Great Artist

Chapter 1072: Reproduce the classic

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History is really an interesting thing.

After the French Revolution, Napoleon I established the First French Empire, but this dynasty did not last long. From its establishment in 1804 to the abdication after being defeated by the anti-French coalition forces in 1814, it lasted for less than ten years. After the Hundred Days Restoration in 1815, it was completely destroyed because of Waterloo, and Louis XVIII restored the Bourbon Dynasty. But this time, the Bourbon dynasty was only at peace for fifteen years. Charles X, the successor of Louis XVIII, dissolved parliament and restricted people's right to vote and freedom of the press, which directly led to the outbreak of the July Revolution in 1830.

At that time, a girl named Clara Lessing first raised the tricolor flag symbolizing the French Republic on the barricade. When the young Alai planted this flag on the bridge of operation next to Notre Dame de Paris, he was shot and fell. The painter Eugène Delacroix witnessed this tragic and fierce scene, and he was filled with righteous indignation and determined to paint a picture for it as a permanent memorial. Therefore, there is the pair of "freedom leading the people" collected by the Louvre Museum. birth.

"Freedom leads the people" embodies the French people's desire for freedom and caused a great stir in history. The German poet Heine also created a hymn for this painting.

In fact, whether it is Louis XVI, Jean-Baptiste Grenouille, "Liberty Leading the People", or countless heroes throughout history, including Evan Bell himself, they are different individuals, but at the same time they There is also a love of life shining through him. Just like the phrase "Long live life ( and Tagore's phrase "Life is as gorgeous as summer flowers. Death is as quiet and beautiful as autumn leaves", these are all realizations of the true meaning of life.

In fact, if you taste the history carefully. It's not as boring as imagined, let alone those memorabilia in the long history of human beings. Just look back at everything that happened in your life in the past. Many interesting things can also be found.

once Upon a time. When I was in first grade, I got into a fight with my tablemate because of a piece of rubber. When I was in fifth grade, I felt the world was falling apart because I only won second place in a speech contest. Worrying about whether to go to college or work hard in the future; there was a time when a cup of coffee stained your clothes and ruined a good mood all day. Traffic jams on the way to work will make the beginning of the day irritable. If your wallet is gone, you will feel that life has lost its color. If you forget the birthday of a friend, you will feel unable to look up. Once upon a time, the passing of a relationship felt like the whole world. It's all dark, and a betrayal redefines the word trust. A life and death are swallowed by the torrent of grief...

But when it's all over, look back. In fact, the real meaning of life lies in the accumulation of these emotions, happiness, sadness, happiness, parting, smiles, tears... Enjoying every moment of life is the true meaning of life. Louis XVI hoped to be a mere locksmith all his life, Jean-Baptiste Grenouille hoped to find his own existence all his life, the people of the French Revolution in July hoped for the arrival of freedom all his life, and Evan- Bell, he once spent his whole life living for others, fortunately, he got a second chance, he won the affection he once longed for, and he also saw the true color of life, gorgeous, colorful, splendid, beautiful .

"Long live life", people can't help but want to shout again and again.

I remember that when the music video was filmed at Chambord last June, Evan Bell was particularly interested in "history", which is a kind of curiosity and exploration of the past. In fact, history is not so monotonous, cumbersome and boring. In many cases, history can also become interesting. Back then, Scarlett Johansson said it would be interesting to make history sexy. Evan Bell thought at the time that it would be a very good idea to write a song about Louis XVI, or about history.

Evan Bell has had this idea on and off for the past year, just haven't found the right trigger. I didn't expect it, but it was successfully completed today. Although today's creative process was completed in one go, and Evan Bell wrote the lyrics in less than twenty minutes, strictly speaking, the entire creative process lasted one year and three months. History is definitely not that simple. Without the accumulation of knowledge and in-depth understanding, there is no way to comprehend the characteristics of an era.

The lyric that Evan Bell named "Long Live Life" just now is far more than just a lyric. The tense and wording of each sentence are combined with history and religion. The lyrics, more like a poem, are like the poetry-like history of the eighteenth century.

