Great Artist

Chapter 1081: after the festival

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The 62nd Venice Film Festival ended. The popular film "Good Night and Good Luck" was very popular, and it only won the best script of all times, while "Brokeback Mountain" achieved a Jedi counterattack under the condition that it was not optimistic and broke out. After a shocking surprise, he won the Golden Lion Award for Best Actor and Best Picture and became the biggest winner. upload update

After the awards ceremony, and before the press conference, some of the seven judges revealed inside information - although after the various awards have been settled, it is no longer an insider - "Brokeback Mountain" and "Goodnight, The competition for "good luck" is particularly fierce.

When the seven judges discussed the Golden Lion Award for Best Picture, it was unexpected that "Brokeback Mountain" became the first focus, not "Good night and good luck". Some judges have pointed out that "Brokeback Mountain" is mediocre, and there is nothing particularly outstanding. However, another judge retorted that after a really good movie has been watched, people will forget its photography, music, and art, so the technology has retreated to the back, and the only thing left is the moving of the movie, and "Brokeback Mountain" is like this. .

And the truth is, "Brokeback Mountain" isn't mediocre, it's balanced, and the overall quality is the best of all competition films. The excellent score, actors, and script, coupled with the director's excellent grasp, make the film as a whole impressive.

In addition to the Golden Lion for Best Picture, Best Screenplay and Best Actor, "Brokenback Mountain" competes on thin ice with "Good Night and Good Luck". In fact, there is a tradition in Venice that if you win the Golden Lion, you cannot win other awards, because the Golden Lion is the most important and unique award. However, there are exceptions. Last year, "Villa Drake" won the Golden Lion Award and the Best Actress Award. And this year, the competition between "Brokeback Mountain" and "Good Night and Good Luck" was particularly fierce, which also made the debate between the judges even more intense.

After four hours or so of intense discussions, the results came despite differences of opinion. Best Actor. Evan Bell edged out three of David Strathairn's four votes for Best Actor; Best Screenplay, "Good Night and Good Luck" George Clooney and Grant Haslov won five votes. Evan Bell of "Brokeback Mountain" has only two votes; in the final Golden Lion Award, "Brokenback Mountain" four votes against "Good night, good luck" three votes, and finally Ang Lee defeated the most promising favorite, Won the 62nd Venice Golden Lion Award.

After this inside information came out, film critics couldn't help but sigh, "Brokenback Mountain" and "Good Night. Good Luck" are quite a complex of both sides. The competition between the two sides is full of sparks in every detail. It is foreseeable that this Two works, also from the United States, will also extend the battlefield into the awards season, or even the Oscars, in a few months. I just don't know if the taste of the Oscar judges is different from the selection criteria of the Venice Film Festival.

At the press conference, the reporters were very busy, and Ang Lee, Evan Bell, and George Clooney were all the objects of attention. And homegrown Joanna Mezzo Giorno is also in the spotlight.

This is Ang Lee's first appearance on the stage in Venice, and he won the Golden Lion Award, which is a remarkable achievement. Chinese journalists showed great enthusiasm for Ang Lee. And Evan Bell, who is sitting next to Ang Lee, is also a topic collector. He participated in the Venice Film Festival for the first time and won the Silver Lion Award; the second time he appeared in Water City, he won the Best Actor, Evan Bell The "first time" has an indissoluble bond with Venice. Chinese journalists are even more chasing after Evan Bell.

If Ang Lee is the pride of the Chinese and the representative of Chinese power in Hollywood, then Evan Bell, who is at the top of the Hollywood pyramid, has more aura, and the fate between Evan Bell and China also makes reporters unable to Not to mention. Not to mention the previous encounters at the film festival. Two important cooperations between Evan Bell and Zhou Runfa and Ang Lee are also eye-catching. One is "Pirates of the Caribbean 3" and the other is "Brokeback Mountain", which are the focus of the topic.

The press conference, because of a reporter's question, detonated the endless bombardment of all Chinese media. "Evan, I heard that you have hopes of appearing in the upcoming film 'The Banquet'? Is this true?"

With a "boom", all the Chinese reporters in the audience exploded, and all of a sudden, countless questions were bombarded.

After Evan Bell agreed to that meeting, he knew that this day would come. Even if he did not intend to join, as a hype strategy, this was an opportunity not to be missed. Evan Bell felt very strange. He had been a member of a group of reporters who sat underground all his life, but he had become the object of excavation all his life.

