Great Artist

Chapter 1251: 1 good news

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Judging from the list of nominations for the 78th Oscars, we can indeed see the firm determination of the academies to reform. List, you can feel the vigor of the academic school that has changed the dynasty

Of course, the nomination list is always just the nomination list, except for someone like Evan Bell who made a series of history - nominations for best director, best picture, best actor at the same time; The second nomination, the fourth consecutive nomination for the acting award - the influence that the nomination list can make is still limited The real reform still depends on the award list

However, there was a heated discussion on the nomination list in the media, but Evan Bell didn't care much, not because he knew the history of his last life, after all, history has changed a lot because of his little butterfly; but because of "Brokeback Mountain" " and "Little Sunshine" have already received enough affirmations, which is enough for him, and winning the award is called the icing on the cake. If you regret missing it, it is not an unacceptable result. It is what Evan Bell really cares about.

For example, now, on January 29, two days before the Oscar nominations were released, and the second day after the concert in Los Angeles, Evan Bell did not stay at home to rest, but took a red-eye flight overnight. The Hamptons on the East Coast, just for the adaptation rights of a work

In 2010, Evan Bell read a novel called "Wild Survival.the.ld" when Evan Bell had entered the workplace. The story was based on real events in 1992.

The protagonist of the story is Christopher Johnson-McKanders, born in 1968, an American hiker. After graduating from college in 1990, he left his parents, sister and wealthy family, burned the cash and donated the savings. Gave up the car to charity, then worked and wandered all the way, became a full-fledged backpacker, went south to Mexico, north to Alaska and finally in 1992, at the age of twenty-four, in Denali, Alaska Died of food poisoning near park forest reserve

At that time, when the book was published, it was a sensation, and people began to speculate whether Christopher McCanders was anti-social or simply yearning for the wilderness, what was his mental journey, and the reason why he finally gave up everything and even took his life. And how is it? The author of the novel, Jon Krakauer, visited the family members and traveling companions of the deceased in the form of semi-reports, and made a very detailed inspection of the places along the way, depicting the real "Chris" from the author's point of view

Christopher McCanders' behavior caused huge controversy. On the one hand, people thought he was crazy. He abandoned his comfortable life and property and returned to nature. At the same time, he also abandoned his family, cut off contact with them completely, and even The anti-human and anti-social act of giving up the girl he fell in love with on the road is too idealistic, and the idealized life finally ends with death, which is really thought-provoking; on the other hand, he Desperate for his dreams, his yearning for freedom made him make choices that countless people long for but dare not make because of timidity. This kind of persistence, simplicity, purity, truth, and determination makes people sigh

When Evan Bell read "The Wilderness" in his last life, his life was in a predicament. He still yearned for change and freedom in his heart, but he never dared to take this step. When he saw Christopher McCanders Evan Bell's mental shock is unparalleled. Of course, it's not that Christopher McCanders was right to abandon his family, or that Christopher McCanders went into the barren land without any preparation. Alaska is wise, but it is this behavior that many people see as stupid, rebellious, and terrible, but expresses people's yearning for freedom

After Evan Bell read the original novel, he found that the novel was actually adapted into a movie. The director was the famous Sean Penn. Pan's talent in directing is far less excellent than that of the actors. The movie "Survival in the Wilderness" in the past life is a very good work, but there is still a fine line between it: for many people, this line is insurmountable. In the last lifetime, "Wild Survival" did not win much recognition throughout the awards season. At least in Evan Bell's memory, he did not win an award, but he was nominated and won a lot of awards, box office, word of mouth, and comments. "Survival in the Wilderness" is a bit of a bummer. It's similar to "Perfume". It doesn't mean that the work is not good enough, it's just "unable to be classic"

However, Evan Bell's deep love for this novel still made him obsess about "wilderness survival". You must know that Evan Bell in this life, although not as resolute and impulsive as Christopher McCanders, Because Catherine and Teddy are something Evan Bell can never give up, but Evan Bell is indeed living as he pleases. "Wild survival" has a huge impact on Evan Bell.

