Great Artist

Chapter 1227: Year person


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Throughout Evan Bell's 2005, the Grammys and Oscars at the beginning of the year; followed by a dazzling performance in the Indian Ocean tsunami charity donation; then won the 20th number one single, tying the Beatles. Records; becoming an emerging force on the Internet with the power of uTube and Facebook; completing the acquisition of Pixar, leading Eleven Studios to become the leader of the second group of Hollywood studios; most importantly, two films at the end of the year The work completely lit up Evan Bell's 2005, "Little Miss Sunshine" created a new era of pornographic movies, and let Evan Bell win the highest award in the American pornographic film industry - Gotham The Best Picture Award, and "Brokeback Mountain" became a new coordinate in the history of American **** films, setting off a new round of ideological revolution. It also allowed Evan Bell to win the Best Actor in Venice...

Whether it is the emerging power of the Internet or the rise of Eleven Studios; whether it is the innovation of pornographic films or the historical influence of gay-themed films, all of these made Evan Bell complete 2005 with a staggering attitude. of brilliance.

Among them, there is also a series of "unobtrusive" records assigned to Evan Bell's name.

For example, the first actor in history to complete the IMDB actor list for three consecutive times, Evan Bell has not left the championship since his outstanding performance in "Pirates of the Caribbean" in 2003; It has dominated the Hollywood Power List for two years, which is also the first time in history. And it's the second youngest champion - the youngest record holder was last year's 22-year-old Evan Bell.

For example, for three consecutive years, he has become the sexiest man selected by "People Weekly", and the 50 most beautiful people in the world. Three consecutive championships is a record. Another record that still dominates this list after playing a **** role, Evan Bell seems to have broken the history of being swallowed up by Hollywood's unspoken rules after starring in a **** work.

For another example, for the second year in a row, it was the most cost-effective actor in Hollywood. This data is crucial for every film company. According to Forbes statistics, investing one dollar in Evan Bell can get a return of one hundred and thirty-three dollars and seventy-five cents. This is a cost-effective statistics. For the first time since, an actor can earn more than a hundred dollars. Of course, the reason the numbers are so high is also because of the past few movies. They are all works produced by Eleven Studio, and Evan Bell's salary income is not high, which makes the income show a geometric multiple growth. But Evan Bell's amazing box office appeal no longer needs to be proved. Coupled with the three consecutive championships in IMDB's selection, Evan Bell's weight in the hearts of the audience is evident. It is no wonder that major film companies eagerly sent the script. At Eleven Studio, I hope Evan Bell can catch a glimpse.

A brilliant year for Evan Bell. The "first" world tour came to an end, and Evan Bell, in the eyes of the media, ended the one-year journey with the highest honor of "Time" magazine.

In the selection of Time Magazine's Person of the Year, Evan Bell defeated a number of opponents and became the first artist to receive the title in the history of Person of the Year!

actually. As early as 2003, when Evan Bell swept the four major art awards in the United States, some people thought that Evan Bell could make this history, but that year, Evan Bell lost to American soldiers. It can be seen that in the selection of "Time" Weekly, it is impossible to gain favor only by relying on the brilliant achievements of the entertainment industry. And this year, Evan Bell's influence has obviously gone beyond the entertainment industry.

"Time" magazine described Evan Bell's reason for being elected as: the creator of culture! "Time" magazine believes that Evan Bell has led the entire music circle to change the definition of pop and music; and then led the movie to create a new history. And most importantly, Evan Bell took the Internet culture to a new level and promoted the revolution of the Internet age; there is also a new wave of **** culture. If there are any additional factors, Evan Bell's leadership in the fashion industry cannot be ignored. So, Evan Bell became the opinion leader leading the cultural trend, which made him the Person of the Year in 2005.

From 1927 to 2004, Time magazine has conducted seventy-seven person-of-the-year selections. The elected persons include religion, technology, politics, economics and other aspects. The person of the year often represents the most important person in the past year. Influential people, groups or ideas, machines, etc.

In the selection of Person of the Year, the President of the United States has won the most titles. Nineteen times, the President of the United States or the President has been among them, while American politicians have been elected Person of the Year for a total of 28 times. By comparison, political leaders from the rest of the world were elected Person of the Year 24 times.

