Great Artist

Chapter 1163: Labor and teachers




Evan Bell had a long, long dream, full of strange things, dinosaurs, monsters, and aliens with magic, vampires and werewolves are completely paediatrics, like a hodgepodge , he mixed up all the movies he had seen in his two lifetimes, and he couldn't tell why he was so messed up. La Niu Niu m. The only thing he remembers is that he has been running, running and running. He doesn't know how long he has been running, but when he finally got tired of running, he didn't have time to stop to take a breath. wake up.

When I opened my eyes, the room was pitch black. Evan Bell then remembered that he was in the editing room, and the windows were blocked by sunshades, so he couldn't see the light, and there was no way to judge the time.

After moving a little, Evan Yibel felt sweaty all over his body. It was estimated that he was tired from running in his dream, and his body was sweating a lot.

In the darkness, Evan Bell could draw an arc on his left hand, as if a person was sitting directly on the floor leaning against the coffee table and fell asleep. Evan Bell remembered, it was Teddy Bell. Teddy Bell sat here like this, guarding himself all night: Of course, Evan Bell was not sure what time it was or whether the night had passed.

As soon as Evan Bell sat up, he just sat in the dark, quietly clarifying his thoughts. Over the past month or so, he has been working day and night. First the graduation project, then the graduation thesis, and then the post-production of "perfume". If Teddy Bell didn't bump into his stomachache, it is estimated that he will continue to persevere. The rehearsal and performance of the concert tour will continue to cycle like this. But seeing Teddy Bell today, Evan Bell knew that he would not let himself continue like this. Although Teddy Bell usually listens to Evan Bell, if Teddy Bell really becomes stubborn, the loser will be Evan Bell.

Teddy Bell is his older brother, and like his father, he propped up a world for him. From childhood to adulthood, Teddy would beat others to the ground because the neighbor next door laughed at him: Teddy would also give himself delicious food, even if he was greedy by the side; When disputes arise, Teddy never asks why, and stands by his side unconditionally; as long as he asks for it, Teddy always tries his best to satisfy himself...

When I closed my eyes again, the world turned from pitch black to jet black, without any light. Evan Bell began to look back on every moment since his rebirth, things seemed so far away, yet so clear, and everything was vivid in his mind. When Evan Bell opened his eyes again, he breathed a long sigh of relief.

It is his goal to enjoy life to the fullest. Emotions are only a part of life, but not the whole. His life has just begun, and he still has countless days and nights in this life waiting for him to write. So, since you have decided to let go, let it go completely, don't be attached to it. Whether his life is destined to be alone is not important, what matters is whether he really no longer regrets when he looks back on this life when his second life ends. Life is as splendid as summer, and death is as quiet and beautiful as autumn leaves. Life is a journey. The scenery of the journey includes mountains and valleys, seas and forests, storms and sky eyes, but no matter what, the most important thing is to keep moving forward. of.

The foul breath that Evan Bell spit out seemed to have spit out all the negative emotions in his heart, and the heaviness of his shoulders melted little by little in this darkness.

"Wake up?" Teddy Bell was woken up at once. Although Evan Bell didn't make any big moves at all, the Bell family didn't sleep very deeply because of the 24-hour dry cleaning shop before, so Teddy Yibell woke up when he heard Evan Yibell's exhalation.

"Well, wake up." Evan Bell's voice came over. Teddy Bell walked to the door and turned on the light in the room. The soft dim yellow light lit up, and the darkness faded like a tide.

Teddy Bell stood beside the sofa and said with a serious face, "You have to go to the hospital for a checkup. Your stomach used to be a small problem, but yesterday it hurt like that. This is not a small problem. Isn't it the first time that it hurts like this? Why don't you say it. The job is not important, the important thing is the body, don't you know that?"

Looking at his own Teddy Bell, Evan Bell couldn't help showing a smile at the corners of his mouth, "Okay, I'll go to the hospital for a checkup later."

Teddy Bell originally had a lot of things to say, but seeing Evan Bell so simply agreed, he opened his mouth, but was speechless. But in front of his younger brother, Teddy Bell didn't care. Looking at Evan Bell's face, although he still had a sick look on his face, that depressed decadence was gone. This made Teddy Bell's nervous mood relax a little.

However, after returning from the hospital, Teddy Bell's good mood was completely destroyed. Evan Bell's stomach has always had chronic gastritis, and recently there was a little ulcer symptoms, which led to last night. Severe pain and severe pain from several times before. Evan Bell didn't intend to say it at first, but was punctuated by the doctor's words. Looking at Teddy Bell's sinking face, Evan Bell thought something was wrong.

