Great Artist

Chapter 1243: Accumulation

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Whether accumulating wealth is a positive word or a negative word, Evan Bell retains his own opinion.

The so-called “accumulation” is considered a commendatory word in the general definition, because the meaning of the word is that after a long period of prepared accumulation, the result of a big explosion is achieved. The explosion of success is radiant, and the moment of accumulation is naturally infinite.

But in Evan Bell's view, people seem to ignore the process of accumulation in the word "accumulation". Who cares about the hardships and pains in the accumulation process, except the parties themselves? After long-term accumulation, success has been achieved, which is called "accumulation"; but after long-term hard work, it still fails in the end. This is no longer "accumulation", but a complete failure. The reason why "accumulation" has become a compliment is because there is a good result, which makes people give a positive meaning to "long preparation". But for the parties, the successful result is certainly gratifying, and the accumulation process for success is irreplaceable, but no one cares.

Looking at Evan Bell's own efforts along the way, without the accumulation of two lifetimes, without the accumulation of ten years on Broadway, he is just a talented person among all living beings, far from reaching the brilliance. degree. No matter how much he achieves, Evan Bell will never forget the foundation of Broadway's foundation for ten years, those days standing on the abandoned stage and singing, those days standing in the practice room sweating and practicing, those days in the dry cleaners The days of obsessively recalling dance steps at the door are irreplaceable.

A lot of people are now ignoring what Evan Bell has done for this success because of his success. But for Evan Bell, ten years on Broadway is an existence that can never be replaced. It is precisely because of this that Evan Bell can always maintain a sincere heart and make music and movies seriously. Not being confused by the prosperity of Hollywood, the experience of the two generations of precipitation is certainly contributed, but the accumulation process of accumulation is the real reason for the achievement of today's Evan Bell.

Like Evan Bell. The word "accumulation" can also be placed on Ryan Ted. Although it is not as immersed in Broadway as Evan Bell for ten years, Ryan Ted has also been ups and downs on the road of music for nearly six years.

Ryan Ted is 27 years old this year. He made a name for himself as early as 2000. At that time, he won the championship in the American TV competition for songwriting and songwriting, and made everyone admire with his dazzling talent. . But that's when Ryan Ted started to work on his own solo album with great ambitions. The signing company went bankrupt, which made the champion of the songwriting competition useless.

At this time, Timbaland, who ranks among the top music producers in the United States, recruited Ryan Ted. Timbaland rose to fame in the late '90s as a true hit-singer and Grammy-winner, with Jay-Z, Justin Timberlake, Arya and many other top singers cooperated. Tim Baran, who was already among the super-producers at this time, set up his own music label. He admired Ryan Ted's performance on TV so much that he let Ryan Ted into his own company. Start with an assistant.

In the field of producers, it is not so easy for a singer to compose and sing by himself. Evan Bell has also undergone many years of training. It was not until the songs created at the beginning of this century that I gradually began to find the feeling, and the albums are also better than each other. Ryan Ted is like the current Taylor Swift and Bruno Mars. He has been learning and creating, but Timbaland's company is no bigger than Eleven Studio, which is Taylor Swift. Tet and Bruno Mars have provided enough environment that they don't need to worry about their own lives, and there are also creative opportunities for them to do internships. But Ryan Ted, under Tim Baran's command, led the meager salary of his assistant, worked hard and worked hard, but could not support himself. Even in debt.

In desperation, Ryan-Ted left Timbaland's music company, nine months after forming Republic Age with a group of partners in Colorado, and signed with the then newly merged Sony Bertelsmann Records. On Sony Bertelsmann Records, the Republic era is emphasized. Got a chance to record an album. But the beginning of this recording album is an endless nightmare, just like the first single "Sleep" of the album, their future is also a nightmare that will never wake up.

Just before the album was about to be recorded, Sony Bertelsmann Records felt that their album had no potential and would not release it. At this time, the Republican era has already spent two and a half years on this album, and now it is so simply sentenced to death, which is really unacceptable. But the Republican era is meat on the chopping block, and there is no resistance: the copyright and distribution rights of the album are all in the hands of Sony Bertelsmann Records, even if they want to sell the album on their own website.

