Great Artist

Chapter 1112: conspiracy

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The key to pulling teeth from Disney's mouth is not money, because at a price of $6.7 billion, Eleven Studios can't get it out anyway; it is to pass on Steve Jobs' desire for Disney's huge resource pool. To this end, the bait given by Evan Bell is the network forces represented by utube and Facebook. The network forces not only represent huge propaganda channels, but also represent the expansion of the strategic map of major film companies to the Internet.

In fact, Steve Jobs sold Pixar to Disney in his last life. There are two biggest gains. One is to become Disney's largest shareholder. He exchanged $6.7 billion for 7% of Disney's shares, and he didn't get a cent of cash. ; One is to take down the huge resource library of Disney, allowing Disney's works to be paid for download on itunes, and then after the trial, gradually persuaded other film companies to put their works on itunes for paid downloads and rentals. Then with the emergence of ne, Apple really opened up the network market.

Now, Evan Bell's approach is actually the same. He has opened up the music company's music video network market through utube, and it is still in progress. Next, the channel business established by Evan Bell will gradually expand ten A studio's movies and TV programs offer online pay-per-view, and Evan Bell will surely persuade other movie companies and TV stations to join the ranks. What Evan Bell has done now, he has put together the first quarter of the jigsaw puzzle of Steve Jobs's dream, and the second quarter is to get a major movie company to recognize utube. After half of the patchwork is complete, the online market will pave the way.

Therefore, the online power represented by Youtube and Facebook, as well as the high-end paid business represented by the channel business, just touched the heart of Steve Jobs. Plus Eleven already has a distribution pipeline, even if it's not as huge as Disney's. But who knows what will happen in the future, not to mention the replacement of online publicity; the last is the good cooperative relationship between Evan Bell and Pixar. Today's third negotiation is very short, less than five minutes before and after. But it was Steve Jobs that really moved.

The network department is Disney's biggest weakness and Eleven Studio's biggest advantage. What Evan Bell did today was to impress Steve Jobs before Robert Iger.

For now, it looks like Evan Bell has succeeded and Steve Jobs has been persuaded - although he doesn't reveal it. And he still has to do further investigation after going back, but the fact is that Steve Jobs put Eleven Studios on the list of acquisition buyers for Pixar for the first time. At present, only Disney and Eleven Works are on the list. Room two names.

Steve Jobs didn't care if Pixar could sell, because it wasn't a problem at all. Steve Jobs only thought about how to maximize his own interests. Resources are what he asks for. The network is his first need, so he feels. Studio Eleven should be seriously considered.

In fact, Steve Jobs will take Eleven Studio into consideration, and Evan Bell is also an important factor. Think about Evan Bell's current cooperation with Apple, and he is also a shareholder of Apple, plus The foresight shown by this young man really aroused the interest of Steve Jobs, especially the idea of ​​mobile video equipment. Evan Bell first proposed the term "smartphone", which made Steve Jobs. Husband-Jobs was very interested.

However, today's negotiation between the two is limited to that. Evan Bell has shown his chips. The bait was also left; and Steve Jobs understood the situation, he had to go back and do the survey and evaluation, and then weigh the pros and cons and make his own judgment. None of this can be achieved in a short period of time.

"Evan, it seems that your sports cells are good, and you only played for the first time today. You have already played a decent tee off." Tiger Woods said with a smile, golf is a sport that pays great attention to details and physical coordination. , so that brute force won't work.

Evan Bell laughed, and said with a smile on his face, "Do you mean the ball that flew directly into the bunker just now? I think it can be practiced again." Laughing at himself, made everyone laugh.

With a faint smile on the corner of Steve Jobs' mouth, "You're two shots above the par on the fifteenth hole, which is much better than before."

Evan Bell spread his hands, "Luck, it will still come occasionally." Evan Bell's sloppy and uninhibited look made Tiger Woods laugh out loud.

Looking at Evan Bell, who was talking and laughing, Steve Jobs suddenly envied Evan Bell for his youth and health. Evan Bell didn't mention his health problems at all today, and Steve Jobs knew that it wasn't that Evan Bell didn't care, but that Evan Bell didn't treat him as a patient. This is what Steve Jobs always wanted others to do to him. For example, if he came to play golf at Canyon Manor today, his wife would inevitably be worried and would say, "Exercise is good for the body, but be careful not to overdo it." They would always involuntarily see him as a patient. Steve Jobs knew it was his family's concern, but it wasn't what he needed. Steve Jobs knew his body wasn't what it used to be, but he needed to feel that energy and remind him that he could keep going at Apple.