"Until your ulcer symptoms heal, the tour is temporarily put on hold." After Evan-Bell hung a bottle in the hospital for four hours, he returned to 11 Princes Street, and Teddy-Bell directly announced the final decision. , did not give Evan-Bell any chance to refute "Perfume, post-production is also suspended for three days."

Teddy Bell originally thought that Evan Bell would argue with reason, but he did not expect that he would not refute a word, and obediently agreed. This made Teddy Bell's heart hang in the air, and he was worried that it would not be easy to convince his stubborn younger brother, but the result was so smooth that Teddy Bell was relieved.

Evan Yibel looked at his stern brother with a pleasing smile, "I'll have a good rest. But don't tell Catherine about this, okay? Don't let her worry, right?"

The iconic simple and honest smile on Teddy Bell's face was revealed again, which made Evan Bell cry secretly, and sure enough, Teddy Bell then said, "It's too late, I'll tell you when I'm in the hospital. Catherine is here, and she has asked James to book a plane ticket back." For the Bell family of three, careers are important, but each other is the most important existence, and everything must be relegated to family.

"Oh, Teddy!" Evan Bell couldn't help wailing, his stomach was the main focus of the family. Catherine Bell now mentions eating on time every time she calls him. Now that he went to the hospital to hang a bottle because of stomach pain, Evan Bell can already imagine Catherine Bell's ugly face.

Teddy Bell sighed, "It's because I didn't take good care of you, and I've been too busy recently. So I have to tell Catherine, otherwise she will continue to worry about you in the future." Teddy Bell was very self-blaming about the pain and fainting. How could he forget about his brother's bad stomach since he was a child, but recently he has ignored it because he has too many things at hand. "I'll take everything from work back to do it, and you can just lie down in bed these few days, go."

Evan Bell opened his mouth, but in the end, under Teddy Bell's determined look, he was forced to go back, and he could only say depressedly, "You let me lie down too, and Catherine won't let me go out when she comes back. Now, God, you just let me get moldy here."

Thinking of Catherine Bell's distressed expression, she would definitely put aside the work at hand and stay by her side wholeheartedly, Evan Bell felt that Yali was great.

Teddy Bell saw Evan Bell's rich expression and looked full of energy, and only let go of the last worry in his heart: "What do you want for dinner, I'll do it."

Evan Yibel's face could not help but twitch, but after hesitating for a while, in the end, it was rare for him to act coquettishly, "I want to eat lean meat porridge."

"You lie down, I'll go make porridge." Teddy Bell poured a glass of warm water and put it on the head of the bed, then turned around and went to the kitchen to get busy.

Catherine Bell's work at Paris Fashion Week has just ended. She is in Milan now. After receiving the call from Teddy Bell, she was shocked. She didn't care about a lot of things here in Milan, she just booked it that afternoon. The four o'clock transoceanic flight flew back to New York from Milan, leaving only James-Frank to handle the rest in Milan.

Evan-Bell seems to have a lot of fate with the hospital this year. He was admitted to the hospital because of a car accident when filming "Little Sunshine" Now he has entered the hospital again because of a persistent stomach disease. Catherine Bell is naturally worried. She has always been concerned about Evan Bell's stomach, but now she has symptoms of ulcers. Although it is not serious, Catherine Bell knows very well that if the ulcer is serious, it is Problems that require surgery to solve, the most terrifying situation is even more unthinkable.

Even though Teddy Bell said on the phone that Evan Bell had only a mild ulcer and that it was much better after hanging up the bottle for an afternoon, Catherine Bell still couldn't rest assured, she had to rush back to New York to see her little son in person Just do it.

After arriving at JFK Airport in New York, Catherine Bell returned to No. 11 Prince Street without stopping, it was already half past eleven in the evening. At this time of day, Bell's house is still brightly lit, but today only the light of a table lamp in the hall is lit.

When Teddy Bell saw her mother came back, she put her companion aside and greeted her. Even though Catherine Bell didn't watch, Teddy Bell took the initiative to say, "Evan fell asleep and is in the hospital again today. I stayed there for most of the day, and when I came back, I was tired and went to bed after nine o'clock."

Catherine Bell nodded, and while handing over the coat and scarf to Teddy Bell, she walked to the door of Evan Bell's room lightly, asking for a monthly pass and asking for a subscription!

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