Great Artist

Chapter 1209: profound

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The cold December winds descended from the distant Arctic Ocean all the way south, wreaking havoc on every inch of the northern hemisphere, but when all the cold winds rushed to Miami recklessly, they also softened, and this is called the waiting room of God. In the city, everything becomes docile. Transparent oxygen factor, verdant forests, clean street communities, stretches of coastal beaches, vibrant bikini girls... Even the murderers who once ravaged were conquered by this city, making life a different place. Be comfortable and lazy.


Evan-Bell and his party also followed the arctic cold all the way to the south, heading back toward the warm and even hot equator. Preparations for the upcoming concert on the 20th.


Since the "First Time" world tour on the 9th and the release of "Brokeback Mountain" started simultaneously, the support of "Brokeback Mountain" has been accompanied by the wonderful footsteps of Evan Bell's concert all the way to the south. An unbelievable speed is rising, and the resistance against the "Brokeback Mountain" by the conservative Hui faction Hui scholars and religious groups is gradually weakening. Americans are accepting this **** film in a way that no one could have predicted. This is something that Hollywood cannot imagine, and it is something that the entire United States cannot imagine.


Of course, the mutual benefit of "Brokeback Mountain" and the "First Time" world tour has made "Sunshine Little Huimei Huimei" also won a lot of benefits. The box office of this independent film is really strong. Let everyone fall through the glasses. Even if it is not a commercial movie, Evan-Bell's ability to show off in terms of box office appeal can still make a movie a huge profit, which is really amazing.


After the rehearsal for the concert at American Airlines Center, the four lads of the extrajudicial madman plan to go to the bar to enjoy a rare leisure time and see if they can make the night no longer "alone", Evan Bell Then and Eden Hudson came to the restaurant "Joe's Stone Crab" on the edge of the beach.


"Joe's Stone Crab" is the most famous seafood restaurant in Miami, with a history of 92 years. Just like the name of the restaurant, the signature dish in the store is the stone crab. This crab only lives in Florida and is very rare, but it has an excellent taste and unique taste, and is highly sought after.


The best season to enjoy stone crab is October, so every October, it is always difficult to find free time in Joe's Stone Crab Restaurant. However, when the season comes to December, people's enthusiasm for crabs has declined. Although the business in the restaurant is still good, at least it will not be overcrowded.


When Evan Bell and Eden Hudson arrived at the restaurant, they just glanced at Robert Eagle sitting on the side of the balcony near the beach. Robert-Iger stood up directly and greeted Evan-Bell with a smile.


This is the first meeting between Evan-Bell and Robert-Iger. Although Eleven Studios and Disney have had a lot of overt and secret confrontations before this, including disputes and cooperation in the "Pirates of the Caribbean" series, Evan A Bell is the new head of Disney who has seen the post-Michael-Inas era on the news.


Robert Eagle is a decent-looking middle-aged man with short hair neatly combed, a neat and tidy suit and a friendly smile on his face. If he is a research professor, some people are willing to believe him. of. But after he opened his mouth to speak, the natural intimacy lost the temperament of a professor, and it was more like an excellent social master, "Atlanta's performance was very good, and the music of the Doctor Dog Band reminded me of the busyness of the 1970s. Days." This sentence is not only informative, but also very skillful.


Robert-Iger first started with a concert in a very popular way, attracting Evan-Bell's attention, specifically referring to the Doctor Dog band, but it was a kind of attention to independent bands, which was exactly what Evan-Bell hoped. , and the phrase "70s" not only refers to the style of Doctor Dog's music, but also implies his own life as an announcer. Invisibly, this puts Robert Iger's own position very low, and there is no such thing as a big company like Disney returning to the company.


I have to say that Robert Iger is a very good communicator, and he can shorten the distance between people unconsciously, which is absolutely unfeasible in Michael Inas. After the "Pirates of the Caribbean" premiere was a success, Evan Bell had a conversation with Michael Inas that turned out badly. It can be said that under the leadership of Robert Iger, Disney will at least make great progress in interpersonal relationships.

Look, even in the face of Evan Bell, the competitor who took Pixar's mouth and snatched away food, Robert Eagle still looks like a gentle and gentle man.


"Mr. Eagle is also interested in my concert? That's really good news." Anyway, the polite words don't cost money, and Evan Bell is also handy, "If you went back a few years ago, you told me that Disney's palm The concierge will sit in the audience and listen to me singing, so I will definitely think you are talking nonsense." Evan Bell dealt with this kind of scene compared to Teddy Bell and Eden Hudson. More than that.


