Great Artist

Chapter 1110: Ace vs.

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Doug Morris and Michael Inas got off the golf cart. Doug Morris saw Steven Spielberg's beard at first sight and waved with a smile. call. Evan Bell just remembered that at the end of 2003, Universal Music acquired DreamWorks' record division. If you add Disney's record division, Universal Music has a lot of alliances here today. Fortunately, Evan Bell has made a decision on the copyright in Universal Music's hands, otherwise it would be a headache.

As soon as Michael Enas came down, he walked towards Steve Jobs "Hey look who this is, isn't this Steve, how long have we not seen each other? Is it fourteen months or ten? Five months." Michael Inas and Steve Jobs completely tore their faces in front of the media, and when they met in private, it was even more incompatible, so he was not polite at all.

Steve Jobs smiled and said, "Oh, I'm not sure, the passage of time is always imperceptible, isn't it?" This sentence directly gave Michael Inas ugly, the subtext is that he is not at all It doesn't matter how long they haven't seen each other, only Michael Inas does.

In fact, Evan Bell knew that the two had not seen each other in a formal setting for more than 20 months. Because there have been signs of changes in Disney's top management recently, the media are paying attention to see whether the generation of tyrant Michael Inas can turn the tide again. Evan Bell remembered that if he followed the historical trajectory, Michael Inas would have to step down around this point in time. This time he was unable to restore the situation. His term was until January 2006. But the shareholders couldn't wait to oust him, so in September or October -- at which point Evan Bell doesn't remember very well -- they threw Michael Enas out of Disney, and then by the way The undisclosed Robert Iger burst out halfway, under the circumstances that no one was optimistic. Become the new head of Disney.

After that, Evan Bell was impressed. In October, Robert Iger and Steve Jobs returned to the negotiating table and proposed a plan to acquire Pixar. At this time, "Ratatouille" and "Robot Wall-E" are being produced. At the same time, Pixar, whose "Toy Story 3" has also been put on the agenda, is still the sweet potato in the eyes of countless companies, so Steve Jobs put forward his own conditions: He will sell Pixar in cash and Disney stock. Robert Iger went back and tried to convince the board, but was rejected by the board because Steve Jobs was on the Disney board and it was an unacceptable thing for them - just sent Michael Inas away The dictator, Steve Jobs, was able to bring Apple up with one hand, and the means must not be underestimated. The board of directors was reluctant to send away the jackal and usher in the tiger. It took three months before and after Robert Eagle. When Steve Jobs was running out of patience, in January 2006, he persuaded the board of directors to approve the acquisition. In January 2006, Disney's acquisition of Pixar was launched, and in May, five months before and after, the two parties reached a final agreement, and finally Pixar became a member of Disney.

Evan Bell knows. If he still wants to get his hands on Pixar, there is not much time left for him. However, in the face of Disney, a formidable competitor. Evan Bell knew he had to get in first, or Steve Jobs would definitely favor Disney: after all, Disney is a super-powerful buyer, $6.7 billion, a staggering figure. For Steve Jobs, Pixar's sexuality is obviously not the first criterion for his thinking. He is a businessman, not a creative director. John Lasseter is the creative director.

While Evan Bell is thinking here, Steve Jobs and Michael Inas have had two more rounds. Don't think that Michael Inas is a grumpy old man. His methods are definitely not weak. In a few words, Steve Jobs's face is also flushed.

Doug Morris, who was standing next to him, was inquiring about the meeting between Steven Spielberg and Brad Gray. The recent acquisitions of Universal Pictures and DreamWorks have entered the stage of price details. Universal Music and Universal Pictures have a close relationship. Doug Morris naturally knows these things, but Steven Spielberg and Brad today have -Grey is on vacation together. This is intriguing.

Brad Gray took office as CEO of Paramount Pictures in January this year, becoming the youngest and youngest head of the eight major U.S. film companies. In the past eight months, Brad Gray has rectified his actions. Constantly, apparently hoping to get Paramount Pictures back on the right track. As a successful TV producer - "The Sopranos," "The Departed," "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory," Brad Gray also serves as the chairman of a Hollywood agency It shows his extraordinary market judgment and rich star resources, and with Paramount's status in the industry, there is no need to worry about qualifications and names at all. Therefore, Brad - Gray knows that his top priority now is to come up with outstanding works, so that Paramount can regain its glory at the box office and word of mouth.

