Great Artist

Chapter 1233: Hidden knife in laughter


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Evan Bell has his own way of dealing with the media. It is no secret in the entertainment industry for a long time. Evan Bell is very good at confronting reporters in various ways. Sometimes he will confront him, sometimes he will Ignore it directly, sometimes he will ridicule, sometimes he will tease and play... Even if the reporters are well-informed, every time they have to deal with Evan Bell, they can't help but feel tricky. People like Evan Bell are the most difficult to deal with. In a word, they don't eat hard or soft.

Sean Hall originally thought he knew enough about Evan Bell - this is true, but Sean Hall overestimated his endurance, Evan Bell definitely has the ability to anger people . And Eden Hudson, who was sitting next to him, suddenly sent a sum of money, "Murdoch's News Corporation bought Times Group? Oops, my stock..."

If Sean Hall doesn't know he's being played by Evan Bell, he's an idiot.

Even so, Sean Hall still forcibly endured. He was able to rank at the top of a gossip newspaper such as "News of the World", and he also brought the sales of "News of the World" to more than 3 million- - You must know that the only big newspapers in the United States that can sell more than one million newspapers are those big newspapers. This is definitely not an easy task - Sean Hall's ability is definitely not paper.

"Hehe, it seems that Studio Eleven has been in contact with high-level people recently. Even I, the internal staff of the 'News of the World', don't know, Evan has already got the news first..." Sean Huo Er subtly brought the topic back to the focus of studio Eleven's large group capital injection.

Evan Bell didn't even roll his eyes, "I know the person at the highest level now, that is, Mr. Hall in front of me. Didn't you tell me the news just now? Isn't it true?" Look at his innocent look The appearance is absolutely convincing.

Sean Hall's head was spinning at a high speed. How did he get to this topic just now? By the way, when I mentioned the person of the year, Evan Bell satirized himself as meddling in his own business, and brought up the topic of "Time" Weekly. Then add Eden Hudson to add fuel to the fire... dammit!

Sean Hall calmly laughed twice, "Evan really likes to joke, I never said this. You don't want to think wildly and create wrong information." These words came out. Sean Hall felt something was wrong. Immediately, Sean Hall knew something was wrong.

"Isn't this what Mr. Sean Hall is best at?" Evan Bell's retort made Sean Hall suddenly realize that he dug a hole and jumped by himself. Sean Hall knew he couldn't go on talking about these topics.

The corner of Sean Hall's mouth froze slightly, which was sensitively captured by Evan Bell. The confident reporter was obviously embarrassed at this time. Then Evan Bell heard Sean Hall change the subject. "I mean, I want to ask you, what do you think about 2005 that just passed? You've had a very good year."

Evan Bell didn't answer immediately, and looked at the court. The second quarter was about to start, and both teams returned to the court. Evan Bell turned his head and looked at Sean Hall. "Are you asking me this question as a friend or a reporter? Or a Rockets fan. A stranger?"

Sean Hall's answer this time was not so quick, but after a slight pause, "What's the difference?"

The smile on Evan Bell's face bloomed again. "Of course. If you are a friend, I will tell you, my friend will not be curious about this question; if you are a reporter, I will tell you that Eleven Studio refuses to accept your question; if a stranger..." Wen-Beer paused, then his smile suddenly stopped, "It's none of your business."

The cheers of the audience suddenly resounded again, and the entire Toyota Center Arena was decorated. Evan Bell also turned to look at the stadium. Ignored Sean Hall and joined the cheering crowd.

Sean Hall stopped in place for about five seconds, then stood up, turned to leave, and disappeared into the crowd. Although Evan Bell didn't look back, he could imagine Sean Hall's expression. Absolutely no better.

Sean Hall can indeed be called mad. No one has dared to embarrass him like this for many years, but he has fallen one after another in the hands of Evan Bell, and now it is necessary to capture the news of Evan Bell Exclusivity has become increasingly difficult, and the "News of the World" market in the United States has been slow to open. Because of Evan Bell's relationship, Sean Hall has been besieged by the media several times before and after, which makes the "News of the World" very embarrassing.

