Great Artist

Chapter 1144: testify in court

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Evan Bell and Leonardo DiCaprio's whimsical road trip ended in New York. Leonardo DiCaprio says he plans to take a few days off in New York to get in touch with Gisele Bundchen.

However, the news that Evan Bell and Leonardo DiCaprio appeared together on the "Prison Break" crew quickly spread on the Internet, and the rumors of the pair of friends were broken without attacking. , As for the unreliable gossip news of the "Globe", it naturally settled on the Internet, and no one paid attention to it. However, the "Prison Break" crew was busy, and countless media turned their attention to them, because they were all vying for the exclusive interview rights of this 2005 autumn strong file. For a time, No. 10 Prince Street was lively. endlessly.

After arriving in New York, Evan Bell called Anne Hathaway, but Anne Hathaway didn't answer and hung up. Evan Bell thought Anne Hathaway was in class, but then Anne Hathaway called back, and Evan Bell answered the phone suspiciously. On the other end of the phone, Anne Hathaway's slightly tired voice came over, but the voice was still very relaxed, and you could feel a smile on the corner of her mouth, although she was still very tired, "Evan, the one I liked just now. The bad guy called me, but I didn't answer."

Evan Bell was stunned for a while, but then he reacted and smiled bitterly, "Why don't you answer?"

"Because I don't know if I should accept him." Anne-Hathaway sighed. "I admit that I like him very much, I really like him, and I know he has a heart. I know he is romantic, but... he Telling me that he was in love with another woman at the same time as me made me feel very insecure. There was no way to be sure."

"He is indeed a very bad person, eating from the bowl and looking at the pot." Evan Bell knew Anne Hathaway's thoughts and dutifully played the role of his own "friend", Curse that bad "lover" with friends. "Such a man. He deserves a thousand cuts. But, why don't you just leave?"

Anne Hathaway let out a long sigh, "Because I am reluctant." The sentence "I am reluctant" contains a thousand words, and it has also exhausted countless bitterness, "Evan, you said. Can love really be divided equally? ?"

Evan Bell's heart sank involuntarily, "I don't know." This is what he really thought in his heart, "Because I don't know that love can be calculated, so every love should be ten percent? It's still percent. Since love can't be counted. Then we don't know if it can be divided equally. But deep down, loving different people at the same time is possible, isn't it? We love family, love friends, Love lovers too. Although the kind of love may be different, it is the most sincere emotion.”

Anne Hathaway chuckled. "I knew that you would speak for him, after all, you are also a man."

"No no, I'm on your side. If you want me to beat that hateful man. I'll do it without hesitation. You know, I'm always guarding you." Evan Bell said quickly.

The smile on Anne Hathaway's mouth slowly retracted, "No matter what happens to me and that bad man in the end, it's a blessing to have you around."

The smile at the corner of Evan Bell's mouth couldn't help but pull, "That. Will you still answer his phone?"

"No, at least I don't plan to pick it up for a while." Anne Hathaway said decisively. Evan Bell knows. She still needs time.

After hanging up the phone, Evan Bell looked at the phone silently for a long time. Blake Lively still doesn't answer his calls or texts; in fact, Anne Hathaway is the same, she just answers "good friend" Evan Bell. Evan Bell originally wanted to stay in New York for one night, but now that he thinks about it, he left the empty 11 Prince Street and directly embarked on a journey to Boston.

When he arrived in Boston, Evan Bell met the long-lost Mark Zuckerberg and, of course, Eden Hudson. Evan Bell and Mark Zuckerberg usually don't communicate frequently, but for the friendship between the two people, frequent contact is not needed to maintain, and there is not too much restraint to meet again.

Mark Zuckerberg has dropped out of Harvard University. He is now staying in Palo Alto except to come to file a lawsuit. This time he came to Boston and stayed in a hotel directly. After meeting Evan Bell, Mark Zuckerberg briefly introduced the development of Facebook in the past year.

At present, Facebook has launched a high school version, and the scale of progress has covered most universities, colleges, and high schools in the United States and Canada. In addition, universities in the United Kingdom, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Australia, and New Zealand have also joined Facebook. 's flag. So far, there are more than 2,000 colleges and high schools in Facebook, and the number of users has exceeded 6 million, and it has rapidly grown into a top social network that can be compared with "Juyou (e.

