Great Artist

Chapter 1298: hot as frenzy

Today's fourth update, please recommend, please subscribe!


Those who are keen on surfing have a deep understanding of the waves. The wave after wave is not a terrible opponent that will devour them, but a battlefield where they ride happily. They are getting more and more excited. A wave of one or two meters is nothing at all, and a wave of more than four meters is a surfer's paradise. That endless stream of waves is full of countless challenges.


At this moment, Evan-Bell felt as if he was surfing, but it was not a wave, but a heat wave formed by the momentum of the gathering of more than 10,000 people in front of him. The reaction time seems to be overturned by this turbulent wave at any time. A four-meter wave has just come down in front of him, and another eight-meter wave is roaring in front of him. Evan-Bell can only try his best to stabilize His heart, which was up and down, calmly and calmly flew again on the waves, enjoying the pleasure and comfort of the sea breeze on the top of the waves, the sound of the waves, and the head of the water, but this wave had not had time to go down. The next wave of ten-meter-high waves came roaring and rumbled again, and the layers of heat waves were scorching Evan Bell's skin, and the whole person swayed up and down with the sound.


When Evan-Bell walked down the stairs of the engine room step by step, people in this land of South Africa were cheering the arrival of Evan-Bell with their own heartfelt enthusiasm, and everyone seemed to have something different. The inexhaustible energy erupted wave after wave, forming a mighty giant wave that rushed towards Evan Bell.


Evan Bell's footsteps touched the fiery red carpet, as if the flames all around were beginning to burn, and the weather in Cape Town, which was like an oven, was at full power at this time. Wen Yibel's clothes were burned to ashes and he would not stop.


Behind Evan-Bell, Teddy-Bell and Eden Hudson quickly followed, and the guards on both sides quickly surrounded them, protecting Evan-Bell tightly in the middle. Evan Bell felt that he was not an entertainer, but more like a target who could be assassinated at any time.


The remaining guards standing in front of the crowd forming a human wall once again felt the continuous impact behind them, and the fans behind them began to crowd forward. Grasp the ground, hoping to rely on the strength of holding hands to stop the tide-like power behind him. However, the situation did not seem to be as they wished. The fans behind were crowding forward uninterruptedly, just hoping to be a little closer to Evan Bell and a little closer. The previous wave had not yet had time to subside, and the next wave followed, hitting the guards and the fans in the front row.


"Evan! I love you!" Such a heart-piercing, cloud-piercing scream seemed very penetrating in the cheers and shouts, and it glided across the cloudless blue sky with traces, but People can't find the source of the sound, because such screams can be heard everywhere, and it seems that one "Evan", "I love you", and "Ah" is enough to vent all the emotions inside. In general, all the sounds are gathered together, making people feel that their eardrums are the drumheads of the ring drum, and the scattered and condensed sound beams are the drumsticks. How can I use the strength of the whole body to strike **** the drumhead? Next.


Evan-Bell turned his head and looked at the frantic pick-up team around him. He originally planned to speed up and leave, but when the guards surrounded him, the entire bloated army couldn't move fast; Enthusiastic audience, leaving in a hurry is too impersonal. So Evan Bell's footsteps couldn't be faster.


The faces of the crowds on both sides were deformed because they were too excited. The fans were full of anticipation and fanaticism. The faces lost their original shape under the crazy shouting of their mouths, and the tears flowed wildly on their flushed faces. The guards were squeezed by the pressure behind them and had no resistance. They were all doing their best to maintain order at the scene. It was like a dam that could collapse at any time. The dam can already be seen. to a clear crack.


Evan Bell knew that the crowd had lost their minds at this time, and it was impossible to control the scene. He had to leave the scene quickly to restore calm to the fans. Otherwise, once the crowd broke through the blockade, there might be casualties at any time. Tool.


Evan Bell looked back at Teddy Bell and Eden Hudson, now their nerves are completely tense, the scene is so crazy, it even makes people feel terrible, the fans around are like They stared at them like beasts, making them feel like they were raw meat on the chopping board, and they could be swallowed up at any time. After receiving Evan Bell's eyes, Teddy Bell and Eden Hudson also knew that it could not go on like this. The original joyful airport pickup ceremony was only a thin line away from turning into a hellish situation.

