Great Artist

Chapter 1166: you're done

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November 1st, this is Teddy Bell's birthday, but it's a small birthday, although there is no official plan to celebrate it, especially Evan Bell is recovering from a serious illness, so he can't eat and drink, even if there is a party, Egypt Vin Bell can only be a bystander, so Teddy Bell didn't plan to celebrate at all, but Catherine Bell went to the supermarket to buy a lot of ingredients and was going to cook a delicious meal for the eldest son, even if it was a celebration birthday.

The "The Devil Wears Prada" crew wrapped filming in Paris last week and returned to New York to officially begin filming the main part of the film. However, Evan Bell is only a cameo, and director David Frankel intends to focus all his scenes for shooting, which is estimated to be two or three days. Therefore, Evan Bell is still continuing the post-production work of "Perfume".

Two days ago, Evan Bell started the post-production work of "Perfume" one after another. In fact, the post-production has come to an end, but it will take some time. It seems that the end of the year tour is really expected to be postponed for a while. Of course, from another perspective, this also leaves more time for the preparatory work for the tour, which is a good thing for Teddy Bell.

In addition to being Teddy Bell's birthday, November 1st actually has a special meaning for a small number of people, such as Steve Jobs, Robert Iger, and Disney's animation department. Personnel, because there are only three days before the release of Disney's first computer 3D animation "Four-eyed Tianji", whether the "Four-eyed Tianji" will win or lose on November 4th, and what will Disney's attitude towards Pixar? Changes will be revealed.

At this critical moment, Robert Iger naturally would not be discouraged. He still called Steve Jobs and used the dragging trick again. Strive to be able to stabilize Steve - Jobs. But the truth is, Steve Jobs wasn't a fool. Not only was he not a fool, he was smart.

If Pixar really waits for the release of "Four Eyed Chicken" to talk about it. Not to mention whether the film is successful or not, but Pixar is willing to wait for Disney's move to see that Pixar has already placed Pixar's position low-because Pixar seems to be unwilling to sell non-Disney, it has been more than a month before and after. , Pixar is still waiting hard, and it has become a "stone of hope", so in the future Steve Jobs will fight for benefits with Disney. bound to fall.

In addition, the board of directors of a large company is very cautious about acquisitions. Take Universal Pictures as an example. In the decision to acquire DreamWorks, whether it is 700 million US dollars or 800 million US dollars, this question has been rambling for more than half a year. , those board members are all refined characters. And Disney is even more complicated because their boardroom is already broken down. Although Michael Enas is no longer CEO, he is still Disney's largest individual shareholder, with more shares than Roy Disney. Therefore, the influence of Michael Inas on the board of directors should not be underestimated. Then, even if the "Four Eyed Chicken" fails and Disney is ready to acquire Pixar, the entire discussion process will still be a stalemate.

I have to say that Steve Jobs is indeed a godfather-level figure. If Evan Bell knew about his speculation, Evan Bell would only be amazed. This speculation is completely consistent with the trend of things in his previous life.

"Four-eyed Tianji" was a success, but Disney was a little disappointed with the global revenue of $280 million. Because Pixar's worst box office "A Bug's Life" has a global box office of 360 million. Before the movie was released, Disney set a target of 350 million for "Four Eyed Chicken", and the final result was far away. But even so, a fierce dispute broke out within Disney, and one party believes that Disney is fully capable of continuing the "four-eyed chicken" heritage. Support computer 3D animation; the other side sees Pixar as their indispensable partner. This dispute has delayed Pixar's acquisition proposal until it is finalized in January of next year.

After deciding to acquire Pixar in January, although Disney was a little anxious, it also sensed Steve Jobs’ expectations for Disney—there was no competition from Eleven Studios in his last life, so Steve Jobs’s wait for Disney’s move was not the same. It was less obvious, but this time it was different - so there was a lot of discussion about the purchase price, and it wasn't until May 2006 that the deal was negotiated.

However, it is worth mentioning that the final transaction price was 6.7 billion, which was far higher than the expectations of Wall Street analysts. This transaction is also considered to be a result of Pixar being seriously overvalued, allowing Steve Jobs to earn Great cheap. But for Disney, their core animation part has been perfected, which is their foundation, and at the same time they have Steve Jobs as a wonderful helmsman on the board, strictly speaking, Disney is the final winner. .

