Great Artist

Chapter 1129: refusal to invite songs

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Evan Bell was really a little sleepy. He felt that his eyelids were already fighting. Hearing someone calling his name, he couldn't help sitting up, patted his cheek, then raised his head and looked at the person with his eyes wide open. Sure enough, someone I knew "Hey, Arthur!"

Evan Bell stood up. Although he was a little shaky, he was not so drunk that he could barely stand still. He hugged Usher in front of him, "Are you here to drink too?"

Usher nodded with a smile, but he was wearing a pair of big sunglasses, so he couldn't see his eyes. "It looks like you've had a few rounds of drinking."

Evan Bell laughed out loud, "Leo, this is Arthur; Arthur, this is Leo." Evan Bell turned back and introduced the two, but they didn't seem to have any intention of getting to know each other. Both of them just waved their hands as a greeting. One is the king of actors, the other is the king of singers, and there is really no need to know them.

"You came with your friends?" Evan Bell didn't mind either. He looked behind Usher. There were still demons dancing on the dance floor. It should be near midnight now, and the DJ's music was getting more and more exciting. More and more intense, it is the peak moment in the bar.

Usher nodded, "A large group of friends." Usher pointed to the booth not far away, but because of the dim lighting in the room, only one position could be seen, and no one could see clearly. "By the way, Evan, do you plan to release an album recently? I hear the media keep mentioning this."

"Hehe, why, are you planning to fight again?" Evan Bell is not shy at all. Although he and Usher are not close friends, but at the charity concert at the beginning of the year, Usher was willing to attend and let Evan Bell treat him impression is still good. In terms of album sales, the two of them are fighting to the death, but they can still talk and laugh in private.

Usher shook his head with a smile, but didn't answer directly. It's just that the smile doesn't look very real in the dim light. "I just wanted to ask, if you have time, can you write a few songs for me?"

This surprised Evan Bell. "Have you started preparing for a new album?" But at this time, Evan Bell's mind was a little slow, and his speech was already a little tongue-in-cheek. Fortunately, there was no ambiguity, and he could still hear it clearly.

Usher shrugged, neither admitting nor denying. The main reason is that he and Evan Bell are not very familiar with them. These situations are all internal plans of the company, and they are not subtle. But that's exactly why. So Evan Bell was very surprised. "Do you want to invite me to sing? Me?"

Evan Bell and Usher are friends, but not really good friends, or even rivals. If Linkin Park came to Evan Bell to sing, of course, but Usher came to sing, which seemed a little surprising. Of course, this is also an affirmation of Evan Bell. He is indeed the world's top music producer now, and no one will deny his talent.

Usher seemed to have no idea how to respond to Evan Bell's accident, and the smile on his face was a little stiff. There was no change in Evan Bell's hazy eyes, the nerves were dull, and the whole reaction was dull. "Yes, the famous Evan Bell, it's a very good idea to have your own songs included in the album." It can be heard that Usher's words are still somewhat restrained, and his sincerity does not seem to show. . But on second thought, this is normal.

If Usher invites Evan Bell to sing, it shows that Usher is sure of Evan Bell's talent. Not necessarily admiration, but at least for sure. But Evan Bell invited Usher to sing, which is almost impossible. As a result, the public will be left with an impression that Usher is inferior to Evan Bell in terms of creative ability-although the current professionals do think so, and the public also thinks so, but Usher does not want to think so. This is another form of admitting defeat.

but. Usher will speak out today, and it's well thought out. The album "Confessions of Love" created a peak in his music career, and the subsequent release of the album will inevitably become the target of everyone. Everyone will look forward to the quality and standard of Usher's new album. In the entertainment industry, the space for artists to fail is not as spacious as one might imagine. Usher is still quite interested in the new album. After all, not everyone can be like Evan Bell and Linkin Park. Every album is well-received. Usher has been in the music world for so many years. Naturally, he is more careful. cautious. Usher didn't think about the overall quality of the album in the long run. He only considered the excellence of the song "Yeah!" The new album is bound to create another topic, whether the quality of the song is comparable to "Yeah!" The level is still a topic of discussion. If the new album cannot collide with this fire, even if the overall quality is still not bad, the media will definitely not give up.

