Great Artist

Chapter 1156: Knife cut hemp

Today's second update, please recommend, please subscribe.

Evan Bell listened to the busy signal from the phone and whispered, "Oh, as I said to you, I'm really a bad man. So don't fall in love with me, if you can, Don't hate me either, because I'm not worthy of your continued concern."

After realizing that he had hurt Blake Lively again, Evan Bell didn't feel relieved, just felt the weight on his shoulders again. I just hope that the hurt this time will end here, but who can say for sure about feelings?

Evan Bell picked up the phone, started editing the text message again, and sent Anne Hathaway, "Knock, knock. Man, do you have time to talk about that stinky man?"

Anne-Hathaway looked at the text messages on her phone, bit her lower lip, not knowing what to reply. I have to say that although her good mood tonight has not been destroyed, it has settled down. Thinking that if Evan Bell were to make a cameo in "The Queen Wearing Prada", it would mean that they would have opposite scenes. On the one hand, Anne Hathaway was looking forward to it, but on the other hand, thinking about their current situation, Anne Hathaway And don't know what to do.

do not know. This is how Anne Hathaway is feeling right now, she doesn't know how the future is going, she doesn't know how Evan Bell will handle the relationship, she doesn't know how Blake Lively is going, she even I don't know how I feel. angry? Actually okay; jealous? It doesn't feel much either; ridiculous? A little bit; sad? It's not too obvious... Anne Hathaway is in such a chaotic state, so she doesn't know how to face Evan Bell - "love" Evan Bell. She could only remain friends with Evan Bell. This kind of friend relationship has been polished for more than ten years, and it is not too embarrassing, but makes her feel comfortable. She can only get along with Evan Bell like this.

"What's wrong with him?" Anne Hathaway hesitated for a long time, and finally just sent such a text message.

"He decided to let go, and gave up on both. Instead of making a choice. Before, he was too selfish, always doing things from his own perspective and doing things according to his own ideas, but in the end, it hurt the love of him. The woman. So, maybe letting go is the wisest choice." This is Evan Bell's reply.

Anne Hathaway looked at the phone, a little dazed, but her mushy head became clearer a little bit. She finally realized the meaning of Evan Bell's words. "But giving up is also a kind of hurt, isn't it? How did he know that this is what those two women wanted. Love, it's not like giving up can give up, Otherwise it wouldn't be so painful."

"Long pain is worse than short pain. Even if he made a choice. Choosing a woman is also a harm to another woman. And after he is with this woman, he still thinks about another woman from time to time, which is to this woman again. It's not fair, because his choice is a kind of injury after all. As long as he persists, these three people will continue to be hurt. However, if he chooses to give up, it is the best result for everyone. Because he is a poison, constantly hurting others and hurting himself. Maybe it is very painful to choose to give up now, but at least the pain will only hurt this time, there is no need to choose, no entanglement, no hesitation... Nothing is needed. The love ends here."

Anne-Hathaway looked at the text on the phone screen, and tears suddenly fell. She knew that this might be the best outcome, at least for now. But why did things turn out this way? "If love could have a control switch, that would be great." Anne-Hathaway sent the text message, but got no reply. Because she knew it was impossible.

There is never a correct answer to the problems of love, because each person's choice is different, the situation of each relationship is also different, and even the same relationship is different in each time period. Therefore, in the world of love, no one knows what the right choice is, and can only **** and move forward. Injuries are inevitable, but this is life, and this is love.

"Then do you think I should leave him?" Anne Hathaway bit her lower lip and sent this message, watching the screen of her mobile phone dim and then light up again, Evan Bell's reply It came back quickly, and there was only one word on it. "Yes." Anne-Hathaway looked at the phone screen, and the sound of crying overflowed.

Anne Hathaway knew how painful Evan Bell was on the other end of the phone. The taste of the heart is like a knife, and it has never been easy. Anne Hathaway knew why Evan Bell didn't call herself because she didn't want to answer his call, and it wasn't because he was worried that his voice would reveal his emotions. She knew him so well that just by looking at the text messages on the phone screen, she knew what state he was in.

