Great Artist

Chapter 1121: Is it complete

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In the United States, a country that has always advocated the "American Dream", movies always carry people's pursuit of dreams. "A happy ending ( may be tiresome, but people still hope to see it in movies and novels A happy ending that cannot be found in life.

Therefore, heroes save the world, lovers get married, go through troughs and return to peaks, and endure hardships to achieve success... These themes are always full of big screens, and life in just one hundred and twenty minutes allows all audiences to feel The weight of dreams.

"Little Miss Sunshine" seems to be such a work, Richard's bankruptcy, Cher's troubles, Dwayne's dumb oath, Frank's suicide, grandpa's drug addiction... The Hoover family seems to be in addition to Oliver's There are no positive factors other than beauty pageant dreams, so even with a car breakdown, a career failure, and the death of a grandfather, the family has not stopped running to Redondo Beach. No matter how failed their lives were, they decided to bring Oliver to their dreams. When the little yellow bus crashed over the fence, rushed out of the road, rushed to the competition site and qualified for the beauty pageant at the last minute, at that moment, almost everyone in the audience thought that it would be a traditional American dream. Achievement inspirational film.

According to the traditional routine, the lovely girl Oliver will be a blockbuster in the performance, and then impress the judges with her naive and lovely, persevering, or touching stories of grandparents and grandchildren, and win the final championship with a twist. Then the Hoover family gathered together in tears, broke all barriers and embraced again, hard work, persistence, waiting, and the family was full of sensational power because of the success of this moment.

If so, then "Little Miss Sunshine" is a mainstream sensational family movie, then Evan Bell will not decide to direct this film, then the release road of this film is not expected to be so bumpy, of course , then the movie may not leave any impression on the audience.

But the truth is. "Little Miss Sunshine" uses a black humor to interpret the American dream in another way. Oliver's clumsy and cute but enchanting stripping dance on the stage made the audience boo. Amid the uproar from the audience, even the family was stunned. In a trance, Grandpa's proud smile seemed to be right in front of him. In the dance of the beauty pageant organizers, the Hoover family took to the stage to protect Oliver from finishing the dance. This seems to be their resistance to the standards of social aesthetic and moral judgment, and it is also their desire to protect their dreams. determination.

In this way, it is still an exposition of the American dream. However, it uses a personality, outrageous, and rebellious way to interpret, which makes people stunned, and their hearts are filled with warmth, but there are two more thoughts. At the end of the movie, the family pushed the yellow minivan again, ran one by one, jumped into the car, broke the guardrail, and left laughing. That's how "Little Miss Sunshine" ends.

Did the dream come true? Is the ending happy? All the audience were a little stunned.

If you want to pursue it. The Hoover family's dreams all collapsed, Richard's dream of publishing a book officially went bankrupt, and Cher's intention to quit smoking was still unclear. Frank faced the embarrassment of his lover and rivals, Dwayne was doomed to not be a pilot because of his color blindness, his grandfather was eventually killed by drugs, and even Oliver missed the California beauty pageant because of that shocking stage. From this point of view, the Hoovers have all failed, leaving people with mixed feelings. At the end of the movie, Evan Bell did not explain a happy ending, and let this broken dream come to an end in the sunset of California, which is also a non-mainstream ending.

But looking at this family with broken dreams, although everyone doesn't know what will happen in the future. Whether the Hoovers can come out of the shadow of bankruptcy and get back on their feet, no one knows, but the audience has no regrets or worries. Because the audience knows, maybe they will still fight. Maybe they still have unresolved conflicts, but at least they have each other. So, is this ending a happy one?

Evan Bell used a gorgeous sunset to leave a long aftertaste in the hearts of every audience. "Little Sunshine" does not give a successful ending like a traditional inspirational film, and sets up a successful example to inspire people, but tells an ordinary family story in a way that is neither sensational nor didactic - those who are loved by society and the world The story of a group classified as a loser, Evan Bell erected a big center against the so-called mainstream social values ​​and outlook on life such as health, success, and correctness. Watching the Hoover family push the yellow van on their way home again, this ending is much better than a great reunion.

