Great Artist

Chapter 1199: Preheating soon

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The interior of Madison Square Garden is not what it usually looks like. The east stand has built a huge stage. The facilities on the stage are not gorgeous, and there is no red curtain blocking it. It is completely clear at a glance. You can see a drum set in the center, occupying a very large space. There are various musical instruments lined up on both sides. A large screen is hung directly above and on the left and right sides of the big stage, which can broadcast the grand events on the stage to the audience in all corners of the audience at any time.

At the very front of the stage, there was a long rainbow bridge, leading to about a hundred yards ahead, and a small stage, about a hundred square feet. This small stage is right in front of the stands, allowing close contact with the fans in the front, and of course, surrounded by the infield rock stand-up area.

One moment it seemed to be an empty space, but the next moment it was filled with people, all people could see, and the cool atmosphere in the garden began to be occupied by people's body temperature, and it began to warm up little by little. .

Outside the venue, after the spectators who entered the venue with tickets left, there were still nearly a thousand spectators who stayed outside the venue and refused to leave. Without the obstruction of the crowd, the sign asking for a ticket in their hands immediately became clear. At this moment, Raisa Rosie was holding the sign "I need a ticket", holding the last glimmer of hope, cruising at the door, hoping to snap up a ticket at the last moment.

Reza Rosie has already worked in the society, but because of her work, she missed the opportunity to grab tickets twice. And today, because of work, she arrived at Madison Square Garden at the last minute. Although she knew there was little hope, she still held up the sign. She will not give up until the concert starts.

Ever since she heard the song "Just.A.Dream", Reza Rosie has been looking forward to hearing Evan Bell live. Whether it was when she just simply liked Evan Bell's music. Or was later infected by the excitement of the fans and started her own journey of chasing stars, Reza Rosie's desire for concerts has never stopped. A truly outstanding singer can only feel his infinite charm at the concert scene, and Reza Rosie knows this deeply. Therefore, she is not willing to miss this opportunity, even if she needs to pay her half a month's salary, she will not hesitate.

At this time, someone came over. "Hey, man, do you also want to listen to Evan's concert outside?" Ressa Rosie looked back, a tall and thin young man with a warm smile on his face, "We are in A tent is set up at the entrance, and everyone can go to the tent to take shelter from the wind. And it is closer to the exit, so you can hear it clearly, do you want to join us?"

Ressa Rosie followed the young man's arm and saw a row of tents at the door. It seemed that many fans knew about it. It is impossible for everyone to buy a concert, but everyone does not want to miss this moment, so they choose to welcome the arrival of this classic moment with the fans inside the venue.

Ressa Rosie said with a smile, "I'll wait, I hope it doesn't really go out, I always don't give up." She raised the sign in her hand.

The tall and thin young man smiled and nodded to show his understanding, "We are right there, welcome you. Of course, if you are lucky enough to go in, that would be great." After speaking, the tall and thin young man hesitated. Suddenly, he stretched out his right hand, "Hello, I'm Phil."

"Resa." Resa-Rosie also stretched out her right hand, and the two shook it. Then Reza Rosie watched the young man named Phil continue to walk towards another waiting fan not far away.

Ressa Rosie just looked back when she saw a man smoking a cigarette not far away, walking over and looking around hesitantly. Ressa Rosie seems to realize that this is most likely the so-called ticket dealer. The secondary ticket market is rampant all over the world, but I don't know if this ticket dealer's bidding price will be too outrageous.

Reza Rosie knew that this was her best chance, because this man had just arrived in the garden, and no one had time to notice him. Almost after a moment's consideration, Reza Rosie trotted past. The smoking man saw the sign in Reza Rosie's hand at a glance, and immediately said skillfully, "One hundred and sixty."

Ressa Rosie looked at the ticket in the man's hand. It was an 82-dollar grandstand ticket. Although the price has doubled, you must know that someone on the Internet has already offered a price of 3,000 US dollars. So, Ressa Rosie nodded and agreed, "I want it."

