Great Artist

Chapter 1193: break prejudice


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"I want two tickets to Brokeback Mountain."

"Sorry, we don't show 'Brokeback Mountain' here."

"For today, where is the screening?"

"Although we don't show 'Brokeback Mountain' here, we still have 'The Chronicles of Narnia', 'Syriana' and 'Little Miss Sunshine' directed by Evan Bell, don't you want to watch it?"

"No, I'm here today for Brokeback Mountain. Can you tell me where the screening is? Please!"

"...the Times Square, and the landmarks of Houston Street."

"Thank you, thank you so much."

Among the eight movie theaters that screened "Brokeback Mountain" in the first wave, two belong to the largest chain group in the United States, and the remaining six belong to the largest art theater chain landmark company in the United States. So, for other cinema groups, this is a nightmare. GM, United Arts, Carmichael, and Marcus are all like this, even themselves are not spared, because there are only two movie theaters showing "Brokeback Mountain". Throughout the night, countless people were asking about "Brokeback Mountain," which no other movie theater was showing. Either send the audience into the arms of other theaters, or just politely say "no show" and watch the audience drain.

Perhaps the lost audience is a drop in the bucket compared to the audience of "Harry Potter" and "The Chronicles of Narnia". But for any businessman, watching his customers turn and leave in front of his eyes, any customer, this is definitely a kind of torture, a torture!

For the major theater chains, they will not refuse to show any work. The only reason they refuse is: the film cannot bring in the box office, so this led to the emergence of the art theater chain, specifically to support the box office. Works that are not appealing. The reason why major theaters refused to show "Brokeback Mountain" before. The pressure from conservatives is actually second, and it is really because of Hollywood's unspoken rules, which makes the theater chain believe that a **** work cannot achieve success at the box office. Coupled with the reasons for the sensitive subject of homosexuality, it is even easier for the theater to "reject" it.

But now the situation seems to be changing little by little. First, more than 150,000 people protested in four cities, which proved that there are many people willing to go into the cinema to watch "Brokeback Mountain"; then the New York screening" The eight movie theaters in "Brokeback Mountain" were crowded, which made other theaters covet; the last straw that broke the camel's back was when the first weekend box office statistics came out, and everyone was dumbfounded.

"Adapted screenplay" is nothing at the box office of 120,000 in a single hall. "Little Sunshine" has a box office of $87,000 in a single venue. "Brokeback Mountain" not only broke the box office record of Evan Bell's works in a single venue, but also set a new historical record for the highest box office in a single venue in North American film history.

Seventeen thousand! This is the single-hall box office result of "Brokeback Mountain"! This result caught everyone's eyes.

On the historical ranking list of single-hall box office, the top one is the movie "The Lion King" when it was released in 1994, which created a single-hall box office of 790,000, and no one has been able to break it so far. However, most of Disney's films choose to show at Disneyland. There are many factors such as fares and venues, so it cannot be used as a reference standard. On the box office rankings of the single hall, the top ten are all cartoons. And they all belong to Disney's "Pocahontas", "Toy Story 2", "A Bug's Life", etc. Among them, the closest to the present time is "Legend of the Bear" released in 2003 and still belongs to Disney. Therefore, there is a special reason for Disney to dominate the box office rankings of the single hall, and there is not much reference value.

"Brokeback Mountain" this time has created a box office record of 170,000 in a single hall. In the entire list, it can proudly break into the top ten and ranks seventh. It defeated the invincible Disney animation in this list and became the first live-action movie to be in the top ten of this list. If Disney's cartoons are excluded, "Brokeback Mountain" has become the champion of the single-house box office rankings among live-action movies!

"Brokeback Mountain" on the top of the box-office list of the live-action film single hall outrageously occupies the first place, and the second place is Evan Bell's other work "Adapted Script", which ranks third in 1996. The classic "Madame Veron". The fourth will be "Little Miss Sunshine", which was just released last month. It is worth mentioning that the fifth place is "Memoirs of a Geisha", which was released together with "Brokeback Mountain". The single-hall box office of $85,000 made it instantly on the top of this list.