In a trance, Dwayne's words to Frank near the end of the movie "Do what you want and let the rest go to **** (.," Deafening.

After 15 minutes of applause from the audience, Evan Bell, the director, was fortunate to convey his voice through the microphone: "Yes, I think the media will say that my world view and life view are incorrect, but I think I can accept this statement." Evan Bell's words made the reporters at the scene embarrassed, and the audience laughed softly.

"Before shooting this film, I actually always thought that the world has made so many rules for us, right and wrong, should and shouldn't, success and failure, everyone is doing their best for these rules, It seems that meeting the so-called social norms is success. But the truth is, is the meaning of life that simple?" Evan Bell said this was very comfortable, but the media was not very comfortable "What is a successful person, what is Who is the loser? Social mainstream, media, celebrities, 'successful' politicians, company presidents, or ourselves! "

Forget about the sensitive media, even the audience heard something in Evan Bell's words. The media are always shouting for justice and accuracy. It seems that it is unbearable to deviate from the mainstream track. This can't help but remind everyone of "Brokeback Mountain" at the time when Chris Fairbanks said "the stupidest decision" is the best example, because Evan Bell deviates from the mainstream, he made what normal people would not do He is "stupid"; similarly, because Evan Bell rejected commercial movies such as "King Kong" and "Spider-Man" and chose niche pornographic movies, the media thought Evan Bell Is an arrogant lunatic. That's the so-called mainstream voice, and it's what Evan Bell gave his **** critique in "Little Miss Sunshine."

"Of course, the person who sets the rules will definitely not be me." Evan Bell's words broke the slightly serious atmosphere of the scene, and everyone laughed lightly. "Life is an endless pageant, and of course, every pageant has different rules. I just wanted to say, Oliver, you're the most beautiful girl in the world."

When Evan Bell finished his last sentence, the audience focused their attention on Abigail Branslin, who was only nine years old this year. This cute little girl lost the big belly in the movie—— Obviously it was a prop, and there were no big glasses, but that shy and sweet smile was still hanging on his face.

Many people remembered the conversation between Oliver and his grandfather.

"Grandpa, am I pretty?"

"You are the most beautiful little girl in the world."

"But grandpa, what if I don't win the beauty pageant?"

"Then I'll beat them hard!"

In an instant, the applause of the audience stopped for a short time, and it sounded again. The media standing in the press area could only applaud helplessly.

Is "Little Sunshine" a mainstream work? If it counts, then what is the attitude of all this against the mainstream, the so-called mainstream beauty pageant that is ironically indistinct; if not, then what is Evan Bell's gesture of encouragement to dreams?

The film critics present knew that the setting of each character and ending of "Little Sunshine" is justified. This story contains Evan Bell's attitude towards the so-called mainstream, and Evan Bell's personal attitude towards life. Evan Bell never denied the existence of the mainstream of society, because this is the real existence, it will not exist because of your neglect or cynicism, but he will not set his life track to coincide with the mainstream of society. On track, he wants to have his own life. Think about "Brokeback Mountain" and then think about Evan Bell's life trajectory. The phrase "Do what you want and let the rest go to hell" in the movie is much easier to understand.

This detached attitude to life is not difficult to understand, but how many people can do it in real life? In addition to jealousy, people could not help but fall into contemplation.

But the audience at the scene didn't care, they only knew that this was a good work, and it was enough to make them laugh with tears and make themselves happy. As for what to reflect on and what aftertaste, that is something to think about after leaving the cinema, at least not now.

During the screening of "Brokeback Mountain", a scene of Jack and Ennis making out appeared on the screen. There were still many audience members who could not help but close their eyes and did not dare to face this scene directly. At the screening of "Little Sunshine", everyone's heart went up and down with the Hoover family, crying and laughing, watching the "failure" that belonged to the Hoover family and all ordinary people. At the end of the movie, the standing ovation is a support for the lovely Hoover family of the lovely little girl, and it is also a catharsis of inner emotions.

It doesn't really matter whether "Little Sunshine" is complete, what matters is that the audience likes it.

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