Reza Rosie took out her wallet, just handed the money to the smoking man and took her ticket, she could clearly see people running over from all directions. Ressa Rosie didn't know if the man had any extra tickets, but at least she did. So, she picked up the ticket and started running towards the gate of the garden.

The right hand holding the ticket was trembling constantly. I don't know if it was because the night was starting to fall and the wind was blowing, or it was because I was too emotional. But no matter what, Reza Rosie is sure that she can enter the scene to experience the carnival, and she feels like a dream that she can be part of the party at the last minute.

The footsteps are still running, but Reza Rosie has begun to worry, has she been cheated, is the ticket fake, or why is it so cheap? But soon, Reza Rosie knew the result, because she passed the ticket check smoothly and entered the room smoothly. The wall inside the garden blocked all the strong winds from outside, and a warm breath came.

Reza Rosie kept her mobile phone and camera in storage and passed the security check while listening carefully to the voices in the infield. At this time, one after another noise can be heard in the infield, and it feels that everyone can't wait to start warming up. Yes, Reza Rosie is all too familiar with this feeling. Four years, four years of waiting, and finally Evan Bell's first concert, not a platter concert, not a street performance, not a The show, but the concert that really belongs to Evan Bell, is really not easy.

Reza Rosie took a few deep breaths and forced herself to calm down. She took her wallet and keys, put them in the pocket of her coat, and walked into the garden grounds step by step. The moment she entered, all the voices were immediately amplified tenfold, and the heat wave, shock, and noise that came upon her made Reza Rosie pause for a moment.

Someone is already performing on the stage, and the concert has already started?

Reza Rosie couldn't help feeling nervous. She thought she missed the opening of the concert, but she only took two steps, and the signal from her ears stopped her because she heard it, it wasn't. Evan Bell's music, not Evan Bell's voice. This is a very unfamiliar melody, I have never heard it before. Looking at the big screen, the lead singer's face is also very unfamiliar. She realized it was supposed to be a warm-up band, but why a band whose name had never been heard? There are definitely not a few people who are willing to be the warm-up guests of Evan Bell's concert, and many newcomers should be squeezed.

Ressa Rosie looked down at her ticket stub, then started clockwise to find her seat. Looking at the standing tickets in the rock zone, Reza Rosie was envious for a while. If she could stand in the infield and watch the concert up close, the shock and enjoyment would be absolutely unparalleled. However, Reza Rosie didn't think for too long, and quickly took her eyes back. Because she was very lucky to be here, thinking about the clean boy named Phil at the door just now, Reza Rosie knew that she didn't need to complain at all.

Although the person on the stage was not Evan Bell, the atmosphere at the scene was still very warm. Everyone was waving the light sticks in their hands, making waves, and using practical actions to give the biggest encouragement to the band on the stage. In this atmosphere, it was not easy to find your own seat. In the middle, the band had finished singing a and introduced themselves loudly. "Clap.ur.Hands.Say.Yeah?" Risa Rosie did a search in her head, but she hadn't heard of this band, and it was from Brooklyn.

When Raisa Rosie finally found her seat, she realized that she was very lucky. Her seat was on the right of the stand area, and there was a small stage in front of the left. It was conceivable that this should be the time of the concert. Vin-Bell came to the area ahead. But Reza Rosie didn't have more time to think about what happened after the concert, because she was quickly drawn to the music of the band on stage.

Just as she liked Evan Bell at the beginning because of his excellent music, Reza Rosie's preference for music has never changed. When she heard the music of this warm-up band, her eyes couldn't help but light up. It's definitely not the genre of mainstream concerts, and it's definitely not going to be in the top 50 on the Billboard charts, and it's not even going to be the kind of music that a record company wants to put a lot of effort into because their music is so It's too individual, the kind of casualness that is outside the mainstream, but with a weird impact, the lead singer's hoarse and weird voice can easily touch the heartstrings. This is really amazing.

"Clap your hands and say yeah", Reza Rosie couldn't help but murmured the band's name, and then, in the same way she said it, began to drum up her hands and shouted "Yeah!" Evan Bell's music together. The concert has not yet kicked off. From the warm-up band, people can't help but indulge in it.

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