Just as 2005 and 2006 were about to leave the old and welcome the new, Sony Bertelsmann announced that they would terminate their contract with the Republic, and they would not release an album for this ** underground band. In other words, after Ryan Ted won the songwriting competition in 2000, it took five years of tossing and turning, and it was finally empty.

When Ryan Tedder sent his master tape to Eleven to run for the Los Angeles warm-up band, Sony Bertelsmann Records had already sentenced them to death, which means that the Republican era has returned to no company and no management. , Underground band status without resources.

It can be said that the performance opportunity of Evan Bell's concert in Los Angeles is the first time since the establishment of the Republican era that the public has met for the first time, and they don't even know what songs can be performed. But Ryan Ted and his teammates knew this would be their biggest opportunity, and possibly their only, and they had to take it. So, it's no wonder that when Ryan Ted sees Evan Bell, he is always a little worried, and his nervousness is even more uncontrollable. This unfortunate situation is changed to anyone, and it is estimated that it will be like Ryan Ted.

Accumulated, the word does sound a bit unlucky at this time.

Recalling Evan Bell's memory back to his previous life, the rise of the Republican era began with Juyou in 2006. They were like Linkin Park who sang their own Linkin Park on the Yahoo community. The summer vacation of 2006 began in Upload video on With the accumulation of popularity on the Internet, in August 2007, Timbaland found his own under the Republican era again, and then released a shocking song "Apologize (ze. It won championships in 15 countries and broke the broadcast record in North American radio history, sweeping the world.

To be precise, the song "Apologize" is indeed the result of accumulation. Without the previous ups and downs, it is difficult for Ryan Ted to achieve the current effect in the realm of creation. It's like Taylor Swift and Bruno Mars, their talent is undeniable, but without the accumulation of time, the works they create just lack a little aura. This little awareness is a world of difference.

After that, it became clear that the Republican era began to set off a wave of ** pop rock all over the world. Ryan Ted's creative talent has been brought into full play. His name can be seen in the albums of many outstanding singers, Beyonce, Kylì-Clarkson, Lianna Lewis, and the real Ryan Ted. De's talent is brought into play by his cooperation with Adele. Ryan-Ted has won numerous awards as the co-producer of Adele's second album "21".

Of course, these are all things that happened after the previous life. Now that the Republican era appeared on the stage of Evan Bell's Los Angeles concert as a warm-up band, whether their career trajectory will change, it can only be left to time. Proved.

Ryan Ted looked at Evan Bell, his sparkling eyes still revealing his excitement. The current Evan Bell, no matter from any point of view, can be regarded as a master level-although his age is indeed somewhat unbelievably young, but this does not prevent Evan Bell from being in the ** music industry. good reputation. Ryan Ted found that not only the music of the Republic era has been recognized by Evan Bell as a warm-up band; but also Evan Bell also understands his deeds as a producer, which is very true for his current low mood. It's great news.

Ryan Ted's joy is not over The other members of the Republic era also came to the stage, saw Evan Bell's figure, and stood far behind, as if Evan - Bell is like a beast of a flood. This really made Evan Bell laugh and cry, "Ryan, aren't you going to introduce me to the members of your band? Did we meet at the concert, and I just smiled silly and didn't even know their names?"

Ryan Ted followed Evan Bell's line of sight and saw the members of his band. He quickly recruited "Guys, come here soon, the rehearsal is about to start." The band members left one after another. Came up and said hello to Evan Bell.

The Republican Era members are well-equipped with Zach Filkins on guitar and viola, Drew Brown on guitar, electric bass and carillon, Eddie Fisher on drums and percussion, and Tim May Les is the electric bass, and finally with Ryan Ted in charge of vocals, guitar, electric bass and piano, it's a finished band.

However, there are some discrepancies between this lineup and Evan Bell's memory. It is estimated that there have been some changes in the Republican era in the more than a year before he became really famous.

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