Great Artist

Chapter 1136: in person

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"Five, six, seven, eight..." The live music rang, and in Travie-Nann clapping their hands, all the young people in front of them stood up and began to dance.

"Zach, go a little to the right; Lucas, let go a little more; Ashley! What are you doing!" Travie Nahn stood at the front of the line, shouting at the top of his voice, his eyes like Eagle-eyed, staring at each player, and then pointing out their shortcomings.

Leonardo DiCaprio was sitting next to Evan Bell, watching the rehearsal in front of him, with an excited expression on his face, "Did you practice like this on Broadway before?"

Evan Bell smiled, "No, ours is much more difficult, it's too easy." It's not that Evan Bell is too proud, it's the truth. The songs and dances in "High School Musical" incorporate pop and hip-hop elements in order to be close to teenagers, and simplify the dance steps, the purpose is to make young people feel close. A real Broadway musical is more difficult and has a deeper dance background. What's more, the shooting of "High School Musical" did not require them to sing while moving. The songs they sang were recorded in the studio later, and then edited and added, which reduced a lot of trouble for the shooting work. "Look, if it was on Broadway, Travie would hold a microphone, and sometimes a long stick in his hand, and if anyone made a mistake, the stick would be pointed directly at the actor, no corporal punishment or anything. But when the stick stayed in front of me, I felt terrified. This is just the part of the dance rehearsal, the combination of singing and dancing, and the integration of acting skills are more complicated."

Speaking of which, Evan Bell looked back at Leonardo DiCaprio with a big smile on his face, "But it does remind me of the days when I first entered Broadway. In addition to basic skills, I can also get into the rehearsal of the play, which is what it is like. Watching the seniors on stage perform. I think about it offstage, and then go home to practice." Evan Bell's basic skills are off-Broadway. I started playing, and when I entered Broadway, I didn't have that much time for basic skills.

"What? Are you interested? Then we will re-shoot 'Singing in the Rain' again, and you should come and play." Evan Bell looked at the expression on his friend's face, said with a smile, and immediately let Leonardo- DiCaprio's expression changed, completely frightened. Leonardo DiCaprio is really insensitive to singing, dancing, etc.

"Evan, what do you think?" Travie-Nan's voice came over. Evan Bell raised an eyebrow at Leonardo DiCaprio, signaling that it was time for him to go out.

In fact, Travi-Nan had already filmed a scene just now, but he was not very satisfied three times in a row. He always felt that the actor's performance was not in place and the taste was not right. Travie-Nan was the first time he came into contact with movies, so he had some understanding of the difference between Broadway and movies, but it was vague. Now that Evan Bell is present, he directly asks the disciple's opinion. Evan Bell and Travie Nunn discussed it, but Travie Nunn still felt that it was not vivid enough. Evan Bell simply let them perform the last group performance in the script. Then do a comparison.

Evan Bell walked to Travie Nahn and said to the actors in front of him, "You guys are standing still." Then he looked at Travie Nahn, "Did you notice? The actors' movements are too big, but they themselves are restrained, so the movements are stuck in half. We are on Broadway, we are watching the performance from the perspective of the audience, but the movie is not good, on the movie screen, we The movements should be slightly reduced. Of course, it does not mean discounting, but to emphasize that the movements are in place and accurate. In particular, the expressions are vivid, not exaggerated." Standing on the Broadway stage, the expressions of actors are difficult to be seen by the audience, so More often, actors will deliberately exaggerate their expressions, and then show their emotions with clear movements; but on the movie screen. The purpose is the same, but the expression needs to be changed a little bit.

"Also, Travie, you should have noticed that there are differences between roles. Troy and Gabriella were not interested in musicals at first, they just loved singing, so they stood on stage, It should be to enjoy the singing performance to the fullest, but the dance moves do not need to be too in place. On the contrary, Sharpe and Ryan have Broadway skills, and their movements need to be precise. As for the other characters, they should fully enjoy the singing and dancing, Action should not be the focus, joy is, the kind of joy that radiates from the inside out." Evan Bell finished a long series, looking at Travie Nun's expression of thinking, he was not in a hurry, Paused, waiting for a response.