On the one hand, Brad Gray started the shooting plan of the live-action version of "Transformers", which made a lot of noise; on the other hand, he began to establish a channel for the distribution of high-quality movies, and also emphasized the importance of the adaptation rights of the novels - these are all It is similar to Eleven Studios - these actions can be seen as a new interpretation of the current film market by the young forces represented by Brad Gray and Evan Bell.

Likewise, Evan Bell took aim at Pixar and became a competitor with Disney, while Brad Gray took on Universal Pictures and began to compete for DreamWorks. The two news before and after, although there is no real and accurate news, but there is no absolute secret inside the entertainment industry. No wonder Doug Morris can focus on Steven Spielberg.

Eden Hudson and Tiger Woods stood by and chatted, and Evan Bell stood by their side, receiving all kinds of information in his ears. To see such a wonderful scene of big bosses gathering and holding guns and sticks, it is not an opportunity every year.

Steve Jobs satirized Michael Enas who couldn't keep up with the times and thought he could still rule Disney for ten years, but in fact, Michael Enas' misjudgment of the Internet market and computer technology has made Disney lag behind There are quite a few other companies; on the contrary. Michael Enas taunted Steve Jobs, a businessman full of copper smells, but he insisted on being mixed in a pile of technology houses, thinking that he could mingle with young people from Pixar and Apple, but it turned out to be disrespectful to the old .

Compared to Steve Jobs and Michael Enas, who are fighting against each other, Steven Spielberg and Doug Morris are doing tai chi - you can see it. Doug Morris loves to play Tai Chi - the two of them go around here, but they can't say a single point for a long time, and Evan Bell just hears some nonsense about the angle of golf shots. Of course, Evan Bell knew they were talking about everything else to hint at what he was really thinking. Doug Morris was probably telling Steven Spielberg that Universal was the best at DreamWorks. acquisition object.

Brad Gray, who is standing next to him, is not a weak character, although he doesn't talk much. But it's always possible to pull off the topic at a critical moment, like just now, Doug Morris was there and said, "Lang just told me yesterday that I have a meeting with you next week. You always do this, every time you meet with Lang, you don't Don't call me, it makes me feel very lost." The words are hints. Steven Spielberg is doing some shady things behind Ron Mayer's back.

Without waiting for Steven Spielberg to speak, Brad Gray smiled and said, "I've always wanted to meet Inas. Unfortunately, his time is really difficult. Doug, you can help Can I say something nice?" There are many subtexts in this remark, such as Brad Gray's emphasis on being a junior among the heads of these big companies and being excluded; for example, suggesting that Michael Inas and Doug - Morris's meeting wasn't clean either; Steven Spielberg's willingness to meet him, for example, was a gap for him to break into big companies. In short, Brad Gray's words are an extension of Doug Morris's words, but there are various thoughts.

Doug Morris glanced at Brad Gray and was about to say the last sentence. Michael Inas, who was already ignited into a powder keg, seemed to have heard this sentence. But the sentence "Why are you seeing me, you are not a young girl. If you are interested, Evan should not refuse." This sentence is very rushed, especially when "Brokeback Mountain" was released yesterday. , obviously there is something in the words.

Evan Bell, who was named, laughed Inas is really old-fashioned, and now he is dating his granddaughter. A sentence directly choked Michael Inas's face, but Evan Bell did not give Michael Inas a chance to refute, and said directly, "Grey, last time I heard that you were going to start filming 'Transformers'" Why don't you show me the script. You know, Transformers is every little boy's dream."

Brad Gray knew that Evan Bell was talking nonsense. Paramount did show Evan Bell the "Transformers" script, but Evan Bell refused. But at this time, Evan Bell specifically said it, and naturally it was for himself. Brad Gray doesn't know why Evan Bell is willing to save himself, whether he is not dealing with Universal Music, Universal Pictures and Disney, or he knows about his negotiation with DreamWorks, but Evan Bell's courtship is not good for cloth. Rad - Gray, of course, is better.

"Really? That's really our luck. I heard that you were busy with 'perfume' before, so you didn't hand over the script." Brad Gray said, and he came over to Evan -Bell spoke up, and conversations between Michael Inas and Steve Jobs, Doug Morris and Steven Spielberg were interrupted. This trump card against the ace is really a mess.

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