"Then what's going on with this lawsuit?" This is the point, Evan Bell looked at Eden Hudson.

Eden Hudson didn't talk nonsense. "Actually, Eduardo wanted to use his hype to win sympathy points and let him win more attention at the trial stage."

Evan Bell listened to Eden Hudson's introduction, in fact, Eduardo Savarin knew that he was at a disadvantage now.

After Sean Parker and Mark Zuckerberg reorganized "Facebook" in Delaware without the knowledge of Eduardo Savalin, Eduardo Savalin froze the company's bank account in a rage. Mark Zuckerberg was forced to turn to Evan Bell for additional investment, which also led to the break between Mark Zuckerberg and Eduardo Savalin.

But in fact, at that time, Eduardo Savarin still had 10% of the shares in the "Facebook" company, and the company's reorganization had to have his signature to work. In this regard, Mark Zuckerberg won the recognition of Eduardo Savarin with "the company must have the ability to flexibly adjust the shareholding structure in order to attract external investment". After all, Eduardo Savarin was a businessman, and he knew it meant that he might be able to make several hundred times the profit on his investment. So, even though the two sides have turned their backs, two months later, Facebook's restructuring is done by Keane. Eduardo Savalin flew to Palo Alto on a spare time from school and signed the shareholder agreement he later regretted.

In this agreement, Mark Zuckerberg owns 51% of the newly formed company, Evan Bell's share is also reduced to 24%, and Eduardo - Saverin's stake is 10 percent. Dustin Moskovitz and Bill Olsen have a combined 8 percent, and Sean Parker has 4 percent. In exchange, Eduardo-Savarin agreed to transfer all the property rights of the original company to the new company, completing Facebook's sufficiency.

But what Eduardo Savalin didn't notice was that the 10 percent he got was just common stock, not the part that Mark Zuckerberg and Evan Bell had. It is a preferred stock with structural anti-dilution (-n) and conversion rights (n). Even more perfect, Eduardo Savalin agreed that his voting rights would be handed over to Mark Zuckerberg in his absence. Eduardo Savalin then returned contentedly to Harvard to continue the relaxed campus social life of his final year.

Then Mark Zuckerberg began to close the network. In early January and the end of March 2005, Facebook twice passed the authorization to issue a large number of additional common shares. Eduardo Savalin's share was quickly diluted to less than five percent; and if all of these authorized new shares were issued -- it would no longer require his signature, just Mark Zuckerberg's assent. But——then his shares will be diluted to one thousandth, to about 0.01%!

This is the fundamental reason why Eduardo Savalin and Facebook went to court.

In fact, Eduardo Savarin can't blame anyone else. After the company's reorganization, Eduardo Savarin has barely been involved in any of Facebook's operations, and has continued his studies at Harvard. Eduardo-Savarin sees Facebook as just one of his many investments. So he didn't bother at all, which is why Eduardo Savalin directly authorized Mark Zuckerberg to handle his shareholder voting rights after many disputes. so. In fact, since October last year, Eduardo Savalin has no idea what happened inside Facebook, including the lawsuit by the twin brothers.

In April, Eduardo Savarin received a letter from Facebook asking him to sign some papers for the company's second round of financing -- he's still the company after all -- But then he discovered that his stake had been dramatically diluted to almost nothing. fifteen days later. Eduardo Savarin has officially announced that he will sue Facebook. And Mark Zuckerberg responded: Eduardo Savarin was fired the next day.

In this lawsuit, Eduardo Savalin is indeed in a disadvantageous position. He asked Evan Bell to appear in court, not only to gain sympathy and attention, but also hope that Evan Bell can respond to Evan Bell to Eduardo- Savarin testified about the immeasurable role in Facebook's early development, which actually increased the weight of Eduardo Savarin's victory.

Hearing Eden Hudson's explanation, Evan Bell already had some understanding of the situation, but he frowned and asked, "His role in the early stage of development? Did he find the wrong person, I I had only met him twice before, and during those two conversations, I was involved, and there were some disputes, so I had no way to testify for him."

For Evan Bell's doubts, Eden Hudson gave a serious answer, "The dispute is a symbol of his best efforts." Well, in the legal field, Evan Bell really has no room to speak. .

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