After a short while, Travi-Nan said, "Evan, what you said I did not consider thoroughly, but in fact, I have thought about these details, but they are vague. Can you demonstrate directly, I think it is relatively vague. Intuitive."

Evan Bell only felt a black line on his forehead, "Travi, you didn't think about it at all, you just wanted to show me." As Evan Bell's mentor, Travie Nann's thoughts on stage plays Cognition is naturally deeper than that of Evan Bell. Although it is inevitable to make some low-level mistakes in the filming of the film, after listening to Evan Bell's explanation, he must know where the problem is, and there is no need for demonstration. But now, Travie Nunn is clearly trying to see Evan Bell perform.

"Are you serious?" Evan Bell looked at Travie Nann again and asked. Travie-Nan looked over with a smile, his eyes were too sure.

Evan Bell could only smile helplessly, walked in front of the actors, and began to move his wrists and ankles, "Hey, everyone pay attention." In fact, there was no need for Evan Bell to call, everyone saw Evan Bell The figure that came over, the group automatically focused their eyes, and almost didn't hold their breath to stare. Even Leonardo DiCaprio put Erlang's legs down and waited for a good show with a smile on his face.

"That's it, Travie thought it was annoying for me to rest there, so he sent me over to move my body." Evan Bell's words caused laughter from the staff next to him, but the actors in front of him didn't Without making a sound, some people were even more nervous, while others were eager to try.

Evan Bell jumped twice in place, and after getting ready, he snapped his fingers, "Give me some music."

"We got together... The music started, and Evan Bell raised his hands, took the beat together with the music, used the rhythm of his chest and waist to beat the rhythm, and relaxed little by little in front of everyone. Body. At this time, there were at least 200 people in the whole gym, watching Evan Bell dancing in the middle alone, but for Evan Bell, he was not shy at all, and his movements were simple and casual. , the joy of that gesture is clearly felt.

When the chorus sounded, Evan Bell suddenly turned around, lunged left, and shrugged; then lunged right and shrugged. This move is the dance that the actors were rehearsing just now. Evan Bell learned it after only watching it once. This made everyone stunned and even wondered if Evan Bell had learned it before. Only Travie Nunn knows that this level of dancing is not a problem for Evan Bell at all. Whether it is Broadway or street performances, Evan Bell's skills have been accumulated over the years.

"We are together now, we have found our home, we have met ourselves, and we are all stars..." Evan Bell sang the music together, but the lyrics were different from the ones that were made up later, but Evan Bell sang it together. The words that Wen Bell sang casually are still in chapters, and they fit in seamlessly with the melody. Even if it is changed to the words that Evan Bell sings now, it is absolutely feasible.

"Everyone, together!" After only twenty seconds of dancing in the chorus, Evan Bell raised his hands again and began to applaud. Although it was not agreed in advance, with Evan Bell's loud voice and lively movements, all the actors involuntarily raised their hands and clapped, and then danced to the music. It doesn't have to be formal dance steps, just the simplest rhythm that can express the joy in your heart, and that's enough.

Evan Bell shouted to Ashley Tisdale and Lucas Grabi not far away, "Ryan, Sharpe, pay attention, next is your dance. Please pay attention, everyone, This one is different from the previous one."

Cut into the singing of the main song Evan Bell still doesn't remember the lyrics, so he still uses the lyrics he made up temporarily, but obviously, his movement range is slightly increased. The self-confidence of the whole person is exuded, every action is like a real Broadway superstar, and the expression during singing also becomes richer. That completely different aura was displayed directly in front of everyone's eyes.

There is indeed a difference between the so-called Broadway performance and other performances. Even if it is a simple pace, the Broadway pace has a sense of stage, and the sharp difference immediately establishes the image of the character.

In the chorus part again, Evan Bell did not turn around, but faced all the actors, "All together." Then he led everyone and began to dance. This dance step is back to the previous pattern. Different from the Broadway dance steps that I showed just now, the range of movements is smaller now, and the positioning is more casual, but the joy radiating from the whole body is more vivid, just like a high school student who loves dancing. This sense of randomness on the street not only will not destroy the feeling of the whole musical, but instead makes the gym full of youthful atmosphere.

Only those who have actually seen the scene can understand the charm of the stage, especially the stage of Evan Bell.

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