Great Artist

Chapter 1159: shopping mall

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Any transaction is a steelyard.

When buying vegetables, use a scale to weigh and trade at the same value; when investing, use your vision as a scale and a small and broad; when trading, use the seller's standard as a scale, and the buyer throws chips. . In fact, after simplifying the curves in the shopping mall, it is so simple.

Because any businessman is seeking to maximize profits. Sometimes interests refer to money, sometimes interests refer to resources, and sometimes interests can also refer to contacts, or even a sustainable future.

In the acquisition of Pixar, Eleven Studio is at an absolute disadvantage. It needs money but no money, resources but no resources, channels but no channels, and no connections... Therefore, Evan Bell must rely on himself if he wants to be small and big. A long-term vision, with a chip bundled by money, resources, channels, and contacts, plus a "future", put it in front of Steve Jobs. The rest is to hope that this business giant who has brought Apple and Pixar to the top step by step, can take a fancy to the bargaining chip of Eleven Studio and complete the acquisition of Pixar with Eleven Studio!

For this transaction, in fact, Evan Bell has been paving the way for a year and a half ago. Before the formal negotiation of the transaction, Evan Bell was in a good relationship with Pixar. In addition, because of the success of digital music commercialization Steve Jobs had a good partnership, first linking iTunes with "American Idol", and then Evan Bell, using Facebook's resources, tied Apple to the chariot of social networking. For now, Apple's strategy with iTunes and Facebook seems to have yielded unfortunate results. As for the acquisition of Apple's stock, it was an unexpected move that brought Evan Bell and Steve Jobs closer.

After the preparatory work, the formal transaction conversation will take place. In the past year, Evan Bell has made three positive proposals to cooperate with Pixar, from cooperation development to acquisition. Evan - step by step, and the chips in his hands are also increasing. Although there is still a big gap compared to Disney at present, at least. Evan Bell can proudly say, "Disney has it, we have it too, but it's just one size smaller." Therefore, Evan Bell has bundled the future of the online world into a bargaining chip, which is also the eleventh job The biggest bargaining chip in the room, the part that most impresses Steve Jobs.

Now. Disney completed the alternation, and Robert Iger officially appeared in the position of Eleven Studio's competitors. As soon as they appeared, they suppressed Eleven Studio with an unstoppable dominance. Disney, the giant, is not something that the current Eleven Studios can fight against.

Therefore, Teddy Bell proposed the last advantage of Eleven Studio: sincerity! Disney's sincerity, at least before the release of "Four-Eyed Chicken", has no way to show it. And more importantly, Disney's future is uncertain.

Steve Jobs was a cautious man. He is also a bold person and a stubborn person, which can be seen from the step by step he leads Apple to the top. the previous two years. He is willing to wait for Disney because he believes Disney can maximize his interests, but now? Whether Disney's interests can be maximized is still uncertain, but Eleven Studios has brought a cake that cannot be ignored, especially the cherry on the cake - Internet resources, which is the most exciting for Steve Jobs place.

So Steve Jobs decided to take the initiative and take matters into his own hands.

When Steve Jobs started to move, Teddy Bell was even more busy, mobilizing resources such as Sean Mayer, Eden Hudson, William Wood, etc. He even pulled over Thomas Lansing, who was busy with the release of "Brokeback Mountain", and began to cast a net around Disney throughout Hollywood. Pixar's acquisition work, Eleven Studios must go all out because of its small size.

On the one hand, Teddy Bell is to let everyone inquire about Steve Jobs' every move, not only to know whether he and Robert Iger have met, but also to know every movement of Disney shareholders; on the other hand, Teddy - Bell contacted the Weinstein brothers. And Jerry Bruckheimer, who even hooked up with Roy Disney—the former vice chairman of Disney’s board who resigned because of his opposition to Michael Enas, who was with Michael when he left - Inas had a head-on conflict.

Teddy Bell's casting action was half a step faster than Steve Jobs, but this half-step advantage was the result of Teddy Bell's painstaking efforts. Through these helpers, Teddy Bell spread a series of news on the Disney board of directors, inside the Disney company, and the outside world's impression of Disney. The news was not very explosive, because Teddy Bell knew that it was too much, especially with Stevie In the confrontation between the old foxes in the mall like Mr. Jobs, the news is too real and it is inferior. Some specious speculations are more effective and more in line with the status quo of Disney. Judging from the results, Teddy Bell's strategy achieved the expected results.

