Great Artist

Chapter 1219: wake up

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The winter in Los Angeles is at least 50 degrees Fahrenheit (10 degrees Celsius) above, and it is impossible to feel the cold wind at all. But people's perception of temperature often depends on their own mood. In summer, it will feel like falling into an ice cellar, and in winter, it will feel as warm as spring. This is the power of mood. For Bly Rabbit Lively, this winter is extraordinarily cold.


Blake Lively was sitting in the dark movie theater, watching Jack say to Ennis on the big screen, "I wish I knew how to quit you..." and collapsed in an instant, like a three-year-old kidnapped. Like a lollipop, he cried helplessly and helplessly.


Her heart was like being pulled up by a big hand, the pain was so painful that she couldn't speak, and even her breathing was stopped. She also wanted to know how to quit Evan-Bell, but she couldn't, she couldn't help it. She could only be like Jack, angry, outburst, regret, complain, but in the end she was firmly tied to Evan-Bell's side, forever and ever.


Originally, she thought that three months had passed, everything would be fine, and time would heal everything. But she was wrong. When love really goes deep into the bone marrow, even time can't fade the color that belongs to love. Instead, it becomes deeper and clearer as time goes on.


In recent months, she has always had some bizarre dreams at night. Wake up in the empty New York City, the empty city is not unusual, but it is terribly lonely, even the sound of running can echo, and the loneliness is like a vortex swallowing her in an instant: When she woke up in a land with frequent volcanic eruptions and frequent earthquakes, she didn't even have time to react, so she could only obey her instinct and start to run away. Come on, even though she is exhausted, frightened, but still continues to run with heavy steps...


When she woke up from these dreams, she was soaked with sweat all over her body, then she stayed in bed stupidly, and then she couldn't stop crying. She hates herself like this, because such weakness will only make her miss Evan Bell even more.


Blake Lively always thought she was a very dashing and brave girl. When she faced Evan Bell, she bravely pursued her own happiness and finally succeeded. Whenever she sees that kind of **** TV and in movies who cry to the death for love, she will feel that it is stupid. She is the most irrational behavior, because mistakes are made by men, and women are the results. to undertake.


Therefore, she also thinks that she is mentally prepared for everything about Evan-Bell. Even in the face of parting, she can turn around and leave with a smile, without any nostalgia.


When parting really came, she did the same. Leaving gracefully, even after cursing hysterically on the phone, she quickly returned to her daily routine, going to classes, eating, and playing, she wouldn't call Evan Bell like a madman, and she wouldn't either. Will be deadly to beg Evan Bell to come back.


However, she was really in pain, not only in heartache, but every inch of her body was in constant pain because of the madness, like dancing on the tip of a knife, and every movement made her heartache. She hated Evan-Bell because it was Evan-Bell's scheming that destroyed their relationship; but she hated herself even more, hating the self who still loved Evan-Bell and still couldn't stop thinking about Evan-Bell.


It turns out that in the face of love, she is no different from Blake Lively, nor is there any difference, she is the most clichéd, meanest and most boring girl in soap operas on TV, crying so hard for a man that her heart aches. already dying. And that man is still alive and well.


Since returning from a concert in New York, Blake Lively has been in a trance. After months of tumultuous thoughts, Blake Lively wasn't sure what she was thinking, she didn't know whether she hated Evan Bell or her uselessness, and she didn't know where this relationship would go... ... Chuan, of course, she doesn't know if tomorrow will be the end of the world. She doesn't know all of this. It's like there are countless unknown things in this world that can't be explained. Even though she tried her best to explore, she still couldn't see things. the whole picture. The only thing Blake Lively knew was that the hole in her heart was always empty, and that place had always belonged to Evan Bell. is love? Is it pain? Missing? Complaining? Is it hatred? But in the end it all belongs to Evan Bell.

Blake Lively, confused and unable to find a direction, would unconsciously search for news about Evan Bell, but then force herself to forget it all; she would travel thousands of miles to New York to watch a concert, but then She hated her own weakness and incompetence; when she knew about the scandal between Anne-Hatherford and Evan-Bell, she would be jealous and even more envious, and she also hoped that she would have the courage to look away like Anne-Hatherford. Misty, but she didn't know why she envy Anne-Hathie... She was confused.