After Evan Bell completed the adaptation of "Mysterious Skin", "Wild Survival" came to mind. Evan Bell was eager to put this novel on the big screen, eager to make his inner desire for freedom completely Released, this has nothing to do with awards, Oscars and awards season, just Evan Bell's love for this novel, this purest insistence on the work, made Evan Bell find the author of the novel Jon- Kracauer, and then found the family of Christopher McCanders. In fact, after the publication of "Wild Survival", many film companies were eager to try, but the McCanders family could not get out of the shadow of the loss of their loved ones, so they refused. All requests, not to mention Evan Bell, who was "long overdue" years later, but even when denied, Evan Bell tirelessly kept in touch with Christopher McCanders' family

After saying goodbye to Sid Ganis yesterday, Teddy Bell brought the good news to Evan Bell, saying that the McCanders family has completely shaken off their grief and are ready to agree to make the film. However, there is still good news. At a discount, Evan Bale will face a strong opponent: Sean Penn McCanders must choose between Evan Bell and Sean Penn

After knowing the news, Evan Bell flew from Los Angeles to the Hamptons without a word, and even risked missing the flight to Rio de Janeiro. He has also read this book twice, and he knows very well that the courage of Christopher McCanders to abandon everything to wander has made his younger brother admired. Therefore, Eden Hudson and Katherine Bell stayed in After arriving in Los Angeles, the two brothers flew to Rio de Janeiro as planned, while the Bell brothers went to the Hamptons first. If they missed the flight, the two brothers flew from New York to Brazil after the results came out.

Sean Penn is definitely a very strong competitor, of course not referring to his reputation in the film industry and so on. If you want to compare these things, Evan Bell and Sean Penn can be said to be indistinguishable. , to a certain extent, Evan Bell has an advantage over Sean Penn: after all, in the director's position, Evan Bell has received a lot of affirmation, "Love Notebook", "Mysterious Skin", "Sunshine" "Little Beauty", any work is praised, and the three works currently directed by Sean Penn are more than disasters, and critics think that he has no talent for directing at all, "His talent It's all been consumed by acting skills." This is the only opinion of professionals. Therefore, if the standard of professionalism or fame and prestige in the film industry is used as a standard, Sean Penn does not have any advantage.

The reason why Sean Penn was able to become one of the two choices of the McCanders family was because of his sincerity after the publication of the novel "Survival in the Wilderness" in 1996. The kid's Sean Penn has already expressed a strong interest in the novel, but a large number of film companies have expressed their intention to adapt, and all of them have been rejected by the McCanders family, who are still immersed in the grief of the death of their loved ones.

After that, Sean Penn did not give up. He kept in touch with the McCanders family on and off, waiting for their approval. It was this frankness and persistence that moved the McCanders family.

And Evan Bell can be one of the two alternative candidates, the reason is a bit more complicated. After Evan Bell was reborn, he actually tried to write the script in the early years, but unfortunately it failed because of insufficient ~ After the dilapidated "King's Speech" script was still in his drawer, Evan Bell didn't think about the script again until 2002, when Michelle Hathaway put "Mysterious Skin" The adaptation work of Evan Bell was handed over to Evan Bell. The contact between Evan Bell and the McCanders family started in 2003. Strictly speaking, it is less than three years now compared to Sean Penn. Ten years of friendship, naturally incomparable

But Evan Bell's sense of identity with Christopher McCanders is incomparable to Sean Penn. Evan Bell can deeply appreciate Christopher McCanders' thoughts, his thoughts and actions. , concept, reminds the McCanders family of Christopher McCanders when they were young. When Christopher McCanders left home, he was twenty-two years old, and Evan Bell was very close to Christopher. -McKanders' sister Karina felt the deepest feeling, because she kept her brother's diary and letters, and she could always see his brother in Evan Bell's words and deeds

So, when the McCanders were getting ready to adapt the novel into a movie, in fact, the first person that came to mind was Evan Bell

However, Sean Penn and Evan Bell are competing for the right to adapt, and it is still uncertain who will die.

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