This is the most atmospheric, succinct, poetic, spectacular and profound among the lyrics created by Evan Bell. Even the unsurpassed classic "Tianguang (ent, in terms of lyrics, is also the most profound. Still not as good as the song "Long Live Life" that I just created. The original "Tianguang" was to integrate one's own feelings into nature. I witnessed the magnificent picture on the road trip, and I couldn't help expressing my feelings. That kind of arrogance stirred in my chest; "Long Live Life" is from the perspective of history and everyone's perspective. This is a kind of praise for life and a desire for freedom. Just in terms of concept, it goes beyond ordinary lyrics. category.

Evan Bell just wrote the lyrics for 20 minutes without any pause in one go. After the creation, he tried to make some changes to the lyrics, but found that he couldn't start, because he thought this was the best version, whether it was perfect or not, he couldn't. A conclusion is drawn, but it is beyond doubt that no modification is required.

If the sonorous, ups and downs, and passionate lyrics reveal the paleness and gloom of history, but the theme is the thirst for life, Evan Bell hopes to use a majestic melody to set off the lyrics.

When thinking of musical instruments, the first thing that comes to Evan Bell's mind is the cello. In the last life, Evan Bell's cello skills were very solid, but it is a pity that he was composing in this life. Apart from "Old Love Is Dead (, he has no more opportunities to bring out the timbre of the cello. This time. Speaking of atmosphere. Among the music, the symphony is naturally the first. Evan Bell thought of using the violin as the main melody, and the cello replaced the rhythm of the bass, and the rhythm of the melody was low-key.

Evan Bell stood up involuntarily, holding a small wooden stick, like the conductor of a symphony orchestra. Close your eyes and imagine that there is a large symphony orchestra of more than 100 people in front of you. Accompanied by his waving right hand, the melody of the cello is like a soaring goshawk, in the lush green, clear blue, deep blue. Glide low over the brown continent of Middle-earth. Leaving a long flight trail in the sky.

The beat of the timpani and the strings of the violin accompany the accompaniment, bringing the horizon's edge into view. The turbulent waves rolled and roared under the body of the goshawk, hitting the huge reef, bursting out large swathes of crystal clear water, and that low roar whirled and circled under the sky.

Evan Bell only felt that there were countless musical notes in his chest surging and colliding, just like the waves hitting the reef. Every collision would have countless sounds echoing, cello, violin, timpani, acoustic guitar, keyboard... By the way, there are also crisp and distant bells. All the instrumental melodies are intertwined in Evan Bell's mind. With the lyrics he just created as the torso, he began to give flesh and blood on it little by little. The green is the forest, the blue is the sea, the amber is the sky, the brown is the land, the red is the lava, the black is the shadow... This is a song, but also a world, one that has been given vitality The world, the music symbol sings wildly in every corner along with the free and unrestrained wind in the world.

When Evan Bell finished arranging the entire melody, the surging emotions in his chest reached a peak, and he did not know whether he was because of the character of Jean-Baptiste Grenouille, or the Because of the history of Louis XVI, or simply because of the shock brought by this song, but at this moment, he just wanted to shout wildly to vent his inner excitement.

So, he did it.

"Ah!" Evan Bell stood on the spot, as if roaring towards the sky, completely releasing the sparks that were stirring and colliding in his heart.

The staff and extras in the square looked at Evan Bell in amazement. Everyone was terrified and thought Evan Bell was crazy - in fact he was crazy at this time, but Teddy Bell He stopped people who were confused and nervous. He said that it was estimated that Evan Bell was working on a creation and needed to vent his inner emotions.

Sure enough, after Evan Bell roared, he raised his voice, like the king who dominates this world, raised his voice and said Long live life ()'! "Although this sentence is in Spanish, it is also a famous sentence that has been handed down from time to time, and everyone can understand it. In a trance, everyone seemed to understand something, guessing that Evan Bell had some insight because of the scene just now, and finally created it. out a song.

Although everyone's speculation is biased, it is not far from the truth.

After Evan Bell vented the emotions in his chest, he was not discouraged, but shocked, and quickly ran towards Teddy Bell, who just took out the sketchbook. Evan Bell took the book, sat directly on the ground, and began to turn the melody in his mind into musical notes and record them on paper.

When "Sky Light" was born, many people, including Evan Bell, thought it was an almost impossible task to surpass this classic. But today, Evan Bell has created this song "Long Live Life". As far as he is concerned, this is the second classic he has created after "Tianguang", which can definitely be compared with "Tianguang".

It was a bliss and an excitement, and Evan Bell immersed himself in this euphoric atmosphere, recording all the emotions through the tip of his pen.

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