Great Artist

Chapter 1211: cautiously

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So you are saying that Pixar's seven works are authorized to be used by uTube from January to May. In addition, other income generated due to copyright during this period still belongs to Disney. At the same time, the advertising income generated on uTube can also be divided into other peripheral income. Eleven Studios is also willing to give in a percentage point. Robert Eagle knows that his move is stupid and will take him away from the initiative, but the surprise on his face is still revealed from the frown and the slightly open mouth because of this. It's really surprising


From this condition, Eleven Studio has only obtained the copyright rights for five months, and it is only limited to uTube. Not only does Disney not need to do anything, there is no loss - because they have not been involved in this part of the Internet. On the contrary, they You can continue to rely on these five months of copyright to make income. If uTube generates income, Disney can also make money and even gain an advantage in peripheral income.


This kind of thing is like a pie in the sky, so good that people almost want to say yes without hesitation, but this is Hollywood, this is a business negotiation, this is Robert Iger, there are too many benefits, and Robert Iger hesitates instead. He couldn't help but wonder what if Pixar's works were licensed to uTube and piracy was rampant, affecting other aspects of Disney's revenue and even Disney's image.


Although Robert Iger is not a quick thinker, he has an easy answer to this question: Disney will have nothing to lose because Pixar is now affiliated with Eleven Studios even if Disney holds the copyright for these five months. By June, Eleven Studios will still do this. The impact will still be generated, and the impact will be on Eleven Studios, not on Disney, and even Eleven Studios will terminate the cooperation between Pixar's works and Disney. Looking for other partners, then Disney is really sad


So it means that Disney has exchanged a lot of benefits for these five months of copyright use rights without any loss. This is a once-in-a-lifetime pure profit on the negotiating table.


After thinking about this, Robert Eagle's inner hesitation became even heavier. He always felt that he was not thinking through it carefully. He needed some reference, especially when he looked up and saw the young man on the opposite side. But Evan Bell has made countless big bosses lose Evan Bell, and Disney has just stumbled on Evan Bell's hands, so their plans for the next few months must be adjusted accordingly. Disney's quagmire is only going to get worse with Aardman's studio so Robert Eagle has to be a little more careful, that's his character


Evan Bell has been prepared for Robert Iger's caution, but he can only express helplessness when he sees Robert Iger repeating the conditions he promised like a young boy just out of society. Besides, he is not taking advantage of the big head and giving it to Disney. What he sees is the impact of the copyright on uTube and even the commercialization of digital video in the past five months. But it happens that Robert Iger can't see the benefits. To be precise, most people can't see it, and Evan Bell can't say that if he said it, it would be called really stupid, so Evan Bell can only It's Robert Eagle thinking of himself as a fool and hesitating over and over again. It's a really helpless situation.


Evan Bell nodded and explained with a smile that Robert, I am serious, otherwise I would not have come with Eden today


Although Evan Bell did not say it, Robert Eagle knew the subtext of this sentence: if it was the usual negotiation, Teddy Bell came forward and now Evan Bell took the time during the concert to show his sincerity. ; It can also be understood that if it is not very sincere to want to cooperate with Eden Hudson, the lawyer will not appear. No matter how it is understood, Robert Iger can't help but smile to cover up his embarrassment. He was stupid just now. It's really amateurish


Evan Bell still didn't find determination or a tentative twitch in Robert Eagle's face. Evan Bell and Eden Hudson exchanged glances indifferently. No wonder the history Steve Jobs will be stimulated by Robert Iger to the point where Eleven Studios is completely handing over the benefits to Robert Iger, or is it careful not to kill the CEO decisively


But then I think about it in the past life that Robert Iger used this kind of soft policy and Disney's excellent conditions to successfully win Pixar. This time, if it wasn't for the unexpected rise of Studio Eleven, I guess Robert Iger would not have missed it. Evan Bell is still pulling himself together. He knows that impatience won't solve the problem for someone like Robert Iger - unless, like Steve Jobs, he simply finds someone else to work with.

Eden Hudson took the stone crab from Evan Bell's plate, held a small hammer and began to beat it Evan Bell's eyes flashed that helplessness Only Eden Hudson could feel Eden Hudson Son didn't want to talk to Robert Eagle at all, so he evaded responsibility by knocking crabs, so Evan Bell still had the responsibility of talking


Evan Bell turned his head and looked again at Robert Iger. The expression on his face was the same as before. As if the fleeting communication between him and Eden Hudson just now did not exist at all. Robert I. I haven't finished yet I know that Disney Channel has been making their own works I hope you can license the 'Double Montana' that is being made to be broadcast on Disney Channel on uTube of course not synchronously. Our progress can be compared to yours two weeks later


Evan Bell knew he had to ask for something to dispel Robert Iger's vigilance and used this request to get Robert Iger to bargain to achieve his ultimate goal. In Evan Bell's view, if Disney Wouldn't love to have Disney Channel on uTube, but it's been stalled because of the failure of negotiations with Universal Music, which distributes Disney's music, and now Michael Enas Maybe you can talk to Robert Iger about it after stepping down. If it succeeds, it will be the best; if it fails, it will not affect the main purpose. The main purpose is to get the uTube broadcast rights of Pixar works from January to May


Double-faced Montana is a set of teen idol TV series launched by Disney in 2006. Together with High School Musical, Disney's youth trend has been set off. Double-faced Montana has created a series of new ratings for Disney Channel and has become popular. Fourteen-year-old Miley Cyrus has no personal interest in Evan Bell, but the teenage attention the show has attracted and the Disney behind the show is a boon for uTube So Evan Bell doesn't mind taking the double-faced Montana show as the key to negotiation


Sure enough, Robert Eagle's expression didn't change when he heard Evan Bell's words, but his eyes were relieved. Putting the TV series on uTube was a big challenge, and it was also a brand new topic for Disney. Need to discuss again Robert Iger doesn't understand why Evan Bell is so keen on uTube, but he at least knows that Evan Bell wants something. In Robert Iger's view, the previous conditions are all introductions Evan Bell's real purpose should be the network broadcast rights of Double-sided Montana or the network broadcast rights of another Disney work. Double-sided Montana is still a pretense


Evan Bell twitched his lips slightly and looked at Robert Eagle's eyes, but it was a nervous performance and then heard Evan Bell go on to say that you can actually think of uTube as a home digital video recorder (DVR) missed it The viewers of the TV premiere can borrow a digital video recorder to rewatch it on TV or uTube and it's the same I think 'Double Montana' would be great for teens if it could be promoted on an online platform Appeal


Although Robert Eagle felt a little more at ease, he still did not let go. Of course, I can feel that the conditions of Studio Eleven are very sincere. I will hold a board meeting as soon as I go back tomorrow. After all, this is a huge change for Disney. Hope for a good result in the end


Whether Disney will hold a board meeting because of the double-sided Montana's online screening rights Evan Bell is not sure, but it is not surprising that the board of directors will hold a meeting because of the interests of the future surrounding Pixar works.


There was no deal today. Evan Bell is still a little disappointed. The conditions given by Eleven Studio are too good, but Robert Eagle is still too cautious. Originally, Evan Bell thought that Pixar would be replaced for uTube It is not difficult to get the copyright rights of its works for five months. After all, there is no loss for Disney at all. Now it seems that Disney under the leadership of Robert Iger will only become more cautious.


Evan Bell is starting to think it's time to bring Steve Jobs into the mix, and it's a bit more persuasive to package the commercialization of digital video on iTunes with uTube's channel business


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