"Man, then I have only you." Anne-Hathaway pressed the keyboard again and again, each letter was so laborious, her eyes were blurred with tears, and she couldn't even see the screen. The turbulence in her heart made her hands tremble constantly. She could only rely on her usual memory of the keyboard to **** and type out this line of words. She knew, at least they were still friends, but what about Blake Lively?

Evan Bell did not reply to this text message. Anne Hathaway just looked at the phone screen like this, letting the tears keep flowing and soaking the pillow towel. Does this love end like this? Is she still related to him after all? Friends are where they should be? Anne Hathaway doesn't know, she still doesn't know anything...

In love, there is never a winner or a loser. Because once the sincerity is paid, there is no victory or defeat, only happiness is the truth. In this period of love, the three of them all missed out on happiness. Is it because Evan Bell is too greedy and selfish, or because life is too complicated, isn't there a way to make everyone happy?

On the other end of Evan Bell's phone, the whole person curled up and lay on the ground. He only felt that his entire stomach was burning, like a volcano full of sulfur, constantly hitting his internal organs. The dry and irritating pain made all the muscles in his body tense together. Even when fully curled up, there is no way to relieve the pain. The small pain flames were like poppy huā, which started to ignite from the stomach, gradually spread to the whole body, and then all muscles became numb.

Bean-sized beads of sweat ooze out on his forehead one by one, and an abnormal blush appeared on his pale, paper-like face, as if he had deliberately decorated it with rouge. Every inch of skin seems to have reached a boiling point, and this body can be easily burned to ashes. The fingers, calves, and teeth are completely tense, but they are still shaking uncontrollably.

Pain, that tidal wave of pain drowned Evan Bell, the phone in his sight fell on the carpet, the words on the screen seemed to be wet with sweat, smeared open, and then fainted little by little It spread, eventually blurring the entire phone, and then the darkness seemed to fill the entire room in an instant, and nothing could be seen.

When the pain was extreme, Evan Bell seemed to feel nothing, but his whole body stretched out. Evan Bell only felt that his body became lighter and lighter, and slowly floated up. When he reacted, he saw the curled up body lying on the ground, some familiar, some unfamiliar, Evan Bell realized at this time that he was on the sky board, and the body on the floor was himself .

What's going on now? Is he going to die? There is a science saying that after death, the body weight will be 21 grams lighter, which is the weight of the soul, so he is the form of the soul now? Is God punishing him for hurting two women who love him because of selfishness and greed, or is he going to be born again, or maybe he has no chance of being born again, this is the end.

Before Evan Bell could figure out what was going on, the pain from his stomach erupted in an instant, as if a nuclear bomb suddenly exploded, swallowing the twenty-one-gram weight. . The eyes darkened and lit up again, and the light in Evan Bell's sight lit up little by little.

This is not a very bright light, just a little cyan moonlight, making the surrounding black extremely hazy. Phones not far away are also starting to become clear. The pain in the limbs was like an ebb tide, it retracted little by little, all retracted into the stomach, and finally the flame that looked like a poppy huā was gradually extinguished. The pain is gone.

Evan Bell only felt pain in all the joints in his He didn't even move, and his muscles began to tremble. The sweat soaked all the clothes, and even the tears on the cheeks were mixed with the sweat. He just lay on the ground, motionless, gasping for breath.

He had died once, and he was not afraid to face death, even the pain that was worse than death could not make him flinch. He just needs a little time, a little time, to catch his breath.

He propped himself up with all his strength and leaned on the sofa, his trembling right hand picked up a cup of boiling water on the table, which he poured before. With a trembling hand, some water in the cup spilled out, and Evan Bell gritted his teeth and handed the cup. , took a sip. The slightly warm boiling water slid down the dry throat, and the whole stomach was like an arid desert. It was finally irrigated, and I felt much more comfortable.

It's just that Evan Bell still didn't move, and he couldn't tell whether it was the decision tonight that made him more painful, or whether the pain in his stomach was worse than death, and he could only sit quietly like this. Then, wait for dawn.

Today's second update, please recommend, please subscribe! Add more later. (To be continued)! ~!

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