Evan Bell didn't wave to say hello again, but started to spread his palms flat and pushed them out, motioning for everyone to step back. He didn't say anything, but said with a big mouth, "Calm down! Calm down!" In the current situation In the case of continuous waves, any sound is futile, so Evan Bell hopes that his mouth shape can be accepted as a message.


But it seems that the out-of-control scene seems inevitable. When the right hand of a guard in front finally began to weaken, and he could not grasp the left hand of his companion, or because the sweat in the palm of his hand made his hand start to become lubricated, but the result was that the wall formed by the two hands loosened. The person standing at the front rushes forward because of the constant pressure from behind. Even if the person in the first row has no plans to move forward, they cannot control their center of gravity at this time, and they rush forward.


Where there is a first, there is a second. Fortunately, the first few people who were pushed forward did not completely lose their center of gravity and did not fall to the ground. They just stumbled a few times and then regained their feet. But before they could make further adjustments, the people standing beside them all poured out with the thoughts of wanting to move forward. The dam has a hole, so the water is pouring down.


The embankment of a thousand miles collapsed in the ant's nest. At this time, it is not just an ant nest, it is a huge loophole, an irreparable loophole. Everyone began to rush forward, and the guards who were able to hold hands tightly just now have reached the stage of exhaustion. This sudden impact suddenly made everyone let go. More than 10,000 people began to flock forward.


Five seconds, just less than five seconds. 10,000 people quickly surrounded Evan Bell in the middle, and the circle formed by the guards could no longer control the situation, and it narrowed inward little by little.


At this moment, Evan Bell lowered his head and got out of the crowd. This was the most sensible choice, but he couldn't do it. These people could be injured at any time. He felt that he could at least help A little busy, so he let go of his voice and shouted, "Back! Back!"


Next to him, Teddy Bell, Eden Hudson, extrajudicial fanatics, and others were tightly squeezed in the middle, and a small number of people were immediately scattered, and they didn't know where they went. But the rest of the people standing beside Evan Bell realized that they had to unite to calm everyone down, "Back! Back!" Everyone should shout in harmony with Evan Bell's voice.


Bell, the dog, only felt that he had hands all over his body, and even his cheeks were slapped left and right. What was originally a hilarious pick-up ceremony turned into a chaotic disaster. But Evan-Bell couldn't care about this, he could only shout at the possibility of a hoarse voice, "Back! Back!"


The guards next to him heard Evan Bell's cry, and the earnestness and infectiousness in that voice also made them shout together without thinking, "Back! Back!"


The fans who were squeezed in the innermost were still keen to attack Evan-Bell or Teddy-Bell or Eden-Hudson, but after hearing the shouts of Evan-Bell and others, they They also realized that something was wrong, and coupled with the pressure coming from behind, all the air in their lungs was squeezed out. This feeling was very uncomfortable, so they also subconsciously shouted the same sentence, that is "Back off!"


In this space surrounded by more than 10,000 people, the sound of "backward" kept coming and The sound became clearer and stronger, and the crowd at the back finally stopped. Continuing to squeeze forward, slowly, little by little, the huge crowd finally began to relax.


Teddy-Bell and Eden Hudson saw Evan-Bell quickly lowered their heads, and then started to walk along the red carpet on the ground from the gap between the people. He also quickly protected Evan-Bell and walked forward quickly. If the chaos of the scene is to be really controlled, Evan Bell, the "fuse", must not stay on the scene, so he must leave. This is the solution to the root cause.


This long sea of ​​people went from orderly to madness, then to crunching into a ball, and then to slack in pieces. Everyone was shouting the name "Egabell", but when they reacted, Evan-Bell was no longer there, and even the extrajudicial fanatics and others lowered their heads and stepped forward quickly. go. This turbulent upsurge has only cooled down.


Fanaticism, the kind of enthusiasm that is enough to reach the boiling point and the indomitable madness, ignited Evan-Bell's footsteps to Cape Town little by little, and the red lotus under his feet proudly opened. In this enthusiastic frenzy of 10,000 people picking up the plane, Evan Bell finally arrived in Cape Town, announcing that the "first" world tour concert has started again.


12,000 updates, ask for a monthly pass, ask for a subscription! Congratulations to everyone who spent the last day of yesterday, hee hee. (To be continued [This text is provided by the breaking dawn update group @chuchulian]. If you like this work, you are welcome to ◤First Release◢ to vote for recommendations and votes. Your support is my biggest motivation.



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