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Chapter 1239: song and dance boom

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The plot of the song and dance movie "High School Musical" is actually very simple. It can be summed up in one sentence, that is, the courage to pursue your dream of loving singing. This chapter is uploaded by netizens)

Even if the plot is explained in detail, it will definitely not take long for the hero, Troy, to be the captain of the school basketball team. On a New Year's Eve karaoke occasion, he met another girl, Gabriella, who loves to sing. After the school started, Troy and Gabriella wants to audition for the school musical, but Troy's friends don't want him to leave basketball for the "stupid" musical Gabriella also has to play in both the competition and the musical because of the academic competition. At the end of the story, Troy and Gabriella did not give up, and at the same time fulfilled their dreams in basketball games, 1239 song and dance craze competitions and musicals

The core content of such a simple story is the word "dream", but the wonderful thing about this story is that it cleverly combines the plot and the song completely, and shows all the teenagers the true meaning of the musical impression. The old-fashioned, lengthy, heavy, and profound musicality cannot be seen in "Song and Dance". Instead, it is youthful, energetic, excited, strange, and interesting, the kind that combines songs, dances, and performances. way, suddenly became a kind of cool fashion trend

After the release of "High School Musical", the media's comments came out one after another

"The New York Times" said, "This is a work that makes people feel physically and mentally happy, and makes people feel the style of a musical that belongs to young people."

"Premier" thinks, "lost Evan Bell's Eleven Studio, but also lost his competitiveness in the North American film market. The cliché story, the boring plot, the simple song, the horrible dance steps, the twelve Children under the age of 3 should be happy"

The review of "Vanity Fair" said, "As a high school student-oriented song and dance movie 'High School Musical' shows us the young side of Broadway 1239 song and dance boom"

And "Entertainment Weekly" one sentence comment is very simple, "Welcome to Broadway, high school"

As a movie with high school students as its audience, the lack of plot has become the focus of criticism; but the movie's clever combination of song and dance with plot and show the charm of Broadway has been highly praised by the media score of 18 It is 76, which is very good. The praise rate on Rotten Tomatoes is as high as 82%. It seems that the general opinion of the audience is like it; the score on imdb is only 6.8, which can feel the harshness of the audience.

Generally speaking, "High School Musical" is a situation in which positive reviews prevail, but there are also many negative comments, especially many of them believe that the shooting of youth comedies such as "High School Musical" by Eleven Studios is a part of the entire studio. This kind of retrogression, even the retrogression of Evan Bell, these people believe that works like "High School Musical" will make Eleven Studio lose their proud personality, which is definitely the beginning of a disaster

Evan Bell, who was holding a concert in Las Vegas at the time, was asked such a question by a reporter. Evan Bell's answer was, "Are you sure you really understand what I call 'personality'? ?" This rhetorical question stunned the reporter.

What is Evan Bell's personality? In the list of his works, there are pure love movies such as "True Love First" and "The Notebook", as well as commercial blockbusters such as "Pirates of the Caribbean" and "The Mechanical Enemy". Script", "Death Illusion" and other unique works, the only thing these works have in common, but also the common point of all the works of Eleven Studio, that is, the quality of the works is excellent

If you think about it from another angle, "High School Musical", as a youth musical comedy film from the perspective of high school students, can indeed be said to be outstanding: it does not need too complicated plots, and uses dreams as the slogan; cleverly integrates singing and dancing into the plot Among them; when the movie ends, it gives people a relaxed and comfortable feeling. If you think about it, "High School Musical" is also excellent among works of the same theme. At least a song and dance movie like "Chicago" should attract high school students to the cinema. , it's not that easy, not to mention, the release of "High School Musical" even changed the younger generation's stereotype of Broadway, a credit that no film has ever done.

Therefore, the doubts of the reporters gradually disappeared. Especially after the box office figures came out, no one thought about the so-called personality and the so-called depth. In fact, Evan Bell was able to promote Broadway to teenagers in this way. This thing has enough personality and enough depth in itself.

