Great Artist

Chapter 1257: special effects work


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Thomas Lansing looked at Tei Keys in front of him, then looked back at Kurt Laporte, and finally fell on Evan Bell, laughing helplessly, "Evan, my fault. Te is right, '300' is indeed the style of Eleven Studio, but I am a bit conservative myself."

Evan Bell chuckled, "Every time someone has to stand up and sing the opposite, isn't it?" Eleven Studio is a small workshop, and even if it owns Pixar now, it still has a shallow foundation. Imagine DreamWorks, ten years of domination, but ultimately bankruptcy.

There are many reasons why DreamWorks went bankrupt, one of which cannot be ignored is that the new works did not live up to expectations. With the current scale of Eleven Studio, if two consecutive works fail, it can be said that the vitality is greatly damaged. Therefore, even with Evan Bell helping to check, the management team of Eleven Studio still has to seriously consider each work. In the past, Evan Bell and Teddy Bell were doing this job, and now Thomas Lansing, Kurt Laporte and Tye Keys are naturally in charge.

Thomas Lansing also smiled when he heard Evan Bell's words.

"I'm really not suitable for this movie, let Zach Snyder direct it. Isn't the camera picture drawn by him? The picture in his mind should be very clear, and he is the most suitable candidate. ." Evan Bell remembered what Tei Keys said just now that he was not suitable for this movie, and nodded in approval. "Besides, even if I have time, special effects, heavy-colored pictures, etc. I don't think I can do it." Although Evan Bell's sketching skills are very good, he mainly focuses on sketching, and the coloring part is not what he does. good at.

Speaking of which. Evan Bell looked down at his chest. This action immediately made Thomas Lansing laugh and slide to the ground. Kurt Laporte did not look like a normal gentleman. I-Case was all smiles.

As the object of being "laughed at", Evan Bell is very calm, "I have never taken the muscle route." In the movie "Three Hundred Spartans", the muscles of the warriors are a major attraction. . The visual impact is unforgettable. Evan Bell is indeed not suitable to appear in the cast list of this film. Evan Belt paused and muttered, "But Teddy has great potential. Do you want him to audition?"

Thomas Lansing laughed so hard. Think about the picture of Teddy Bell becoming a Spartan warrior, with that honest and honest face, it is really too happy. Ty Keys coughed violently, seemingly choking on his own saliva. Apparently, he was also taken aback by Evan Bell's proposal.

Evan Bell curled his lips, "You are all unimaginative guys." Stopping to paint the picture of Teddy Bell becoming a Spartan warrior again, Evan Bell's smile seemed very satisfied, "This film Is there anything in Zach's plan for the movie budget?"

Eleven Studios has been spending big since last November, first with Pixar. Then there is the uTube channel business, and the box office revenue of "High School Musical" is not so fast, let alone "The Queen Wears Prada" that has not yet been released. Now that there are "Wild Survival" and "Spartan Three Hundred Warriors" on the table, it is indeed necessary to seriously consider the issue of budget.

"Zach made an 80 million budget report," replied the fairly normal Kurt Laporte. He quickly controlled his smile, but the corners of his mouth that rose at that moment still leaked into his mind. "However, Tei and I made a rough estimate, and it should be controlled within 60 million."

Tei Keys finally recovered from his cough, took a breath, and then said, "I'm not sure. Because of the special effects, Studio Eleven has never been in contact with them before, and now we have to contact the special effects ourselves. The company, and it has to keep the picture good, or the story is going to be a disaster.”

Evan Bell nodded. Eleven Studios had never been exposed to the special effects part before. The top special effects studios in the industry like Industrial Light and Magic are well-made, but they are expensive. Fortunately, Pixar Studio has enough knowledge of computer special effects. Of course, it is impossible to hand over the special effects of "Three Hundred Spartans" to Pixar, but John Lasseter and others can help them in the early stage. less busy.

"You first contact Pixar John and the others to see if you can come up with a basic plan and give us some direction, and then we will go to a professional special effects studio to complete it." Evan Bell just said briefly, These Thomas Lansing they all know. "If you have a budget, let's make a plan of 70 million yuan. There is no rush for 'Wild Survival' for the time being. I will talk about it after I write the script."

