Great Artist

Chapter 1306: within reach

Fourth today, ask for a monthly pass, ask for a subscription

Liu Quan carefully confirmed the surroundings. She was walking at the front of the team, followed by Zhang Xin, Bai Jingshu and Li Han. They were the first batch of fifty fans to enter the convention and exhibition center. Liu Quan thought that the front would be reserved for Reporters, their positions are at least behind the tenth row, but they did not expect that the staff would bring them to the first row.

Liu Quan looked to the left. The chairs in the conference room were divided into two squares. The reporters on the left had already taken their places. And the square on the right has become the seat for fans. Liu Quan couldn't believe it. She was actually sitting in the first row. She only needed to look up a little to see the long table that was less than ten yards away. Vin-Bell will be there for God

After the news that the fans were allowed to enter the convention and exhibition center was confirmed by Teddy Bell, at 8:15, the news flew into the ears of all the fans as if they had grown wings. Soon, the fans gathered at the entrance of the convention and exhibition center reached There were 1,500 people, most of them Asian fans, especially the landowners from the two sides of the Taiwan Strait, the three places in China were the most well-informed and arrived at the scene with astonishing speed.

The disadvantage of Hillary-Jenney's group's ill-informed information in different places was revealed. When they arrived at the convention and exhibition center, it was already 8:30. I heard that two groups of a total of 100 people had entered the meeting. The exhibition center, but there were still nearly 2,000 people queuing in desperation, Hilary Jayney and others could only turn around and leave. After all, they were lucky enough yesterday, not only Evan Bell invited them to dinner, but also They also sent supper - soup - in for Evan Bell, and they got feedback that Evan Bell liked very much. They really couldn't ask for more, so Hilary Jayney and his party rushed to the Hung Hom Gymnasium, Preparing for the concert tonight

In the end, only 500 fans were allowed to enter the conference room. Although at least 700 fans could enter the conference room, for safety reasons, there was still enough space left to avoid the possibility of chaos on the scene.

Bai Jingshu looked around nervously. There was no noisy sound at the scene, only the reporters playing with equipment. Looking at the professional appearance of the reporters, and the nervous and expectant expressions of the 500 audience behind him, Bai Jingshu only felt that his heart was beating. To stop, she only felt that her head was in a mess, and she thought about coming to Hong Kong impulsively, thinking about the idleness all day yesterday, thinking about Evan Bell's upcoming appearance, and thinking about the concert tonight...

Suddenly, a scream broke the dullness of the room, and burst out with an aura that penetrated the sky.

Bai Jingshu hardly had any time to react. The voice in his throat seemed to be triggered, and it burst out suddenly. A simple "ah" was shouted out without warning, and even Bai Jingshu was frightened. Jump: She never knew her voice could burst with such amazing energy

Evan Bale showed up, no doubt about it

Evan Bell in front of him was wearing a sky blue off-white collared shirt, black straight jeans, a light yellow casual suit and a pair of lake blue canvas shoes. His short and medium hair reaching his ears was caught with wax, revealing The plump forehead, those azure blue eyes with a shallow smile, and a flash of light shrouded him on the spot, just like the hazy halo of an angel falling into the dust, making it unreal and only vague. Distinguish the bright and beautiful smile from the light. The curvature of the lips affects the height of the heartbeat. At this moment, the time stops, and everything becomes no longer important. There is only Evan Bell in the world, unique. Evan Bell

Bai Jingshu involuntarily raised his hand and tried to draw the outline of Evan Bell's face from a distance, only to find that even the best painter, the best photographer, the clearest pixels, and the most gorgeous rhetoric in the world can It is impossible to outline the one in ten thousandth of Evan Bell. Only those who have actually seen Evan Bell will feel the positive impact, as if a high-speed train is coming towards him, and then whizzing away. no one can resist

All the thoughts in my mind were swept away, only Evan Bell was left in my eyes. The ups and downs of the Hong Kong trip were all worth it. I found meaning at this moment. I don’t care about yesterday. And all the previous depression, there was only infinite excitement left in her mind, adrenaline almost filled her brain capacity, it seemed that if she was a little more excited, she would faint. At this moment, Bai Jingshu's tears fell like this When she came down, she finally understood why so many people rushed over desperately. This was for the persistence of seeing idols, and for the madness of youth without regrets. Her youth has become complete because of this moment. Maybe, wait until Many, many years later, the picture in her mind is still vivid, or it starts to turn yellow and turns into an old photo, but one thing is certain, it will become the most colorful stroke in her youth, shining on the whole. The wanton and madness of youth

The flashing lights of more than 200 media at the scene covered up the light in the room, but they still couldn't cover up the light on Evan Bell; the screams of 500 fans at the scene blocked all the sounds in the room, but Still can't hide Evan Bell's calm smile, the temperature in the room began to rise little by little, and the crystals of sweat were condensed on people's faces and backs at a degree visible to the naked eye.