In the chaos, Blake Lively came to the cinema aimlessly and watched "Brokeback Mountain" for the second time in the dark. When Jack said that line, all of Blake Lively's emotions collapsed, because this sentence was her heart, and she also hoped that she would stop thinking about Evan Bell, and she also hoped that time would heal everything , she also hopes that she can really hate Evan-Bell, and she also hopes that she can get rid of the **** and look forward...but she can't.


I really wish I knew how to quit you.


These words were like a soft but tough thorn, stabbing Blake Lively's heart, and the pain spread little by little. In the past three months, she had not cried so much, but at this moment she broke out completely.


Ennis finally looked at the two shirts in the cupboard and said with tears in his eyes, "Jack, I swear..."


Blake Lively looked at the big screen with tears in his eyes, looking at Evan Bell's clear blue eyes, his whole heart sank slowly like this, sinking into the azure ocean. The blue became darker and darker from the light sky blue, and finally turned into endless darkness.


Blake Lively just sat there in a daze, motionless. The cinema staff didn't come out to drive the crowd, because she bought an overnight combo ticket to watch three movies in a row. When the big screen lights up again, Blake Lively's attention is drawn to the blinding light. There are also a pair of bright blue eyes, but these blue eyes do not have the depth of Evan Bell, on the contrary, they are clear and pure.


It's "The Little Sunshine Beauty"! Unexpectedly, this evening seems to be a special show for Evan and Bell, and "Brokeback Mountain" and "Sunshine Little Beauty" are broadcast together


Blake Lively has not seen "Beautiful Sunshine", this is the first time. She looked at Oliver with a small belly. Although the situation of the Hoover family was very bad, inexplicably, her mood improved. Oliver was like a beam of sunlight penetrating the dark clouds shining in.


Seeing that everyone in the Hoover family has their own predicament, it seems that everyone is a loser in life, but the family relentlessly drove towards Redondo Beach just to realize Oliver's beauty pageant dream. After arriving at the destination, at the port, Dwayne, who had just passed the dream of being a pilot, said, "Life is one beauty pageant after another, you know, high school, college, work? flight academy.


do you know? If I want to fly, I will find a way to fly. Do what you want and let the rest go to hell. "


This sentence made the smile on Blake Lively's face freeze, especially the last sentence.


In his 20-year-old life, Blake Lively was not enthusiastic about doing things for three minutes, but he was indeed like most young people, without a clear goal, and went with the flow in the ocean of life. Looking back on her past life, she can really decide that there are actually two things she wants to do: to capture Evan and Bell, that is her own happiness; to become an actor, that is her own future. And these two things, in fact, have an inescapable relationship with Bell.


"Do what you want, and let the rest go to hell." This sentence is completely Evan Bell's style, and it was this Evan Bell that made Blake Lively fall out of control. fell in love. Thinking of that night when the sea breeze was raging, Blake Lively pursued her own happiness so boldly, bravely and straightforwardly, and she firmly held the initiative in her palm. But why are you backing away now? Why are you hesitating now? Is it because of age? Or was it because she had lost that spirit?


Thinking back to the decadent self in the past three Even Blake Lively hates that self, because that is not the self, at least not the normal self. What kind of self should be, and what kind of girl made Evan Bell fall in love, not the weak woman who washed her face in tears in the past three months, but standing on the avenue late at night, facing herself. happy girl running wild.


Knowing, not knowing; certain, uncertain, isn't that the case? If there is still hesitation and hesitation, it is uncertain; and what is truly certain does not need these additional factors. So what if she was with Evan Bell, like Anne Heather? This is uncertain, but what she can be sure of is that no matter what the situation is, she is sure that Evan Bell is her own happiness. As long as Evan-Bell doesn't let go, she won't let go. That's 100% sure!


In an instant, all the thoughts in my mind cleared the clouds and became clear. Watching the last scene of "Little Sunshine Beauty", the evening sun in California shone on the bright yellow bus, Blake Lively suddenly laughed, and all the weight on his shoulders was thrown out of the sky. .


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[To be continued "The reply to this article was provided by the breaking dawn update team @小爱332335". If you like this work, you are welcome to ◣First Release◥ to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. 】

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