Steve Jobs has also been multi-line recently. On the one hand, he and Robert Iger have met frequently, three times in a week. Steve Jobs wanted to see Disney's sincerity, and Robert Iger's sincerity was full, but he still refused to let go in terms of interests. Moreover, Robert Iger just took over the company, and the reorganization of the board of directors has not completely settled down. He hadn't even had time to mention his plans to buy Pixar on the board. This made Steve Jobs quite dissatisfied, thinking that the so-called sincerity of Robert Iger was only verbal.

Steve Jobs, on the other hand, started stalking Disney's board of directors, asking what Disney thought about Pixar. In fact, Disney, which has just undergone a change of dynasties, did not have enough energy to focus on acquisitions. They must first stabilize the internal personnel. They must first stabilize the internal personnel transfer. And the company's terrible financial problems also left them unsure about how much Disney could spend to buy Pixar, which is why Robert Iger has been ambiguous in terms of interests, because he is not sure about his own How many chips are there.

In addition, Disney's board of directors has always paid attention to Pixar, but they are not paying attention at present, because they have full confidence in the "four-eyed chicken". Disney is divided into two factions, one is that Disney started with animation, although they started a little late in computer 3D animation, but the background behind them has enough strength to catch up, so it is natural that Pixar can continue to cooperate. It's a good thing, but it doesn't matter if we can't continue to cooperate. This is in the same line with Michael Inas' original business philosophy; the other is that we should do both. On the one hand, Disney develops its own computer 3D animation department. Maintain the cooperation with Pixar, but how the specific cooperation should be arranged depends on how much confidence the box office of "Four-Eyed Chicken" can give Disney.

Overall, Disney's current internal response to the "Four-Eyed Chicken" is very enthusiastic, and it is believed that this will be a very successful work.

After all these news are summed up, of course Steve Jobs will not fully believe that in the market, the authenticity of any piece of news must be measured and judged by himself again and again. After Steve Jobs digested the information he got, he slammed Robert Eagle side by side to verify how much credibility he had.

At this juncture, a decision within Disney did Eleven a big favor. "Cars," which was due to hit theaters in early November, the last of the current Pixar-Disney collaboration, has been pushed back to March next year.

As we all know, November is the time of Thanksgiving and Christmas, and cartoons suitable for the whole family to watch together can always achieve good results during this time. Last year's "The Incredibles" swept the box office during this time. This year, Pixar The reintroduction of "Cars" has won enough attention at the animation event in August, and it is preparing to make a big splash at the end of the year, but now it is in vain.

As a result, Pixar will be absent from the animation market in 2005. In the previous ten years, Pixar had only been absent from the animation market in 2002, because the rendering of the "Finding Nemo" environment took longer than scheduled. , as a last resort, and finally "Finding Nemo" was released in the summer of the following year and achieved a sweep. And this time, it will be the second absence of Pixar, not because of objective factors, but human factors. The postponement of the release of "Cars", it is obvious, is to make way for "Four-eyed Tianji", because the original schedule of "Cars" was ceded to "Four-eyed Tianji".

Not to mention Unlike December, March is a typical low season. March is the season when the Oscars are over, and the films that won accolades at the Oscars are going to hit theaters, and it's not a good time to grab the box office at all. Disney put "Cars" in March, which no doubt **** Steve Jobs off.

When Steve Jobs questioned the decision, Robert Iger made his first mistake since taking office, and perhaps one he will forever remember, replying with ambiguity, "This time is not yet. Sure, maybe March, maybe a little bit later, maybe summer, you know."

The point of these remarks is actually "summer time", and Robert Eagle hinted that "Cars" may be released in the summer time, hoping to calm Steve Jobs' anger, but he forgot, this sentence There are two more obvious meanings: first, Disney has not even set the release time of "Cars", which is the performance of not paying attention; second, maybe the time will continue to be pushed back, from November Pushing it to March, and then pushing it again, it's not that I don't care about it, but I don't pay attention to it.

Invisibly, Disney is self-destructing the Great Wall.

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