Great Artist

Chapter 1217: silent heart

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Evan-Bell left the white wooden house, found a bench on the withered grass beside him, and sat down. There was a mother walking forward with her six- or seven-year-old child in front of her. I don't know if it was because the mother's footsteps were too fast, or there were stones on the ground, and the child tripped and fell.


The mother stopped in a panic, helped the child up, and patted the dust off his knees. "Mommy, where did Uncle Casey go?" The child's clear voice was full of joy and curiosity that belonged to his age, and he didn't seem to understand what was going on.


Mother paused and squeezed out a smile, "Uncle Casey went to heaven, it's a place full of flowers, he'll be very happy there."


The child tilted his head and thought for a while, then pouted and said, "What about Aunt Kate? Isn't she the only one?" Adults always think that the child doesn't understand anything, but the child is very sensitive. Yes, they can always understand what adults don't want to tell them.


The mother seemed to choked for a moment. She smiled and said with the tears in her eyes, "Then would you like to come and accompany Aunt Kate back to Aunt? That way she won't be alone."


The child hesitated for a moment, and seemed to be thinking seriously, "Will Aunt Kate still make cookies when she returns? The bear cookies she makes are the best."


The smile on the corner of her mother's mouth pulled slightly, "Of course. If you're willing to help Aunt Kate get back to Auntie."


The child immediately showed a sweet smile. The mother stood up again and walked forward holding the child's hand. The child's tender voice drifted in the cold wind, "Mummy, won't Uncle Casey go to heaven alone?" The two figures walked towards the white wooden house. Evan Bell raised his head a little and saw the dazzling sunlight engulfing the two of them, and then the two walked into the house.


Looking up, the unglaring sunlight in winter made people dizzy. Why should there be war? Evan Bell is neither a politician nor a historian. He has no way to look at this matter from an objective and rational point of view. In the face of war, he is just an ordinary person, with nothing to answer, what he hopes to see is the arrival of peace. Although Evan Bell did not have any special feeling every time he saw that Tianhuizhu Muslims were propagating "God loves the world"; ” At the time, Evan and Bell felt that it was only a literal meaning, but when he was really in the environment of war or war additional damage, the feeling of powerlessness would instantly drown him.


Love, this word is actually quite artistic. Although I say "I love you" every day in my life, it is not difficult to say this sentence to my mother, friend, and lover, but if you want to calm down and feel it, what is called returning love is too much Literary and artistic, I always feel that it is too sad, too poetic, too philosophical and esoteric. But when I turned to think about it, Katherine Burns was lying in front of her husband's coffin, spending the last night with her husband. The computer was playing the song "Hey Life Girl..." when her husband proposed. This seems to be love. It is not literary and artistic, but very life-like, it is just a common scene in our daily life.


"It's in the childish eyes of children when they leave home for the first time; it's in the beating heart of a soldier when he's shot at the front; it's in the worried face of a mother when she feels the explosion Yu Wei of the bombing; it is in the palm of my father's old hands, when he works day and night.


I stand under a white flag and raise my hands in surrender, can you see me? can you see me? I'm fighting for everything we have, can you hear me? can you hear me?


That's why we persevere, it's worth all the pain; that's why we get knocked down, but stand up again: that's where the heart lies, that's the power that comes down from the sky. Love is this, this is love.


Love is why we persevere, it is worth all the pain; love is why we are knocked down, but stand up strong again: love is where the heart lies, and love is the power that falls from the sky. Love is this, this is love.


It is in the soul of the city, healing itself after its destruction and collapse; it is in the blood of the hero, telling him that he needs to go to a place he may never return.


If you could go to the place of your dreams as you wish, take the beloved of your dreams, and do the life mission of your dreams, what would it be? Who will be by your side? Time flies, but you are the navigator; fleeting, but you are the navigator, and one day you may be annihilated.

That's why we persevere, it's worth all the pain: that's why we're knocked down, but we're standing up again: that's where the heart lies, that's the power that comes down from the sky. Love is this, this is love. "


The lyrics flowed like a river in Evan Bell's mind, "This is love, "this" is equal to "love", these moments in life, fragments of life, are actually love. Love, not as imagined It's complicated and artistic. If peace and love can really pervade every corner of life, maybe all setbacks and pains won't be so difficult.


