Great Artist

Chapter 1282: Brand new 1 page

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"'Brokeback Mountain'!"

When Jack Nicholson's voice came through the microphone, the whole Kodak theater went crazy, all the guests were applauding and cheering, the scene was like a carnival scene; the whole and Hollywood went crazy, the media Reporters are swearing all kinds of foul language, expressing admiration for the academy's outrageous behavior, film company executives are smashing various items, venting their dissatisfaction with the unexpected choice of the academy; the entire American audience in front of the TV is crazy , countless screams, countless shouts, countless surprises, and countless curses, rendering the late-night American land as the scene of the concert; the audience waiting on Hollywood Boulevard went crazy, they screamed wildly, tore their clothes, They ran madly and hugged people when they saw them, as if only all these irrational behaviors could express their inner joy...

This is destined to be a memorable moment in Oscar history. .

Evan Bell and Ang Lee, who were standing in the waiting room, took less than a millisecond to be overwhelmed by colleagues rushing around. This is not only a victory for a movie, but also a victory for a national movie, and a new starting point for Hollywood movies to show a new atmosphere.

Li An only hugged Evan Bell. Evan Bell could only hear Li An's vague choked voice ringing in his ears, but he could not capture the clear words, but when Li An released him, Evan Bell looked at him. There were tears in Li An's eyes. Evan Bell suddenly remembered that "Brokeback Mountain" was the only work that Ang Lee's father encouraged him to shoot.

Evan Bell searched for Teddy Bell and Eden Hudson in the crowd. They also came to the scene today, but there were so many people around that they couldn't see anything at all, and then Evan Bell came to the scene today. Wen - Bell and Ang Lee were pushed to the stage. Best Picture allowed to send two representatives to the stage to give speeches. "Little Miss Sunshine" is Evan Bell and Michael Armt, and "Brokeback Mountain" is Evan Bell and Ang Lee.

Cross the crowded and stuffy crowd. Evan Bell and Ang Lee walked to the stage, and in an instant, they were hit by a continuous flash of light, which made people feel as if they were wandering, and the applause and whistles at the scene were almost out of control. And the "Brokeback Mountain" crew jumped up and down frantically. Evan Bell seemed to see Anne Hathaway jumping and screaming like a boy through the light of the stage. He couldn't help but raised his eyebrows and smiled helplessly. up. For more wonderful novels, please go to Qinqin Novel Network,

Taking over the statue from Jack Nicholson, the veteran actor said sincerely in Evan Bell's ear "Congratulations. I'm looking forward to your next work, I hope next time Hope to see you in this position with your own director's work." Then. Jack Nicholson stepped aside.

Li An looked at Evan Bell and seemed to signal for Evan Bell to come forward to give a speech first, but Evan Bell gave in half a step and signaled for Li An to speak first. Li An hesitated for a while, then did not continue to refuse, and walked to the microphone. At this time, Li An has recovered his calm, with a refined smile on his face, "Thank you. Thank you."

After saying these two sentences, Li An seemed to be at a loss for words, and paused for a while before continuing. "I'm proud that I made an important film, and I'm even more proud that my film resonated with a lot of people, and it made me rediscover what it means to make a film, which is so important to me."

"Thank you Jake Gyllenhaal, Anne Hathaway, Michelle Williams, Evan Bell for such a wonderful performance." Ang Lee said with a smile, "Thank you to the Academy, thank you to everyone Those who support this movie." After speaking, Li An raised his head slightly, as if to stop the tears from flowing down, and also seemed to be looking at his father in the sky.

Subsequently. Ang Lee took a half step back and gave the space to Evan Bell.

Evan Bell squeezed the golden statue in his hands tightly, feeling the coolness and weight of the golden statue, and then walked to the microphone. "My dear Michelle Hathaway said to everyone in the family in 1994. He's gay. It's a huge shock to a Catholic family, but Mr. Hathaway showed me what family is, and Michelle's sister, Little Anne, taught me what it's like." Evan -Bell is rarely so provocative in public, humorous, harsh, and vicious. This is his image, but today, Evan Bell gave this acceptance speech in a very tender way, which made the noise of the scene precipitate. down.

At this time, Michelle Hathaway was sitting in front of the TV, holding her lover Josh Hackett, with tears on their faces, but the smiles on the corners of their mouths were so bright. Kate McGill and Gerald Hathaway were sitting on the sofa next to each other, holding each other's hands tightly, their eyes fixed on the TV screen, motionless.