Today, Evan Bell is hiding a knife in a smile, and letting the old-fashioned Sean Hall keep shriveled, which can be called a humiliating contact. Sean Hall angrily left the seat next to Evan Bell, and he left the Toyota Center without looking back.

It wasn't until the underground parking lot that the anger on Sean Hall's face vanished, and it dissipated little by little, as if the "Furious" just now was just acting. Even Sean Hall's originally angry footsteps became lighter, and he could clearly see his happy mood ding-dong in the jumping steps.

If anyone witnessed what Sean Hall and Evan Bell got along with just now, and then look at Sean Hall's expression now, they would be absolutely stunned.

Sean Hall returned to his car. A young man was already sitting in the passenger seat. When he saw Sean Hall, he couldn't wait to give a thumbs up, and his face was full of joy. Appearance, "success!" The young man said with a smile to Sean Hall who opened the door.

"Isn't Eden aware of the abnormality?" Sean Hall sat in the driver's seat, looked around, made sure that no one was there, and then looked back at the young man in the passenger seat.

The young man shook his head, "No, Eden has been looking at the center of the court, and just like you said, his attention is towards Evan and you, I can feel it. And, He didn't feel anything unusual when I left, I was on the phone before the opening, he must have thought I had a falling out with my girlfriend." Sean Hall nodded in satisfaction, then looked at the two seats In the middle of the machine, I picked up an earplug from above and put it in my ear. The loud noises inside the stadium immediately came from the earplugs, and you could even clearly hear the spectators cheering, "1, 2, 3, the rocket takes off! The rocket!"

When the young man was about to ask a question, Sean Hall pressed the earplug and raised his index finger to signal that there was a voice. The young man also picked up an earplug and put it in his ear, only to hear Eden- Hudson's voice came vaguely, "Why didn't you just drive Sean Hall away?"

Evan Bell's answer seemed intermittent, "He... won't stop... I'm also curious..."

Sean Hall then smiled and whispered, "It seems that everything is working properly."

What's going on with all this? Set the time back twenty-four hours.

Sean Hall started planning it all when he learned that Evan Bell and Eden Hudson would be heading to the Toyota Center for a game on the 4th. Sean Hall and the young man next to him called Sawyer Walsh entered the arena as soon as the doors opened at the Toyota Center. After confirming the positions of Evan Bell and Eden Hudson, Sawyer Walsh sat next to Eden Hudson, and Sean Hall was on the side of the aisle, waiting for the owner of the seat to arrive, and then replaced the seat with a high price.

Before the game, Sawyer Walsh kept getting calls from them outside, pretending he had a fight with his girlfriend, he came to watch the game alone, and the girlfriend broke up. Sawyer-Walsh was calling and texting again, paving the way for a long time.

At the end of the first quarter, Sean Hall appeared next to Evan Bell. In fact, Sean Hall's most important plan today is not to extract any news from Evan Bell, because he knows that Evan Bell, whether it is a head-to-head confrontation or a side attack, unless the paparazzi really catch it Evan Bell's handle, otherwise it will be difficult to let him submit. Therefore, the main task of Sean Hall is to attract firepower and attract the hatred of Evan Bell and Eden Hudson. The real main character today is to be placed next to Eden Hudson early in the morning. Sawyer-Walsh.

Sawyer-Walsh's character is to put a rice-grain-sized bug in the pocket of Eden Hudson's Originally they intended to put personal items such as mobile phones and wallets Stealing people out, and then implanting bugs, but the risk factor is too high, so I chose a coat. However, it is still winter, generally speaking, the coat is not changed frequently, so the effect of the coat is also very good.

In the end, Sean Hall succeeded. He succeeded in attracting the hatred of Evan Bell and Eden Hudson. His annoyance, his depression, and his entanglement are indeed true to a large extent, but it is true that the emotions he leaked in a tense situation actually made the tit-for-tat situation more real.

Of course, Sawyer Walsh also succeeded, he managed to put the bug in the right pocket of Eden Hudson's jacket and left the scene unnoticed - the first quarter of the game By the end, his "girlfriend" was clamoring for suicide, and he was forced to rush home to save his relationship.

From the current test results, it seems that the bug works well.

Outbreak asking for a monthly pass, asking for a subscription! There will be one more later.


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