who were standing next to him, were chatting. Evan Bell looked at the two and said helplessly, "You two. Why don't you just grab some snacks, pair it with a bottle of beer, and sit here and watch."

Eden Hudson didn't turn his head, seemed to think for a moment, and said, "This is a really good idea", which made Evan Bell directly roll his eyes.

Teddy Bell laughed, "Don't you need our help? Besides, Eden and I don't understand this kind of light, angle, etc. You still have to rely on yourself."

"Evan, you're getting lazy now. It's so simple to make a music video, isn't it too casual?" Eden Hudson pointed to the empty recording studio around him. "Work attitude" expressing doubts about such a concise style, it is like the style when he first debuted

Evan Bell didn't answer, and gave Eden Hudson a **** to respond. He naturally wouldn't be so easy to shoot a music video. Now that he has experience as a film director, when he comes back to shoot a music video, Evan Bell will want to try something strange, not necessarily good, but with an experimental nature, this kind of experiment is always helpful when shooting a movie

"I will listen to my live performance for a while, and I won't cry." Evan Bell stood next to Eden Hudson. All three of them knew that the song "Fact and Fiction" was written by Eden Hudson. Songs written by Evan Bell when his grandmother died

Eden Hudson glanced at Evan Bell with big white eyes, obviously despising Evan Bell, "You think I haven't seen the world." Teddy Bell stood beside him and laughed, Eden Ha Deson's attack is indistinguishable, "Teddy should pay attention, every time he listens to this song, his eyes are so moist that if you let those who like Teddy know that their teddy bear is so emotional, it is estimated that I want to hold him in my arms and take good care of him."

Teddy Bell couldn't say enough about Eden Hudson, so he directly used force to solve it and grabbed Eden Hudson. With his right foot as the axis, he overturned Eden Hudson who was standing next to him. Wen Bell suddenly burst out laughing

Evan Bell ignored the two living treasures outside, walked into the soundproof room, picked up his acoustic guitar, sat directly on the high stool, and began to play the melody that could not be completed, mainly to calm his heart. The situation of this song is very important. It would be a pity if the deep emotion in the song could not be conveyed.

Seeing that Evan Bell was serious, Teddy Bell and Eden Hudson also found their positions, and they chatted without a word. At this time, the red indicator light in the recording studio was on, so Evan Bell The sound inside the soundproof room can also be heard outside, but the outside sound will not affect the inside sound

Evan Bell became quiet, he could feel the tense strings vibrating gently on his fingertips, and the fingertips of his left hand felt the pressure from the strings, and the crisp strings dinged in his ears. This is a very wonderful feeling. Music is like this, because the change of melody can change people's mood.

With a slight change of fingertips, the melody of the prelude of "Fact and Fiction" flows out. It is like a trickle. It is not impatient, not rushing, not noisy, not noisy, just flowing quietly, like a cold spring. The melody changes among the strings of the guitar, slowly flowing into the bottom of my heart, irrigating every inch and every strand in my heart, and the jasmine-like fragrance in the melody slowly radiates out.

"Well..." Evan Bell seems to be singing a serenade, facing the microphone, using a single syllable, and the melody rises and falls softly. In the clear spring-like voice, the lights all over the world seem to go out, only Evan Bell The white shirt on the body exudes the faint light of the word "en", as if the low lullaby of the mother when she was a child was soft and warm, dispelling all the fears in the dark night, leaving only the endless happiness and happiness. care

As if whispering, Evan Bell's voice is like a poem, like a song of nature, flowing down the studio "Imagine a world without me, you start to fall apart Let's pretend you've lost me for a while. Now, won't you say you're lonely and love hurts your own heart? Put on the best carnival costumes, put on a smirk mask I'm dreaming of a dream with her Under the twilight she's just A vague figure, but the image in my head is so clear I am fact and she is fiction"

That light feeling like cotton wool, jumping in the clear and transparent voice, the sentence "I'm dreaming of a dream with her I'f. Her", instantly makes people enter a dream world of Evan Bell. The clear voice without any friendship and without any modification, spread out in the ears of Eden Hudson and Teddy Bell, even if he has heard it thousands of times, he will still be moved by this purest voice, just like the first time. Hearing the same once, unsuspecting, was directly hit

"I vaguely remember that night when you and I were interdependent, you fell asleep beside me, you and I were still strangers, but I held your hand tightly, how can you say that you and I have never been close, when all the stars are densely covered in the night sky , I thought we had a moment I dreamed of a dream with her, in the twilight she was just a vague figure, but the image in my mind was so clear I was the truth, and she was fiction I seemed to lose She is still my favorite work of art, the image in my head is so clear I am fact and she is fiction

Nothing has changed because I am fact and she is fiction I may exist in this paradoxical form with imperfections"

When singing here the melody began to gradually go higher, Evan Bell gently hummed a single syllable "Yeah" into the microphone, the melody was getting higher and higher, the tune was getting higher and higher, "I dream of a dream with her, she is just a vague figure in the twilight, but the image in my mind is very clear. I am a fact, and she is a fiction."

Evan Bell's voice also went up in harmony with the melody, and the crystal clear voice broke out completely, and the hoarseness hidden in the voice began to roar, "Yeah...oh...yeah..." This explosive tear The feeling of cracking, and the previous gentleness and gentleness without any sense of rejection at all, can make people clearly feel that it is the eruption after the accumulation of previous emotions. Involuntarily, I fought a cold war, and all the goose bumps came out

When the roaring ended, the melody calmed down again, and the clear voice that seemed to murmur whispered in the ear, "I have loved her for a long time, I just want to say that she never found out, she never found me"

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