Great Artist

Chapter 1089: Brokeback Mountain Reflection

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The title of Eleven Studio always makes people laugh, the two anthropomorphic Arabic numerals... When watching a movie, people can't help but give a faint smile, as if seeing Eleven Studio's inconvenience. Those who are restrained are ordinary. green novel m

This is the first work produced and released by Eleven Studio. Therefore, it is also the first time that the audience only sees the words "Eleven Studio" produced, without adding titles from other companies, nor additional subtitles. , is a simple "Eleven Studio" logo, Heng seems to be neat and clean.

The movie opened in a continuous green, the thin mist floating on the green, and the rising sun gleaming in the distance, made the cinema silent, and every little sound would be amplified, and every sound would be amplified. The audience sat quietly in their positions, lest their actions would break the tranquility of this chaotic dawn.

A large truck drove along the winding road, and then stopped, a man in light blue denim, bright brown leather boots, a white plaid shirt, and a khaki cowboy hat walked from the truck. He jumped up and down, holding his chestnut-brown coat and a brown-yellow paper bag in his hand. The words "Ah," appeared on the screen, and the melodious guitar sound echoed in the empty mountains. This is Evan, Bell.

Not the Evan Bell the audience knew, not Captain Jack Sparrow or any of the previous characters, but an authentic western cowboy, the man on the screen was thinner and thinner than the usual Evan Bell. It's firmer, and a bit thicker.

The shots of the film are beautiful, with a wild, vast but clean and clear composure, blue sky and white clouds, green trees and houses, and each picture seems to be a postcard in front of it. The impression of Wyoming is rough, but only a beginning is used in the movie to show everyone a different Wyoming.

"Evan Bell" wearing a cowboy hat is still handsome, but his straight face has a kind of stubbornness and stubbornness, and the frowning brows and the slightly pursed corners of his mouth have an indescribable yīn taste. An old black trailer drove into the small clearing, and a young man in a denim blue shirt and a black cowboy hat walked down and kicked the car with its dead engine. Then he found another young man "Evan Bell" leaning on the side of the trailer cabin.

However, the young man in the brown coat didn't seem to care about the presence of other people, and kept his head down.

The young man in the blue denim shirt looked at the // fastest text update, no pop-up windows, no advertisements // man, hesitating, but his eyes kept on the young man in the brown coat. Immediately, the young man in the denim blue shirt began to shave in front of his rear mirror and looked through the mirror at the tan sè jacket denim sitting bored.

This was the first meeting between Ennis-Delmar and Jack Twist.

The two young men found a job on the ranch of the ranchers Joe and Arguier, and Jack Twist went to the mountains to herd sheep, where he guarded the flock all night to avoid wild beasts. Ennis-Delmar was in charge of setting up a camp on the mountainside, providing meals every day, and cooperating with Jackie Twist during the day.

The life of the sheep shepherd on the mountain is simple and monotonous. The two of them hardly have any kind of flow, except that when Jack and Twist are vigil at the top of the mountain, they will look at the camp halfway up the mountain in a trance. After getting to know each other gradually, the two know each other's situation. For example, Jack and Twist are playing rodeo, for example, Ennis-Delmar is going to marry Emma after going down the mountain. Ennis and Delmar will also start to worry about the situation of Jack Twist on the mountain shepherding the sheep. For the sake of his companions, he will also start to consider changing the menu of the food, such as adding a soup that he does not like to the shopping list.

One time, while carrying goods up the mountain, Ennis-Delma ran into a brown bear on a horse. The injured Ennis-Delmar had to chase the horses and mules back. It was not until late at night that they reached the campsite halfway up the mountain. The goods were overturned. Jack-Twist, who no longer wanted to eat beans, was still The remaining beans are ready to eat. Seeing the blood-covered Ennis Delmar, Jackie Twist took his denim scarf and tried to heal the wound for his companions, but Ennis Delmar still took the scarf and took care of it himself.

Although Ennis Delmar didn't want to change, but for Jack Twist's sake, he still hunted an elk, so that the two could finally improve their food. And because the vigil on the top of the mountain was not allowed to light fires and sleep, Jack Twist felt that he was about to be unable to hold on, and Ennis-Delmar took the initiative to change positions. So, Ennis-Delma began to go up the mountain to keep vigil, and Jack Twist, who was not good at marksmanship, stayed at the camp to prepare meals.