In this situation, in this lifetime, although the situation has changed a lot because of the addition of Eleven Studios, Steve Jobs' judgment on the situation is still very accurate. So, Steve Jobs gave Robert Iger an ultimatum before the end of October, but Iger's reaction still disappointed him. Robert Iger still does not have the absolute courage to make the board of directors show enough sincerity in the acquisition.

At this juncture, the two brothers, Evan Bell and Teddy Bell, who were recovering from serious illness, appeared together in front of Steve Jobs. This was the most urgent performance of the Bell brothers in the acquisition process, which made Steve Jobs. - Jobs was a little surprised. But after thinking about it, I have to admire that the Bell brothers obviously took a fancy to this sensitive time point.

"Four-Eyed Chicken" is about to be released, and Steve Jobs must have just finished talking with Robert Eagle. At this critical point, the Bell brothers are obviously planning to gamble and fail. For Eleven Studios, which is small and broad, what is needed is this kind of courage.

Steve Jobs was also very straightforward. It was rare that he did not continue to go around in circles. He directly pointed out that "Pixar is now worth $4.5 billion." What he didn't say later was that Eleven Studio only wanted to spend $2.5 billion. Buying Pixar is unlikely to impress Pixar shareholders.

In addition to Steve Jobs, who owns 5.1 percent of Pixar, John Lasseter, Ed Catmull, Andrew Stanton, Pete Docter, Brad Bird Everyone is a Pixar shareholder. Although these shareholders have a good relationship with Evan Bell and don't mind working under Eleven Studios, it is still wishful thinking to impress them with $2.5 billion.

"Then how much do you think it should be?" Teddy Bell knows a lot about this, so today's negotiations are mainly made by him.

Steve Jobs propped up his chin and stroked his beard that he had not rested for a while. "Four billion." It can be heard that Steve Jobs was indeed talking with the Bell brothers with sincerity. The fluctuation of price actually mainly depends on the network resources of Eleven Studio, Evan Bell's opinions on future smartphones and itunes, utu

e. The planning of the huge online world such as Facebook is in Steve Jobs' heart.

Teddy Bell shook his head and said seriously, "Steve, you have seen our sincerity, we know that Eleven Studios has too many shortcomings compared to Disney, but our advantages are What Disney doesn’t have is what you value most. So you don’t have to keep playing these numbers games with us. We’re not Disney, and I’m not Robert Eagle.”

Of course, Steve Jobs knew that the Bell brothers were not Robert Iger, but this determination and courage was what Robert Iger lacked. However, Steve Jobs did not answer, but turned his attention to Evan Bell. Evan Bell's face was still paler, and it could be seen that he was recovering from a serious illness. Although it was "first recovery", Evan Bell was indeed healed, so he immediately noticed the meaning of Steve Jobs' eyes.

Evan Bell raised his eyebrows slightly, and he knew that Steve Jobs, an old fox, would never let go so easily. "Steve, remember when we were working together on the commercialization of digital music, you asked me A question. Now, let me ask you that question in reverse: how do you think the value of a plan should be judged, then, how much should the development plan for the online world be worth?”

This question was asked by Steve Jobs when he and Evan Bell first met to discuss the commercialization of digital music. At that time, Evan Bell's answer was very clever, and in front of Steve Jobs, the godfather figure, he was not at a disadvantage. More importantly, itunes, which was involved in this issue, has become one of the most important departments of Apple and one of the important cornerstones of the Internet Dynasty. Evan Bell throws this topic at this time, which is far-reaching.

Steve Jobs smiled. He didn't expect Evan Bell to turn against the generals at all, but it made him stunned, and he couldn't help but sigh that the Bell brothers were really powerful. "3.8 billion, this is my bottom line." Of course, this is not the price of this plan, but the acquisition price of Pixar. Steve Jobs wasn't going to answer Evan Bell's tough question head-on, and was forced to say the number.

Teddy Bell didn't speak, and Evan Bell also paused for a while. The two brothers were silent for a while, and seemed to be thinking, and then saw Evan Bell smiled and shook his head, "Three and a half billion."

Steve Jobs saw firmness and determination through Evan Bell's blue eyes like the ocean. After a few seconds of silence, he said, "Deal."

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