The works released at the same time as "High School Musical" include many excellent sports works "Road to Glory", produced by Disney and produced by Jerry Bruckheimer; the Weinstein brothers left Disney and started their own business. The cartoon "Little Red Riding Hood"; Paramount, which was able to breathe after completing the acquisition of DreamWorks, launched the work "Last Vacation"; "The Heart of the King" produced by 20th Century Fox, by relying on the "Spider-Man" in the corner of the little Green Goblin The famous James Franco starring, although the competition is not hot, but they are also opponents that should not be underestimated

After its release on January 13th, "High School Musical" won the box office of 33 million US dollars in the competition with many opponents, and easily won the top spot of this week's North American box office chart. The performance is 18,000 in the box office of the single hall. It can be clearly seen that the audience's support for this film is 33 million US dollars. It ranks first in the North American historical box office data list. It ranks second in the box office of the film premiere in Kaifeng in January, second only to the "Star Wars Special Edition" released on January 31, 1997. It can be said that everyone broke the glasses.

According to statistics, among the audience of "High School Musical", 75% are under the age of 21, of which 45% are under the age of 14, and the ratio of male to female is 45 to 5 15. Girls have a slight upper hand. It can be clearly seen that this work has an unparalleled influence among teenagers.

Under the power of "High School Musical", the performance of other works can not be said to be outstanding. "Path of Glory" and "Little Red Riding Hood" both won the opening box office of 18 million US dollars - none of which can pass the threshold of 20 million In the end, "Road to Glory" led the number of 600,000, occupying the runner-up position, and "Little Red Riding Hood" was the third runner-up and "Last Holiday" followed closely, occupying the fourth place.

"The Chronicles of Narnia" and "Humanskin Inn" ranked fifth and sixth respectively. "Brokeback Mountain", which continues to be screened this week, ranked seventh. "Occupying the remaining three positions in the top ten. In the top ten of the North American box office rankings, there are three films produced by Eleven Studios. Such a feat is not easy for even the six major film companies to achieve. It can be seen that At present, Eleven Studio is indeed doing very well in the production field.

In the third week of January 2006, "Underworld 2: Evolution" hits hard

In the face of challenges, "High School Musical" continued its magic. With 28 million US dollars, a drop of less than 20%, it was the champion of the North American box office chart. Such a performance can only be described as "magic". "Underworld 2: Evolution" lags behind by 2 million and is runner-up in depressing position

"Little Red Riding Hood", "Brokeback Mountain", "Road to Glory", "Last Vacation", "The Chronicles of Narnia", "Little Sunshine", "Money Grabbing Couple", "Humanskin Inn" are ranked from 3 to 10 It is worth mentioning that "Brokeback Mountain" has achieved a counterattack under the situation that it continues to expand its release; the box office trend of "Little Sunshine" is still stable, which is staggering.

The following week, although "High School Musical" lost to the premiere of "Jedi Milk 2", it still defeated the premiere of "Magic Nanny McPhee" and stayed in the runner-up position. Then "High School Musical" box office The situation of subsequent weakness appeared, and the decline was very fast. In just two weeks, it fell to the tenth place, even after the "Little Sunshine Beauty".

Judging from this box office curve, works such as "Brokeback Mountain" and "Little Sunshine Beauty" with excellent reputation have shown the power of word of mouth in terms of their staying power at the box office, while "High School Musical" follows the general trend of commercial blockbusters. Trajectory, the first three weeks are explosive, but the box office drop in the later period is very obvious

Nonetheless, the success of UU Reading's "High School Musical" is undeniable, with the top spot in the North American box-office chart racking up $65 million in two weeks, followed by a week in the runner-up spot. , Although the decline was very obvious after that, but before it fell out of the top ten, the cumulative box office of "High School Musical" staggered past the 100 million threshold. Such a figure is too amazing. The investment of 5 million in exchange for one With a box office of 100 million yuan, it is a cost-effective investment. On this point, "High School Musical" still continues the fine tradition of Eleven Studios, and the two low-investment works "Brokeback Mountain" and "Little Sunshine" are still available. Harvesting a steady stream of box office in theaters

In the end, "High School Musical" was released for 11 weeks and accumulated a total of 120 million US dollars at the box office. This achievement is almost the same as "Brokeback Mountain" and "Little Sunshine Beauty", and "High School Musical" The investment is still low, and the income is naturally high. This box office result is enough to surprise everyone. A high school student's youth musical and dance comedy, with only 5 million investment, a group of teenagers without any names, actually produced such a violent box office income. beyond everyone's expectations

Of course, the most important record of "High School Musical" is not the revenue at the box office, but the surrounding influence of the film: among the youth group, a whirlwind called "Broadway" is sweeping

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