Robert Eagle laughed, "But now, anyone will be proud of having a 'first' concert ticket. Trust me, the same goes for tickets for any stop." Tickets for Philadelphia, Atlanta, and Miami were all sold out within a minute, and the next performances in Nashville, Chicago, and Houston were sold out early, and the record for ticket sales was astounding. Almost all are one-minute trades. "You must have just finished the rehearsal? Tomorrow's performance is exciting."

Under the deliberate management of Robert Iger, the conversation was very pleasant. Eden-Hudson sat next to him, so bored he fell asleep that not even the delicacy of the stone crab could disguise a conversation as boring as plain water: there was no substance. Robert-Iger has a very good ability in interpersonal communication, but he has a natural flaw in his decision-making ability, which is also related to his character. Therefore, in any negotiation, he will be cautious, constantly attacking and weighing speculations. Unless he is absolutely sure, he will not make a move.


It was nearly an hour after the meal was eaten, and Robert Iger carefully raised the issue of continued cooperation on Pixar's animation peripherals. In fact, Disney has always been responsible for the peripherals of Pixar's works, but now Pixar has "remarried", and the contract between Pixar and Disney will end in May this year. Therefore, if Disney wants to continue to own the copyrights of Pixar's peripherals, It is necessary to sit at the negotiating table with Eleven Studio.


As early as more than a month ago, when Eleven Studios completed the acquisition of Pixar, Teddy Bell extended a friendly olive branch to Disney. Although the surrounding area can be said to be one of the most profitable links in the film industry chain, Eleven Studios has no intention of blindly expanding, and maintaining a cooperative relationship with Disney is the best choice.


Originally, everyone thought that Disney and Eleven Studios were going to turn against each other, just like Universal Pictures, but it turns out that "the mall has the best interests...". Aside from the collaboration between the "Pirates of the Caribbean" sequel and Q TV's "Grey's Anatomy", Pixar's animated merchandise is crucial to Disney. After they lost a big help from the animation department, it would be disastrous if they lost the surrounding industrial chain. Therefore, Disney and Eleven Studios sat at the negotiating table again.


However, in terms of profit sharing, Pixar, which belongs to Eleven Studios, is not the soft persimmon that was casually kneaded ten years ago, neither Teddy Bell nor former CEO Steve Jobs. will give in. So, this led to the very slow progress of the negotiations between Robert-Iger and Teddy-Bell, and both sides had their own opinions.


From this negotiation, we can see Robert Iger's cautious character, and we can also see the profound heritage of Disney, a behemoth. After losing Pixar, the "Four-Eyed Chicken" also suffered a tragic defeat, but Disney still did not panic, not even a single splash appeared, as if a boulder was thrown into the ocean.


Now Disney, under the leadership of Robert Iger, definitely intends to play steadily, first settle down internally, and then gradually develop. Teddy Bell had inquired before that Disney was negotiating with Eleven Studio on the one hand, and at the same time contacting two famous animation studios, Blue Sky Studio and Aardman Studio. Although the interior of Disney has been seriously, it has not yet reached the time when the ammunition and food are exhausted.


It goes without saying that Blue Sky Studio has already made a name for itself in the "Ice Age" series, and their cooperation agreement with Twentieth Century Fox seems to be coming to an end. Aardman Studio is a famous British clay animation tycoon. Aardman Studio has cooperated with DreamWorks for many years. "Chicken Run" and "Super Gate Dog" are both successful cases. The studio and DreamWorks are still collaborating on "Rush Away", but it seems this will be their last collaboration. DreamWorks was crumbling, and Aardman Studios began seeking new partners. After the loss of Pixar, Disney is obviously the most suitable object. I heard that Sony Animation, which is in jeopardy, has also contacted the animation powerhouse from the United Kingdom.


Disney has a profound background and has already begun to seek a way back. Although it is necessary to win the cooperation with Eleven Studios, they are still promoting the negotiation process in a leisurely manner. Disney, under the leadership of Robert Iger, is like a minesweeper holding a detector, careful not to say too much, and his slow and slow style is even more procrastination.


Under this situation, the head of Eleven Studio came up with a more attractive cooperation plan, which made Robert Iger leave the comfortable boss chair and come to Miami, and this is the meeting today.


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