Tye Case suddenly said, "Zac has found a special effects company to do a 30-second rendering of the screen, do you want to see it?" It seems that Zack Snyder really paid attention to this work. Good hardship, before the copyright was won, a lot of energy and sincerity had been spent, no wonder Frank Miller would be moved.

Evan Bell shook his head. He was very sure that the three people in front of him would do the work well, and he didn't need to do it all. He just asked casually, "Which special effects studio did the business?"

"Australian animal logic... Tey-Keys answered simply.

"Wow, such a big-name special effects studio? It seems that the entire movie was completed with special effects in the studio, which is very attractive for special effects studios." Evan Bell couldn't help but whistle, Animal Logic worked Studio is an Australian special effects company established in 1991. Their film works include "The Matrix", "Moulin Rouge", "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire", and it is a very well-known work in the industry. room.

Thomas Lansing finally came to his senses at this time, and while wiping the tears from the corner of his eyes, he said, "But the special effects task is so heavy, all the scenes in the movie have to use special effects, one studio is definitely not enough, If multiple studios cooperate, it is easy to have problems of coherence and running-in. After all, the effects produced by different studios must be biased, and more importantly, just fusion is not enough, and it must be realistic. You can’t let the audience see that these scenes are special effects, which has higher requirements for the level and cooperation of the studio.”

These problems are the part that Thomas Lansing is most worried about, but since he has decided to do it, it is only reasonable to find a solution when encountering a problem. Evan Bell smiled, "It's actually not that complicated. Let Zach and the Pixar team discuss it. Maybe dividing the scene into several parts is a feasible solution."

Evan Bell is a student of architecture, and he has a clear view of the structure of the scene, "We can build a model first, make all the details and the overall structure fine, accurate, and fine, and look at it from all angles. Shoot, let the cooperative team understand every detail of the scene. Then divide the model into several different parts, such as scenery production, sky production, blood production, battlefield production. Each part consists of two or three different parts The different studios work together, so that errors can be minimized. At the same time, these different groups have to exchange their renderings with each other at any time, including color, style, texture, light and shadow, etc.”

In fact, for Evan Bell, this is the simplest thing when doing architectural design, but in the ears of Thomas Lansing and others, it seems to be a fantasy. Fortunately, Kurt Laporte responded quickly, and immediately took the computer next to him and handed it to Evan Bell, "You make a summary of what you just said."

Only then did Evan Bell react. What he took for granted was actually very complicated for a layman in architectural design. He started typing on the document on the computer, and said, "You can start with special effects. Last time I heard John and the others say that these special effects are done frame by frame, even if a movie has only a hundred It can’t be completed without a year or a half in minutes. Therefore, this film can be done from the special effects first, and the selection of actors will be carried out at the same time. When the film starts, it is estimated that Zach has enough for the scene layout and structure of the film. It will also be much more convenient for shooting.”

"This is naturally the best. But let Zach draw all the ink drawings of the scenes first. What kind of style is more appropriate, we will know after discussion." Thomas Lansing has also calmed down After that, I started to think about the details of the movie. "At the beginning, 'Sin City' basically followed the style of the But I looked at Zach's renderings, and he didn't seem to want to repeat this comic style."

This time Thomas Lansing didn't wait for Evan Bell to answer, and turned to discuss with Kurt Laporte and Tye Keys. Tei-Keys said, "We can reach out to other special effects studios to see what they have in mind for this kind of picture, and maybe we can discuss the most suitable style."

The three of Thomas Lansing were muttering beside him, while Evan Bell focused on typing on the computer and recorded all the plans he had just thought of.

Thinking about it carefully, "Spartan Three Hundred Warriors" should be the third work produced by Eleven Studio without Evan Bell after "High School Musical" and "The Queen Wearing Prada". This time, Evan Bell's influence on the work itself is even less, and the main work is still handed over to Zack Snyder, Thomas Lansing and others, and Pixar for discussion.

I don't know what kind of "Spartan Three Hundred Warriors" Eleven Studio will create this time.

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