Great Artist

Chapter 1300: follow

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After Hilary-Jenney got off the plane, she walked briskly all the way. The pair of golden stiletto high-heeled shoes quickly touched the mirror-like ground of Hong Kong International Airport, making a crisp sound. m (reading the novel) Brett-Nicole was about two or three yards behind, shouting, "Slow down, girl, Evan is out of the airport, no matter how fast we are, we won't be able to keep up. "

Hilary-Jenny's speed still did not slow down, but the pace under her feet accelerated a little, "Brie, I don't want to have something like Cape Town again, lose Evan, and then be mixed in the surging crowd. , that's really frustrating." Hilary-Jenny looked back at her friend and beckoned, "Come on. I just heard that there are countless people coming to pick up the plane from Hong Kong, and the speed of Evan's exit from the airport. It's definitely not fast, maybe we won't be able to see him at the airport, but at least we can catch up with Evan's pace with the car."

Brett Nicole glanced at her friend, Evan Bell appeared in her mind, and her body suddenly became energetic again and ran forward quickly.

This time Evan Bell's world tour, there are a group of loyal and crazy fans, starting from the New York station, they have closely followed the footsteps of Evan Bell, from the east coast of the United States to the west coast, and then South America, Africa and Asia. They followed the Evan Bell tour force all the way, never missing any stop on the Evan Bell tour, not only to complete the "Touring Together" feat, but also to go on an exciting trip around the world.

Evan Bell's ticket sales speed for this tour is so amazing that many people are often unable to grab tickets in the first place. But these crazy fans don't care. Buying tickets to enter the venue is the first goal. If they can't buy them, they will not give up. They will stay outside the concert together and insist on being the whole process of Evan Bell's tour. part of participating. This unparalleled perseverance, even the madness at all costs, makes everyone clearly feel the fanaticism flowing in the blood of fans. (Just read the novel ·)

Hillary Jenney and Britt Nicole are among those fans. As far as they know, there are at least a hundred fans, maybe more. However, when I flew to Hong Kong from Singapore this time, the air ticket seemed to be relatively tight. Most people had to wait for the next flight to fly over, and a small number of people simply flew to Hong Kong ahead of schedule to prepare for the arrival of Evan Bell. Those lucky enough to arrive in Hong Kong on the same flight as Evan Bell, plus these two little girls, there are less than ten people.

As Hilary Jenney had expected, Evan Bell and his party spent a lot of time in the pick-up hall, and the enthusiastic pick-up team gave Evan Bell the first gift after arriving in China. This bought a lot of time for Hillary Jenney and Britt Nicole, after picking up their luggage. The two found a taxi with ease, and in less than two minutes, they caught up with the black nanny car that Evan Bell was in.

Hilary Jenney deftly took out her SLR camera from her backpack, found a suitable lens, then opened the taxi's window and snapped a photo of Evan Bell's side face leaning against the window. Brett Nicole squatted behind Hillary Jenney, watching the grand scene outside, but her hands were not idle. He took out his phone and started to prepare.

"The team chasing the car today is too exaggerated, isn't it?" Brett Nicole glanced around. There were many vehicles surrounding Evan Bell's nanny car, and at least two of those she could confirm were chasing cars. ten. This lineup is far more exaggerated than it was in Buenos Aires. The light signs sticking out of the car windows, and the waving light sticks, but the car conditions on the highway were very lively. "It is said that Asian fans are crazy, and it seems to be true."

Hilary-Jenny's pressing the shutter did not slow down, but she replied casually, "Evan only has two performances in China, plus fans from Southeast Asia and Japan, Xiang. Isn't the liveliness here in Hong Kong for granted? It is estimated that the fourth will be more lively in Shanghai. [Just read the novel~]"

Hilary-Jenny retracted the lens of the SLR camera and glanced at the crazy figure in the six-seater sedan in front of her. The heart-piercing shouts drifted along the strong wind, mixed with the wind, making people clearly feel the heat that was enough to make the temperature rise.

"Is Evan tired? His face looks very tired." Hilary Jayne seemed to sense something wrong with Evan Bell while checking the photos taken on the SLR.

Brett Nicole also came over to take a look. "It is estimated that the recent tour schedule is too dense, and even those of us who follow are exhausted, not to mention Evan who has to prepare for the performance." The worry on his face surfaced, "Should we buy it? Bring some delicious food to Evan."