So, Evan Bell appeared on Usher's invitation song list. With Evan Bell's talent, it's not difficult to write a song of top quality, which is very important to Usher; even if Evan Bell's song is not as good as "Yeah!" Not suitable for Usher's style, but the fact that Evan Bell is willing to write songs for Usher is a topic worthy of hype.

After thinking about it again and again, Usher felt that he should discuss this matter with Evan Bertiti, but he never found a suitable opportunity, because no matter how he thought about it, he was a little embarrassed. The two of them are friends, but at most they are just ordinary friends, not much better than a nodding friendship. But today, it gave Usher a chance.

Today's occasion seems very suitable. It's not too formal. It's just a bar. It's like a topic for friends to talk about when they get together. It's naturally best to agree, and it's not too ugly to refuse. And importantly, the media won't know. So, Usher just saw Leonardo DiCaprio go to the bar to find the waiter, and then learned that Leonardo DiCaprio and Evan Bell were both in the booth, so he made a decisive decision. , decided to come and ask.

Evan Bell is now half-drunk. He doesn't think much about it. Basically, the first reaction in his mind comes out: he smiles. "Haha, Arthur, are you kidding me?" The laughter was a little embarrassing in the ears of the boy Usher. The boy guessed that this should be a "no", and he was about to say the last sentence. The words covered up his embarrassment, but Evan Bell went on to say, "I think it's okay. I don't plan to write songs for others at the moment, and I don't have a shadow on my new album."

If it is changed to normal, even if Evan Bell refuses, it is estimated that he will use a more polite and euphemistic way. After all, Usher is a friend, and at least he will say "there is a chance to cooperate in the future"; but today Evan Bell He couldn't care about being polite. After he finished speaking, he patted Usher on the shoulder, turned his head and sat down directly.

This time, Usher was embarrassed instead, he was stuck in his chest, and he didn't know if he should have an attack. On the one hand, Evan Bell is a friend, and he does seem to drink too much, and it seems unnecessary to be angry with him; on the other hand, he pulls himself down to invite a song, but Evan Bell decisively refuses , and the irony in the sentence just now couldn't be more obvious. It sounded as if he was a pitiful worm, not to mention the last pat on the shoulder to appease, which made Usher froze directly. in situ.

Evan Bell doesn't know the rich inner activities of Usher. What he just said has no additional meaning at all, sincere. For now, except for the two songs with Linkin Park, Evan Bell has not written songs for other singers, and all the friends in Evan Bell's music circle are creative, and at most everyone is discussing with each other. When I wrote it, I never thought about inviting Evan Bell to sing. Evan Bell's words are naturally normal. In his opinion, there is nothing wrong. Therefore, he also warmly invited Usher, "Arthur, do you want to sit down and have two drinks?"

This is in Usher's Whether it is charity or compensation, it is not a taste. Before he can make a decision, Evan Bell said with a smile, "Wear it in a bar. Sunglasses, aren't you afraid of falling?"

Under the flickering light, the face of Usher also changed like a palette. In the end, Usher turned around and left without speaking, disappearing into the crowd on the dance floor.

Evan Bell was stunned for a while, then turned to look at Leonardo DiCaprio, "Where's Arthur? What happened?"

Leonardo DiCaprio saw all of this in his eyes, but because of the light, he couldn't see the change in Usher's face. So, he curled his lips in a bachelor and shrugged, "It's okay, there's nothing wrong. By the way, our wine is here." This turned Evan Bell's attention away.

Evan Bell's brain actually knew what had just happened, but the sluggishness of the brain's processing ability made him feel nothing wrong - in fact, there was nothing wrong except speaking straight, so he didn't care. , and immediately turned his attention to the bottle of red wine on the table. "Seriously? Leo, red wine. Do you want me to get drunk or not?" Drunk, so Evan Bell made a joke, although it wasn't funny at all: "Go get another bottle of whisky."

Leonardo DiCaprio looked at Evan Bell in front of him, smiled helplessly and said, "You're crazy." Then he turned to the waiter and said, "Do as he says, remember me On account."

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