Great Artist

Chapter 1132: headline News

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For the reporters, what is the most depressing thing is not that they were teased one after another by Evan Bell's "Brokeback Mountain" and "Little Sunshine Beauty", and they have words of suffering; it is that they have no news to do Report, look at the front page headlines in newspapers and magazines and worry: what to write?

Reporters lose face, it doesn't matter, they have sales; reporters are embarrassed, it doesn't matter, they have sales; reporters are insulted, it's okay, they have sales... So, even at the Toronto Film Festival, the reporters were fooled I was speechless, and was thrown into the Indian Ocean because of a supermarket tabloid. But for the media and reporters, this is still a fortunate thing, because the full-page full-page focus news makes the boss look at the sales and website click-through rate. grinning.

As for the direct infighting between the media and the quarrel between the mainstream media and the gossip tabloids, it is certain that this is something that the media would like to see happen. Therefore, the confrontation was already full of gunpowder, and the media didn't mind lighting another fire and arguing.

What's the happiest thing for journalists - if you put aside the time to get the year-end bonus, it's probably the moment when there are so many hot stories to choose from, and they have to worry about which news to make the front page. , this moment of distress is the happiest thing. For example today.

Option 1, Evan Bell and Leonardo DiCaprio got into a fight and was thrown out of the bar by the security guard. certainly. This is the news after the reporters have "polished" it, and the content is absolutely explosive, for example, the reason for the big fight. It was because of Evan Bell's affair with Gisele Bundchen, which led to the breakup of the golden boy and girl Gisele Bundchen and Leonardo DiCaprio, while Evan Bell and Leigh Leonardo DiCaprio, a close friend, has also turned against each other.

The second choice, Avril Lavigne and Hilary Duff scolded the street in the bar and fought with each other, and were finally thrown into the street by the security guard, embarrassed. certainly. This news is naturally not immune, and it has a vivid description of the ugly scene between the two girls. For example, Hilary Duff ripped Avril Lavigne's clothes to shreds, so that people can clearly see Avril Lavigne's black lace undergarments; and Avril Lavigne gave Hilary Duff a few big Ear scraper. It made Hilary Duff, the rising female idol, have a face swollen like a pig's head, and even ripped off a large piece of Hilary Duff's hair, and Hilary Duff is consulting about hair transplantation.

The above two options are enough to put all reporters in a dilemma, but there is a third option, which is the suffocating annoyance. Britney Spears, who once swept the world, was married early last year after a brief 55-hour marriage. In the second half of last year, she stepped into the marriage hall again. Last week, Britney Spears gave birth to her and her husband's first son. Just less than a week later, Britney Spears broke out at home. violent incident. It is said. It was because her husband, Kevin Federline, was caught by his wife while flirting outside, and a fierce quarrel broke out. It eventually evolved into Quanwu Xing.

Really troubled, troubled. trouble! This has almost become the biggest worry for the top 30% of the entertainment media in the United States. Each of the three news is the best. Which one should you choose as the headline?

Driven by these three pieces of news, the massacre in the media caused by "Little Sunshine" the day before yesterday suddenly became very boring. No one cared whether the reporters were disgraced. Instead, it was a piece of lace news. Occupied the hearts and minds of entertainment magazine editors.

Evan Bell woke up with a splitting headache. The sunlight hanging high outside was extremely dazzling. He couldn't help pulling the quilt, turned over and continued to close his eyes.

"Wake up? I made black coffee here, do you want to join me?" Leonardo DiCaprio's voice came through the quilt and a hall.

Evan Bell kicked the quilt away irritably, then sat on the edge of the bed with his back to the window, "Oh, God, I think my head is about to split, it's terrible..." Evan Bell That clear voice, at this moment, is like swallowing a pile of sand. Hearing his own voice, Evan Bell couldn't help laughing, "I'm going to dub Gollum now, and it can be vivid without special effects." Gollum, the man in "The Lord of the Rings" who fell for five hundred years monster.

Watching Evan Bell giggle there alone, Leonardo DiCaprio couldn't help laughing.

I thought it would be very painful to go back to this apartment, but it was much better than I imagined. Leonardo DiCaprio was sitting on the sofa in the hall, drinking black coffee calmly, and enjoying the tranquility of the morning. Of course, the throbbing pain in his head still made his expression very tangled.