Hilary-Jenny nodded, "Didn't everyone say that the soups here in Hong Kong are very nutritious, let's send some to Evan after we get to the hotel, I think Teddy, Eden and the others are too tired recently. "Speaking of this, Hilary Jenney pushed her friend with her elbow, "Which hotel is Evan staying in, check it out."

Brett Nicole looked at her phone, she had just sent a text message to the group of followers who arrived in Hong Kong first, asking about Evan Bell's whereabouts here, "Angel said it was Langham, Cher said It's Hyatt, Jordan says it's the four seasons."

Hillary Jenney was not surprised by the result. In fact, there is also competition among star chasing fans. Where there are people, there is a struggle. This sentence applies everywhere. Fans also want to keep the information they know, because the fewer people who know the information, the greater the chance of them getting close to their idols, so basically a really strong fan network is absolutely not to be underestimated.

Powerful fans can not only inquire about the idol's itinerary information, but some people can even get on line with the agent and the insiders of the work team. However, this is nothing. Someone once inquired about Teddy Bell's passport number to confirm whether Teddy Bell bought a plane ticket, and then inferred Evan Bell's itinerary. Later, because the passport expired, Teddy Bell replaced it with a new one, which was regarded as temporarily calming the matter.

"Cher's news has always been inaccurate, and she hopes that everyone can't find where Evan is." Hilary-Jenny thought for a while, and then said, "You and Angel and Jordan said separately, we found out The news said it was Hyatt, let's see how they react."

The war between fans is actually no different from a spy movie.

"Angel said she was waiting at the Langham. Jordan said he went to Hyatt and didn't get any news, he wasn't sure, but he thought Evan liked the security system in Four Seasons, so he went to Four Seasons." Brie Te Nicole quickly received a reply. At this time, they were following Evan Bell. Even if they couldn't find the name of the Evan Bell hotel, as long as they didn't lose it, they could still arrive at Evan Bell. of hotel. Therefore, those who arrive in Hong Kong ahead of time will still want to keep in touch with them and update the information at any time. "Xueer sent a text message, saying that Alan went to Langham to see it, and there was no movement."

Hilary-Jenny laughed immediately, "Don't worry about Cher, she's just testing us now. Jordan is a real person. Since he said that there is no one in Hyatt, there is no movement. I think Cher may be waiting at Langham too."

"Then we book a room at The Langham?" Britt-Nicole quickly turned her head, "Isn't Angela's news always very well-informed, she seems to know one of Evan's dancers. In addition to the fox Cher, if she is also in Langham, it is estimated to be Langham."

Hilary Jenny paused, didn't speak, and seemed to be thinking. Her eyes were on the black nanny car that was less than ten yards diagonally in front of her. Evan Bell's profile was in the dark. With the changes, the calm water-like face calmed the turmoil in her heart. Although she has met Evan Bell no less than dozens of times, she even hugged Evan Bell, and the wallpaper of her mobile phone is the photo of her and Evan Bell, but every time she sees Evan Bell, She will still fall involuntarily, this man always affects her heart easily.

"I think Cher and Angel may be played by Evan." Hilary-Jenny suddenly said a word. Brett-Nicole was a little surprised, but quickly laughed. If it is Evan Bell, then this possibility cannot be ruled out.

"Sir, are we going in circles?" Brett-Nicole looked at the familiar scenery around, it seemed that this was the second time passing by, so she asked the taxi driver to come.

The taxi driver smiled and said, "Yes. We've passed the Langham for the second time."

After hearing, Hilary-Jenny's heart moved, "Are there many famous hotels around here?"

The taxi driver nodded, "Langham, Hyatt, Miramar are all nearby, not far."

The eyes of the two girls suddenly lit up, and they said in unison, "It can't be here!" With Evan Bell's temperament, since he wanted to go around in circles, he must have swayed his gun in a false way, and in the end everyone didn't pay attention. when it suddenly disappeared.

Hillary Jenney asked, "Is it far from the Four Seasons?"

"We need to cross the sea. We are in Tsim Sha Tsui now, and Four Seasons is in Central. We need to cross the bridge. It's about a twenty-five-minute drive." The taxi driver replied very professionally.

While Hillary Jenney was thinking, the taxi driver's route suddenly began to turn. Both little girls knew that Evan Bell was about to flick his tail.

Outbreak asking for a monthly pass, asking for a subscription! Add more later. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (an.) to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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