Bai Jingshu couldn't tell how long it had passed, until she felt the reaction force from the object in her hand, and she realized that she was holding Zhang Xin and Li Han's hands too hard, while Zhang Xin and Li Han obviously They also grabbed her hand excitedly. Now, their reason returned a little bit, and they could not help but let go of their hands, only to find that their palms were deformed due to excessive force, and they could even clearly feel the whine of the palm muscles.

Bai Jingshu's eyes came into contact with Li Han, Zhang Xin, and Liu Quan. Except for Li Han, the three girls were all in tears, but the enthusiasm and excitement in the eyes of the four were exactly the same. They had no hope at all. Yes, yesterday was bad enough that they were almost in a state of giving up, but now, now, they are sitting within ten yards of Evan Bell and can watch Evan Bell's every move greedily and greedily Evan- Bell even waved at them with a smile that almost made their hearts stop beating

"Hey guys, I just heard Teddy say that a lot of people were waiting outside the door for Xu-Bell to pick up the microphone, and the first thing he said was not a self-introduction, not a greeting, but it still easily won over the live fans. The applause Evan Bell himself applauded the fans and said with a smile, "Thank you for your support" Evan Bell's applause was obviously for the fans

Later, Evan Bell said, "Dear Hong Kong, good morning." No one knew the meaning of Evan Bell's words, but the sincerity and sigh in Evan Bell's voice, but It was clearly conveyed, "After I arrived in this beautiful city yesterday, I felt the enthusiasm from everyone, whether it was the airport, the hotel, or the hotel's complete paparazzi, wow, it really makes people feel fully. I’m quite proud of my popularity.” These slightly sarcastic and slightly sarcastic remarks made the audience laugh lowly. However, it must be admitted that the Hong Kong. Hong Kong paparazzi’s ability is not comparable to that of the American forces. Inferior, Evan Bell's every move was reported yesterday, and it is definitely not inferior to Sean Hall's bugging strategy.

However, Evan Bell did not intend to fight with the Hong Kong paparazzi. He will leave the day after tomorrow, and the paparazzi here will not continue to tour with him. Therefore, Evan Bell quickly continued to say , "Hello everyone, I'm Evan Bell" This sentence is authentic Cantonese. Evan Bell's Cantonese is a bit half-hearted, and the level of daily greetings can make the media on the scene excited. Everyone knows Evan -Bell speaks good Chinese, and now shows off Cantonese again, making the media at the scene smile

Bai Jingshu just stared at Evan Bell like this. She never knew that she could get in touch with Evan Bell so closely. She didn't know that she would look at a man so boldly and directly. But at this time, she just couldn't move open your eyes

The azure blue eyes are even more beautiful than the cloudless sky. The slender and dense eyelashes are like sparse clouds floating above the eyes at Let people see the thrilling blue But she couldn't see the secret hidden in the blue. The thin lips smiled so charmingly that her heart swayed involuntarily. As the slightly undulating arc went up and down, it was like sitting on a pirate ship. Generally, the high nose bridge divides the face into two parts evenly, and the calmness and atmosphere between the eyebrows light up the temperament of the whole person. With a special expression on his face, just answering the reporter's question with his hands crossed is enough to become the focus of the audience.

There were at least 800 people present, but what Bai Jingshu was sure about was that even if Evan Bell was placed in the crowd, it would not cover up his radiance at all. Evan Bell is the kind of person who is on the Oscar red carpet. The so-called aura that still draws everyone's attention in a star-studded occasion is such an ethereal yet powerful thing.

Bai Jingshu raised his hand involuntarily, looked at the face that was close at hand but thousands of miles away, lightly traced the lines of that face, and then quickly put it down, with a satisfied smile on his face, eyes and mouth. , that happy arc, like the rising sun in the morning

It turns out that this is what it feels like to see an idol: like heaven

12,000, ask for a monthly pass, ask for a subscription again, everyone Christmas happy to be continued)

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