"No, that's not true." Evan Bell poured a bucket of ice water down, and the excited Chinese reporters at the scene went out in an instant. Evan Bell knew that this was the press conference of the Venice Film Festival Awards Ceremony, but he was not the only one attending. Even if George Clooney and others aside, "Brokeback Mountain" also needed attention, because Evan Bell Knowing that "Brokeback Mountain" will face such a complex environment in the US market in the future, it is necessary to seize the opportunity of the film festival. Evan Bell didn't want to blur the focus—though blurring the focus has always been a journalist's job.

Seeing that there were still reporters trying to ask questions, the host pointed to an Italian reporter next to him. The beautiful reporter stood up and said, "Evan, I love you." These words made the atmosphere that had cooled down just now suddenly heated up again, mixed with a lot of happy laughter.

Evan Bell raised his eyebrows, "Oh, no, I don't want George to have a prejudice against me." This sentence pointed to George Clooney sitting next to him, and everyone burst into laughter.

As we all know, George Clooney is a public lover, and the masculine charm is more and more charming with the precipitation of the years. In Italy, mature and funny men like George Clooney are the so-called heartthrobs. Although Evan Bell has an outstanding temperament, he is still too young. This charm that can only be polished by years is not as good as George Clooney.

And this sentence also has a subtext. The battlefield of "Brokeback Mountain" and "Good night and good luck" continues here.

George Clooney, who was sitting next to him drinking water, was so frightened by Evan Bell that he almost choked. Fortunately, the veteran gentleman took control of the scene. As soon as George Clooney looked up, he saw Evan Bell's good but teasing eyes, "Evan, you should not shirk your responsibility, but should give this beautiful lady a positive response. Changing the subject is not a matter of A gentleman should behave in the face of a confession."

George Clooney against the generals.

But how could Evan Bell be caught off guard? He looked at the beautiful Italian female reporter, "I think, this is my honor. As for your phone number, I think it's better to wait for no one. Otherwise, you know The..." Then Evan Bell took a meaningful look at the reporters at the scene. Although they are not professional paparazzi, they are all good at tracking news. What's more, the female reporter herself is in this industry.

This hint immediately made everyone laugh. With this interruption, the atmosphere at the scene warmed up again.

But before the host asked a reporter to ask a question, an Italian male reporter stood up and shouted excitedly, "Evan, choose me, choose me." It means to let Evan Bell choose him as the next A questioner, Evan Bell looked at the host and asked "is it okay" with his eyes? Because logically it should be in turn, and now there are three problems focused on Evan Bell, which does not seem to be a good choice.

But before the host could speak, the Italian male reporter ripped open his shirt and even started taking off his pants. At the end of the week, only a black tie and a pair of wide boxer shorts were left, with the words, "Evan Bell, choose. Me, love me, kiss me!" Then he yelled, "Evan, can I kiss you? Just once!"

This time, the host didn't have to talk anymore, everyone looked at Evan Bell with a smile.

In fact, this is not surprising. "Brokeback Mountain" is a work with a homosexual theme. After its release, its influence on the **** community is bound to be greater than that of other groups. This was also one of Michelle Hathaway's original intentions. Evan Bell seems to be starting to grab the market among men after becoming a female prince charming.

The male reporter in front of him is actually very handsome, with deep facial features and a **** beard. He is a traditional Italian handsome guy. It seems that Evan Bell's performance in "Brokeback Mountain" was very successful.

Facing this kind of confession, Evan Bell did not panic at all, showing a calm and bright smile, "You flatter me. I think George has begun to be jealous of me." This sentence has a hint The words made the reporters at the scene burst into laughter, and George Clooney, who was sitting next to him, didn't mind and laughed happily. "By the way, your tie is very beautiful, and it's very long, really... very long." This sentence completely ignited the laughter at the scene, and it burst into laughter.

It seems that the press conference was held very smoothly, and Evan Bell also joked with George Clooney.

After the press conference, the organizing committee held a windy dinner in the hotel, which was held outside by the outdoor swimming pool. Only a few reporters were invited. However, it was obvious that the reporters had no intention of eating at all, and still surrounded the main winners, hoping to get first-hand news of exclusive interviews.

Coping with these situations is already commonplace for Evan Bell, but even so, the dinner party that lasted until three in the morning made Evan Bell's eyelids start to fight. After the "perfume" was finished, he didn't have time to rest at all. After confirming that the stinky location in Barcelona was properly handled, he flew over to Venice, both physically and mentally in a state of exhaustion, and there will be another tomorrow. Long flight. It seems that even if there is no hard work in September, Evan Bell has no time to rest.

Outbreak asking for a monthly pass, asking for a subscription! There will be one more later. To be continued. .

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