"One day in October 1998, a student at the University of Wyoming was held hostage to the outskirts of Le Ruimi because he was found to be gay. After being tied to a fence and brutally beaten, he died for five days and five nights before leaving." Evan Bell said When I got here, I paused, and the audience who watched the movie seemed to realize that the ending of this story was actually the ending of Jack in the movie. "In March 2004, Michelle found me with a story called 'The Closed Farm', hoping that I could put the story in it on the big screen. Hence, 'Brokeback Mountain'."

Evan Bell spoke so fast that he couldn't slow down his speech and make it more moving, but just three sentences silenced all the audience. "I just want to tell Michelle Hathaway, And all the people who fall in love with the same sex, no matter how the church, government or family demeans you, you are beautiful, wonderful, valuable individuals; no matter what others say, God loves you, and God loves you as you were. The way you look. Those who used to curse, beat, despise you, will one day be overwhelmed with their own reflection and shame. Because each of us deserves equal rights.”

At this moment, more than 48 million viewers are watching a classic moment in the history of the Oscars, hearing Evan Bell's fierce remarks, some cursing, some cursing, some silent, some crying , Some people are laughing, some are moved, some are thinking... The reactions of 48 million people vary. But this is the way the world is. Evan Bell never intended to make everyone like him. This is impossible. He just wants to live his life recklessly according to his own ideas.

"This is our own life, and we have the right to choose the way we want to spend it." Evan Bell did not deliberately raise his tone, but the heaviness in his words was loud and sound, leaving an echo in everyone's heart. " Thanks to the academy, you made a choice - at least it made me happy" This sentence immediately caused the audience to burst into low laughter, and it really did not lose Evan Bell's true character. "Thank you to the judges for your courage. I admire it."

"I thought just now that I didn't have the chance to come on stage again, so everyone who should be thanked has already finished." Evan Bell broke the dignified atmosphere just now with a word, and low laughter began in the crowd. Contagious "Thank you to my family, thank you for always standing behind me and supporting me; thank you to the audience who supported the movie 'Brokeback Mountain', you made this movie very meaningful."

"Finally, guys, I swear after Vin-Bell finished speaking, I waved the golden man, turned around and gave Ang Lee a big hug, turned and left.

Evan Bell's last line is obviously meaningful and can be understood a lot. It can be directly understood as a line in the movie to express his love for the movie; it can also be understood as Evan Bell's promise to the audience, he will continue Excellent work; it can also be understood as Evan Bell's gratitude to his supporters; or Evan Bell's gratitude to his lover...

The thunderous applause of the scene sounded the victory of "Brokeback Mountain", and no matter what kind of stormy waves will be set off, but Evan Bell's courage is indeed commendable, and it is not optimistic in the whole of Hollywood. Under such circumstances, it is a classic to shoot such a wonderful work.

Evan Bell walked back to the backstage quickly, the golden statue in his hand was heavy, which was an award belonging to the entire "Brokeback Mountain" crew. But Evan Bell knows more clearly that this is still a reward for the entire Eleven Studio, and it is also his On the road of artistic creation, he still has a long way to go. If you get carried away with this, then this little golden man is not worth it. Evan Bell suddenly remembered the footsteps of "Wild Survival", which had just started adaptation work, and jumped up.

When he walked to the waiting room, Evan Bell saw Teddy Bell and Eden Hudson greet him at once, Evan Bell took a stride and then hugged Tai tightly. Di Bell, said in a low voice, "I did it!" At this moment, Evan Bell, who has always been calm, had tears in his eyes.

Only after Teddy Bell, the movie "Brokeback Mountain" has a special meaning for Evan Bell, not because he poured a lot of effort into it, and it has nothing to do with reporters' ridicule, but because it is a tribute to Michelle - A promise from Hathaway. Evan Bell has no hope of using this work to change the whole society, but at least he hopes to make a really good film that can speak to Michelle Hathaway's inner pain and struggle. It now appears that Evan Bell has succeeded.

All the awards of the 78th Academy Awards Ceremony have been awarded, all the mysteries have been revealed, and the history of the Academy has also bid farewell to the past and entered a new era. But the **** case caused by this awards ceremony has just begun.

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