At this moment, everyone realizes how amazing Evan Bell's appeal at the ** Film Festival is On the list, three of the top five works are from Evan Bell, and they are still the champion, the runner-up and the fourth place, which is really staggering. Even with the addition of Disney's cartoons, these three works can all make it into the top 20. This feat is enough to show people the appeal of Evan Bell once again.

Box office superstars, box office appeal... It can be seen from the box office of commercial films, such as "Pirates of the Caribbean"; it is also clear from the box office records of single halls, because the single hall box office of art films is the key to the decisive victory, such as Say "Brokeback Mountain" or "Adaptation" or "Little Miss Sunshine." Evan Bell's appeal at the box office has become the "weapon" envied by the entire United States.

A figure of "170,000" kills all theaters and all media. It also left a huge five-fingerprint on the face of conservatives.

From the preparation of "Brokeback Mountain" last year to the tenacious resistance of conservatives before its release, the criticism of the film "Brokeback Mountain" has not stopped. Not even the Golden Lion of Venice, or the twenty-five minutes of applause in Toronto, could not suppress the chaos caused by the hot potato theme of homosexuality. Listen to the clamor of conservatives, and look at Wyoming and Utah, which insist on rejecting the release of the film, to know how severe the difficulties facing "Brokeback Mountain" are.

However, after the 170,000 box-office figures were counted, all the criticisms, all the frustrations, and all the prejudices vanished. Even if "Brokeback Mountain" cannot be fully released, even if conservatives are still clamoring to ban the screening, even if the media is still crusade against the film, these are not important, because the audience's enthusiasm and affirmation for the film is what is important to the film. The most important part of the movie.

Both Ang Lee and Evan Bell have said that they want to make a movie that no one sees. It's not really "no one watching", but I just want to show it to the audience who really care about it, I just want to show it to those who really like the movie, I just want to focus all my attention on the movie itself, box office and awards. is no longer the focus of attention. That's all.

Now, that wish has come true. It doesn't matter whether "Brokeback Mountain" is shown in eight theaters or in 4,000 theaters. Because "Brokeback Mountain" will definitely not receive any discount, this is the audience's answer to the conservative force's ban on the release, and also the audience's answer to the movie "Brokeback Mountain".

The 170,000 single-house box office, multiplied by eight movie theaters, is not difficult to calculate, $1.36 million. This is the box office result of "Brokeback Mountain" in its first weekend. This figure broke into the top 15 of the North American box office charts and ranked 13th.

That's the energy that exploded when "Brokeback Mountain" opened in eight theaters. What if it can't be shown in Wyoming, Utah, what if it can't be shown in 3,000 theaters like other movies, what if there are conservatives who are preventing the film from long as there are still films willing to show "Brokeback Mountain" then the audience's support won't stop, and neither will the film's message of love. This is a movie about "love", not a simple and crude "Western **** movie." This fact will not deteriorate due to any obstacles and opposition!

After the single-hall box office figures of "Brokeback Mountain" came out, it was a shock to the media, bad news for conservatives, and a signal for major theater chains. 170,000, this number is tempting for any cinema group, and this is what they are after. As long as there is profit, what is a **** movie? They don't care at all.

Among Hollywood's many chains, the nation's No. 1 company was the first to respond. They discussed with Eleven Studio at the first time, and then announced the news that they will expand the scale of the "Brokeback Mountain" The company decided to add two hundred theaters in the next week. The cinema will then be further expanded. In fact, there are two reasons for making this decision: the first is that they want to see the box-office driving ability of "Brokeback Mountain" after the expanded screening, and the second is that expanding the scale of the screening does not mean expanding the scale of the screening. Adjusting the screen of other films to move the screen to show "Brokeback Mountain" that was not originally planned.

More than a company, companies such as Lianmei and GM can't sit still. Even if "Brokeback Mountain" cannot be released to the public, at least they must release this work in their own theaters, otherwise they are not fools watching competitors use this movie to steal money.

In this whirlpool, Roy Case's dull nerdy face also became cute. Originally, it was Thomas Lansing, Kurt Laporte, and Roy Case who were going to beg these theaters for screening." Brokeback Mountain". Now, without waiting for them to contact, the major theater chains took the initiative to pick up the phone and sincerely expressed their desire to show "Brokeback Mountain".

The turnaround battle of "Brokeback Mountain" kicked off in an appalling way.

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