"I feel like I crawled out of a garbage heap. Do you have a clean change of clothes here?" Evan Bell said as he walked towards the bathroom. Last night, I vaguely remembered that I vomited once, but luckily I didn't vomit on the bed.

"In the locker room, go take a look," Leonardo DiCaprio said casually.

Evan Bell walked to a small room of more than 300 square feet, which was neatly hung with Leonardo DiCaprio's clothes. Shirts, t-shirts, pants, and coats were hung in different categories, but the cabinets There are a few sets of clothes that have been changed easily on the pile. It can be felt in an instant that when Gisele Bundchen was still in this room, everything was in order, and she was like a virtuous wife, taking care of everything at home; but finally she got tired of waiting, because Leonardo DiCaprio was never able to give her a promise, so he had to leave. Leonardo DiCaprio's inner torment was clearly visible in that mess.

Evan Bell sighed and didn't say much. He opened the drawer and found the unopened underwear, then took the bath towel and went into the bathroom.

After taking a bath, Evan Bell felt a lot more awake. Although his head was still twitching, at least he wouldn't feel like you were rolling in the swamp. Putting on his shirt and slacks, Evan Bell walked into the hall and saw Leonardo DiCaprio sitting on the sofa looking at the computer, "What are you looking at?"

Leonardo DiCaprio still had a smile on his face, "It seems that yesterday's event in 'Guardian' was photographed by reporters, and then they made up a story. Said that the two of us were for...for the sake of Ji Purcell fights, and both of them become enemies."

"Haha... This story is exciting enough." Evan Bell couldn't help laughing. After sitting down next to Leonardo DiCaprio, he picked up the coffee pot on the table and poured himself a large amount of it. cup. He glanced at the neatly placed coasters next to him, and then looked at Leonardo DiCaprio's coffee cup directly on the table, which was another trace of Gisele Bundchen. Evan Bell took a big sip of black coffee, and the bitter taste made him frown directly, but the whole person also felt a lot more awake, "How is it, do you have anything else to say?"

Whether it is in his previous life or this life, Evan Bell knows that for the news of the paparazzi, it is good to read it as a novel, and there is no need to take it seriously. Therefore, Evan Bell always looks at these news with interest and laments the powerful imagination of the reporters, which can also be regarded as a means to pass the time.

Evan Bell casually looked at the article on the computer screen. In fact, it is estimated that the paparazzi witnessed the whole process, but he felt that the fight alone must not be enough to watch, so he made up a reason. The situation of the fight was also exaggerated a lot. It was written that two people were surrounded by eight people and were eventually thrown out of the bar. If the bar manager hadn't come forward, the matter would not have ended. Evan Bell felt very happy to see it.

"This is just the headline of 'Vanity Fair', and the headline of 'Variety' is another." Leonardo DiCaprio moved the mouse, closed the previous webpage, and opened another one.

Evan Bell said with great interest, "Really? It seems to be very lively last night." Faced with so many hot news, different media must have different choices, and each media's headlines are also different. "Variety" selected headlines by Avril Lavigne and Hilary Duff.

"They are also 'guarding'?" Evan Bell looked at Leonardo DiCaprio in surprise. "Are they the ones who were thrown out when we came out?"

"It's very Leonardo DiCaprio shrugged. Yesterday they were both in a state of embarrassment, and they didn't care about others. I don't want the other two girls to be entertainers. , or Evan Bell knew. "'The Globe' seems to be on the hook with you. Their headlines combine these two news together, saying that the two of us fought over the two girls. "

"Avril and Hillary?" Evan Bell's eyes widened, and he burst into laughter. The world is really happy. "Where's the news from the Globe, open me to see."

Leonardo DiCaprio couldn't help rolling his eyes, "And it's said that Britney was domestically abused by her husband, do you want to read it?" When others see their own negative news, they will feel very angry, Especially those who distort the facts will be more depressed. It's not like Evan Bell, he's just watching a joke. Leonardo DiCaprio really doesn't know if Evan Bell is too nervous.

"Britney? Che... the domestic violence has come out, and it is estimated that she will be called insane." Evan Bell snorted, looking like he didn't believe it at all. These media are like this. When Britney Spears was on fire, it was full of praise. Now Britney Spears is lost, and the media can't wait to get down.

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