The relationship between the young people of the two today is just like this. But even so, the audience can't take their eyes off the big screen. All of this is as beautiful as a poem. In front of each picture is a postcard. The beautiful scenery and quiet life make all audiences see that Western cowboys also have some Faced with the calmness of cognition, the mind could not help but calm down.

While getting along, the taciturn Ennis and Delmar gradually opened up their hearts. They drank whisky and chatted about their lives. Ennis and Delmar lost their parents, and his older brothers and sisters also got married and went out. He was the only one left, and he could only rely on himself to survive tenaciously.

"Man, that was more than you said in the past two weeks."

"More than my words in a year."

As the eyes of the two young people changed, they gradually became familiar with each other. The lively and uninhibited Jack and the silent and reserved Ennis became friends in this way. Until one night, two people drank too much, and Ennis had no way to go up the mountain to watch the night, so he stayed in the camp and slept by the bonfire.

But in the middle of the night, the temperature in the mountains plummeted and it was unusually cold. Hearing the shivering voice of Ennis outside, Jack couldn't bear it any longer, and let Ennis come in and sleep with him in the tent. Under the influence of the wine and Hall méng, Jack took Ennis's hand, and then stretched out his lower body. Ennis, who was awakened by this action, sat up angrily.

Jack grabbed the shoulders of Ennis's clothes, and the two just looked at each other, looked at each other, motionless. Suddenly, Jack let go of his hands, took off his jacket, and took out the denim blue denim shirt inside. Ennis seemed to be a little confused, and he didn't know the situation when he was drunk, "What are you doing?" A vague sentence overflowed from the chún.

Jack stretched out his hand to grab Ennis's shoulders and tried to wěn him, but the strong Ennis patted Jack's hand away and grabbed Jack's neck instead. Jack didn't give up, and reached out and grabbed Ennis's neck. The two were on their foreheads, Jack tried to move forward, but Ennis' hand grabbed Jack's hair, trying to control himself. The hot and humid breath made the temperature in the tent start to rise, and the cold night on the mountain suddenly became warm and even hot.

Jack let go of his hands, untied the belt, and took off his thong. The picture was dark, and people couldn't see clearly. Only two human figures were moving, but the sound of the belt buckle and the rubbing of the cloth rubbing made people's mouth dry and their heart beat faster. .

Ennis couldn't bear it any longer, he held Jack's shoulder, twisted hard, turned Jack over, and pressed him to the ground. Then there was another sound of belts and zippers, and Ennis also took off the cunt.

From that cry of pain, to the sound of Jack slapping the floor in pain, the audience knew that something was happening between them that shouldn't have happened. At this point the movie has already started half a small well.

Javier-Dolan didn't know what the rest of the audience thought, but to him it really looked like a slow-flowing poem, seamlessly integrated with the guitar sound in the background music. It's all so natural. On the surface, it seems to be the role of Jiujing and Heer méng, but in fact, in the detailed shots of director Ang Lee, the budding of love between the young people of the two today happened naturally, and everything was so natural. Although the rhythm is slow, there is no sense of dullness at all. Javier and Dolan only feel that his heart is firmly grasped, and he has no other ability to think.

When he woke up the next day, Ennis-Delmar couldn't accept what had happened, he left the tent blankly, and prepared to go up the mountain. Jack Twist chased after him and asked tentatively, "See you at dinner?" But he didn't get any answer.

Back at Ennis-Delma on the top of the mountain, his heart was numb, he knew what happened last night, but he didn't know why it happened. When he found that a stray sheep had been eaten by wolves and spread **** on the grass, he was alone and terrifying. Ennis, Delmar's eyes were filled with confusion, panic, and struggle, and there seemed to be more content hidden in those eyes.

Ennis-Delmar found Jack Twist on the hillside and said, "What we did there is no next time."

Jack Twist replied, "It's between the two of us."

"You know, I'm not a pervert (queen, in the 1960s, it only referred to a perverted, abnormal crowd, and there was still no word to describe homosexuality at that time).

"That's Ennisdelma's answer.

Jack Twist hesitated, then said, "Neither did I."

With the clear and moving guitar sound, Ennis sat on the nose of the bonfire and looked at Jack who was about to sleep in the tent. After hesitation, he walked into the tent and walked towards Jack. Under the firelight, Ennis was struggling and hesitating, his eyes were dodging because he didn't know what to do.

Jack held Ennis' face and kissed him. This time, Ennis did not refuse, and then slowly fell into Jack's arms. Ennis closed his eyes and began to explore Jack's body. They kissed together again, following the most primitive and true emotions in their hearts.

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