Looking at Evan Bell today is calm and composed, but with a cautiously calculated gaze, which makes Steve Jobs experience the same pleasure he had before his illness. Faced with the youthful energy of Evan Bell, Steve Jobs was a little envious.

However, this envy flashed by, and was soon thrown thousands of miles away by Steve Jobs. Steve Jobs was never a weak man, not even when he was sick. Therefore, this emotion is only momentary.

"Many times, at the scene of the game, luck is the difference between victory and defeat." Steve Jobs said with a smile, this sentence seems to be in line with Evan Bell's words, but it is very meaningful. The real powerhouse knows that luck is also a part of strength.

No more miscellaneous things. The four remaining holes were very happy to get along. After playing the 18th hole, the group of four also had a dinner at Canyon Manor and had a good conversation. But apparently Steve Jobs and Tiger Woods had other arrangements, so they left after the meal. Only Evan Bell and Eden Hudson were left sitting in the dining room.

Evan Bell and Eden Hudson didn't stay for long. They came to Canyon Manor with a mission in mind. After the end, they drove directly back to Toronto. When I returned to Ryerson University, it was almost ten o'clock in the evening. In the corridor of the residence, Evan Bell saw Anne Hathaway.

Anne Hathaway greeted Evan Bell happily as if nothing had happened. Speaking of watching "Good Night and Good Luck" today. It's not that Anne Hathaway hides her thoughts well, but the two of them agreed that no matter what happens in the future, they will not leave each other, and everything will be the same as before. From childhood to adulthood, they have become accustomed to each other's presence, even when embarrassed. Even if it is a quarrel, even if it is awkward, they have long been used to it. After so many years, I have experienced what I have experienced, so there will be no special gap when we meet again.

This is the tacit understanding between the two of them, a tacit understanding that has been established for more than ten years. It was only when Evan Bell gave Anne Hathaway a good night kiss that some abnormalities could be seen on Anne Hathaway's slightly flushed cheeks.

After returning to the room, Evan Bell and Teddy Bell sat aside and briefly said about Pixar, "I guess Disney is going to change recently. When Inas steps down, Disney will reorganize. , at most half a month, the new head will make a decision. For the turbulent Disney, Pixar must be the target they must chase, which is the killer for them to temporarily stabilize. The dissatisfaction also includes Pixar. It's just that now Disney itself has started making 'Four Eyed Chicken', which will be released in November. The results of 'Four Eyed Chicken' will determine Disney's attitude towards Pixar. So, we must pay close attention."

Teddy Bell nodded and expressed his understanding. Regarding the cooperation plan of Pixar, it has been planned for more than two years. From the initial cooperation, to today's acquisition priority - the acquisition fails to cooperate is the second choice, and the entire Eleven Studio Be prepared, "You have sent enough signals to Jobs today, I will follow up when Toronto is over, and I will follow up when I go back." Eleven Studios has shown enough sincerity, Steve Jobs The grasp of the situation is clear enough, so at least a week later, when Teddy Bell comes to the door again, you can see the preliminary decision of Steve Jobs. This will also determine the strategy of Studio Eleven after that.

"How much money can the company spend to complete the acquisition?" Evan Bell doesn't know much about financial So he can only ask Teddy Bell. Disney used $6.7 billion, or seven percent of Disney's shares, to complete the acquisition. Eleven Studio is not listed, so it has no shares, and it does not have enough confidence in funding. The situation is indeed very unfavorable.

Teddy Bell also has a rough figure in this regard, "3 billion to 3.5 billion, and Apple's stock, which is also one of the bargaining chips. The third quarter earnings of 'Eleven' men's clothing have not yet been calculated. , and it is estimated that it can be improved further in the future.”

Evan Bell was a little surprised. Although he knew that Teddy Bell had been doing stocks and investments, he didn't expect that Eleven Studio's assets were obviously more than expected. The outside world still underestimates Eleven Studios. However, these assets have been prepared by Teddy Bell for Pixar's acquisition plan, so they have not been used. Even if they are taken out, it will not affect the daily operation of Eleven Studios.

Although this figure is still far from the last transaction price of Pixar in the past life, it is already the limit of Eleven Studio. Everything the Bell Brothers can do has been done, and it's up to people to do it, but it's a matter of time, and it's up to Steve Jobs' decision and Disney's response.

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