Different from the anti-war song "Catalyst" that was originally created, this time Evan-Bell still stands in the position of anti-war against war, but from the perspective of love, he calls for more beautiful things in life. moment. Bell thought for a while, he originally wanted to use sensational music to make this appeal, but he felt it was too hypocritical. Looking back at the white that was hidden in the large cold tones, it became more and more cold in the solemnity. Evan Bell gave up this idea. To oppose war is not only to vent one's anger and dissatisfaction with war, but also to call for peace, love, and life. It is not anger, but regret, longing, and endless warmth.


Evan-Bell thinks that perhaps using cheerful drums and guitar strings to express the warmth of the song, it can better reflect the theme of "love". Warmth doesn't have to be soothing, on the contrary, the enthusiasm in the melody is brought out with a lively and passionate rhythm, so that the melody and the lyrics collide with strange sparks, so that thinking can be generated invisibly.


Irregular melody began to flow in Evan-Bell's mind, and the sunlight in winter became thinner and thinner, but the meaningless notes were rearranged and combined by Evan-Bell, but the sunlight factor became lively. stand up. Closing his eyes, Evan Bell did not make a sound, but turned all the emotions into a melody in his mind.


"This is love", time flies, fleeting, we think that we control the time, and thus miss the true love around us, but when we wake up, the annihilation of death is close at hand, and the love around us But has disappeared. The sadness and sadness began to collide in the increasingly passionate music, and the golden sunlight factor collided with the paleness of the cold winter. In a trance, the grass turned green again, the dead branches were dyed again, the sky showed blue again, and the desolation and desolation of winter subsided little by little.


If winter comes, can spring be far behind? Love is here, will peace be far behind?


After the whole song was written, Bell felt that his heart was empty, and all his emotions were vented back to the emptiness after that, and he couldn't make up for it. When I opened my eyes, it was still the cold winter in front of me, and the surrounding colors were still pale. Suddenly, a bright color appeared in front of him.


A black funeral hearse slowly drove over. Behind him were six soldiers, dressed in black uniforms and navy blue trousers, the red stripes on the sides of the trousers illuminating all the plain colors around them. They strode neatly and followed the hearse slowly. A group of people walked out of the white wooden house behind them. They were all dressed in neat uniforms and walked to the edge of the street. This group of people solemnly saluted the hearse and the soldiers to show their respect. After the solemn scene, the soldiers who had experienced the baptism of war hugged each other and exchanged something in a low voice.


Maybe they knew Casey Burns, maybe they didn't, but they were all soldiers, all in the Navy. The comrade-in-arms friendship made them feel the same, and it is not only their comrades who left today, but also their future influence: the cruelty of war has never been expected.


Watching these soldiers whispering to each other about the situation, their tensed faces showed the pain in their hearts. Evan Yibel suddenly remembered the tears of the man he saw when he came out just This support and friendship belonged to comrades-in-arms, dispelling the desolation and cold of winter, although the surrounding The scenery is still wrapped in cold tones, but it is no longer dazzling pale, with a touch of sunshine gold, allowing the frozen heart to flow through a warm current.


Out of the corner of his eye, he followed the direction the group of soldiers walked into the white wooden house, and Evan Bell saw Jason and Maez with a tired face. The dog Bell raised his hand and waved it gently, and Jason Majes walked over.


Jason-Maez rubbed his temples, the cyan under his eyes showed his tiredness. "When did you come? Have you seen Catherine?"


Evan Yibel nodded, "It's been a while. Are you okay?"


Jason Maez sat down beside Aegis Bell, "After three days of wake-up call, Casey's comrades in arms helped a lot, but I seemed to be a disservice. Watching Catherine exhausted, I didn't know I could doing what."


"It's enough that you can appear here and stand by her side."


Evan Bell said in a low voice. Grief is a matter of one person, and no one else can help, that's the truth.


Jason-Maez glanced at Evan-Bell and sighed softly, "Thank you for coming."


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[To be continued "The reply to this article was provided by the breaking dawn update team @小爱332335". If you like this work, you are welcome to ◣First Release◥ to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. 】

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