Compared to politics, business and finance have not received the attention they deserve, and out of the past seventy-seven selections, only five have been selected by business people. The military has a record of seven elections. In addition, doctors, astronauts, scientists, computers and dangerous earth were also elected as Persons of the Year.

But in these seventy-seven selections, no person in the entertainment industry has ever been elected Person of the Year. Even in the form of cultural influence, the generational generation, middle class, and American women have all become the man of the year as a group in history. characters, but none of them can be regarded as real cultural representatives, but rather as a social symbol.

This time, Evan Bell's election naturally created a series of records in the 77-year selection history of Person of the Year. The first artist in history to receive the title; the first person in history to rely on cultural influence to receive the title; and the first foreigner to receive the title in the past ten years - Evan Bell is a British Nationality, although Americans have always believed that Evan Bell should be a dual nationality of the United Kingdom and the United States.

When the results of the selection came out, many people questioned it. No one denied Evan Bell's influence today, but the man of the year should be more of a symbol of influence on the trend of the entire era. Let an artist Winning this title, people can not help but begin to question the authority of "Time" Weekly.

In this regard, "Time" Weekly made an emphasis in its selection comments.

The impact of "Brokeback Mountain" on American **** culture has never been seen before. The film has successively appeared in major theaters and has become the most screened **** film in history. It is also regarded as a turning point for gay-themed films to counteract mainstream thinking. At the same time, because of the homosexual cultural trend created by "Brokeback Mountain", the whole United States has different ideas about homosexuality. The significance of "Brokeback Mountain" lies not only in a movie, but also in changing people's thinking about homosexuality, thereby promoting a new understanding of homosexuality in American society. This is bound to become an important page in the history of American culture.

If the influence of "Brokeback Mountain" on **** culture, the influence of "Little Sunshine" on pornographic movies, and the influence of Evan Bell on pornographic music can only be said to be limited to entertainment culture Within the scope, then the network culture represented by uTube and Facebook is Evan Bell's greatest achievement in 2005.

uTube has become the video site with the highest viewing rate in the United States, and Facebook has become the social networking site with the most users in the United States. The social channels built by these two sites on the Internet are impacting people's traditional cognition of the Internet. Since blogs have given people a sense of existence as news individuals, uTube and Facebook have made it certain that everyone is a news source. When everyone has the ability to become a news monitoring individual, the Internet will become With the world's largest news source, the relationship between people and public opinion is getting closer and closer, and the entire news system will undergo earth-shaking changes, which also makes everyone have the potential to become the man of the year; in addition, this The impact of the two websites on propaganda models, lifestyles and other aspects has also developed the power of the Internet to a new level.

"Time" magazine believes that as a representative of the new generation, Evan Bell has successfully led the development of culture at the age of 23, and this ability is bound to have a far-reaching impact. Therefore, Evan Bell, as an entertainer, as a cultural symbol, was well-deserved to be elected as the man of the year in 2005 selected by "Time" magazine.

Of course, looking back on the wave after wave that Evan Bell set off in 2005, his influence in the cultural field is indeed So even if there is controversy, Time magazine makes There are still many people who agree with this choice. After all, the current Evan Bell does have the symbolic meaning of a cultural vane. When a person has the significance of a cultural leader and has a profound impact on the entire younger generation, the entire news culture, and the entire special group of society, becoming the person of the year is well deserved.

Evan Bell was elected Person of the Year this time. In addition to those quantitative historical records, the most important thing is a major recognition of Evan Bell's influence today. As an artist, Evan Bell has reached today's heights , the artists representing the entire entertainment industry have occupied a place in popular culture, and this significance is even more important.

Today's Evan Bell has stood in the ranks of many historical greats and has won the recognition of "Time" magazine. Take a look at the selection of the past 77 people of the year: Albert Einstein, Bill -Clinton, Deng Xiaoping, Richard Nixon, Martin Luther King, Winston Churchill, Mahatma Gandhi, personal computer, endangered earth... Such a supreme honor will also Evan- Bell's 2005 took it to a whole new level, leaving countless people speechless.

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