Great Artist

Chapter 1316: Come on

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Evan Bell jammed Penelope Cruz's neck and approached at once. Both of them could vaguely feel each other's position on the tip of their nose, and the breath under the nose began to entangle Penelope. - Cruz's breathing is gradually accelerating, while Evan Bell's breathing is not slow, the sharp contrast between the two has made a huge change in the situation

Penelope Cruz thought Evan Bell was going to kiss him, but Evan Bell subtly controlled his strength and stopped **** apart to let Penelope - Cruz clearly felt the threat from the man's power, but was hanged in the air, unable to go up and down, uncomfortable

But I have to say that the thorns on Penelope Cruz's Spanish rose are indeed sharp enough. Even in the face of Evan Bell's pressing step by step, she just panicked for a while and quickly forced She calmed down, gritted her teeth and said, "What the **** do you want?" She could feel it, she wanted to calm herself down, and then confront Evan Bell again, and the sharpness and harmony in those eyes Ruthless, with a momentum that is not inferior to a man

The corner of Evan Bell's mouth twitched, and the evil smile spread out under the **** sunset, "I will implement your plan and help you accomplish all this. Why, you are not welcome?"

Penelope Cruz raised his eyes, moved from Evan Bell's **** thin lips to those azure blue eyes, the unfathomable depth in those eyes made Penelope Cruz secretly say again " It's not good", the goosebumps all over her body exclaimed danger, the man in front of her was obviously smiling, but it made her think of running away, but Penelope Cruz knew that at this time it was already It was difficult to ride a tiger, and she had to find a way to escape. She was ready when she decided to use this method to retaliate against Evan Bell. She knew very well that those paparazzi should not say that they didn't know what happened here. Even if they knew about it, they would only like to see it happen, so she had no help and could only rely on herself

Although Penelope Cruz knew that it was in broad daylight, Evan Bell couldn't have done anything out of the ordinary, and even kissing herself wouldn't be a big deal, but she just didn't want to be caught by Evan -Bell is taking advantage of this rubbish, "Aren't you afraid that the scandal will really spread, and your reputation will be rotten on the street? If you want to kiss me, kiss me quickly, and I will treat it as being bitten by a dog"

Hearing Penelope Cruz's threat, Evan Bell chuckled, "Do you think the scandal goes out, am I really worried?"

Penelope Cruz felt Evan Bell's hot gaze traced on his face little by little, from eyebrows to eyes to nose and lips, the gaze that easily ignited lust, fell on Pene Lope Cruz's cheeks made her shiver

Penelope Cruz's heart sank, and all the panic subsided. When the tension reached the extreme, he calmed down instead. Penelope Cruz knew that Evan Bell was not a good deal, but learned that Evan- Penelope Cruz gritted his teeth in hatred when Bale also arrived in Cannes, especially when the media were gloating to see the two of them meet again.

Penelope Cruz remembered her embarrassment after the Grammy Awards last year, the anger that Tom Cruise and Matthew McConaughey had inflicted on her. It took her a lot of effort to calm down. Seriously, After that, the paparazzi didn't let go of their plans, which lasted until the summer. After breaking up with Matthew McConaughey, she never had a boyfriend again. God knows, this is the longest window of her life so Penelope Cruz is absolutely tickling her teeth with anger at Evan Bell

So, even knowing that Evan Bell is not easy to mess with, Penelope Cruz decided to go all out. She must let Evan Bell taste this torment. When Evan Bell fell on a woman once , And these years of uninterrupted gossip can be seen that women are Evan Bell's weakness, Penelope Cruz decided to take the risk

But the situation still exceeded her expectations. Penelope Cruz looked at Evan Bell who was smiling calmly in front of her with chills. As soon as she gritted her teeth, her ruthlessness burst out, "When the time comes, I will Tell the reporter, you played with my feelings and cried a few times in front of the camera to see if you were at a loss or I was at a loss, I want you to have no chance to explain.”

Facing the threat of Penelope Cruz, Evan Bell is not surprised at all. This desert rose is covered in thorns and has long been famous, otherwise he would not have come up with this method to wear him today. It would be absurd if Nelope Cruz had his hands tied. Listening to Penelope Cruz's words squeezed from between his teeth, Evan Bell's smile remained the same, his lips were still not far from Penelope Cruz's. When he reached a finger, he opened his mouth and said, "Why should I explain?" Just this sentence was enough to make Penelope Cruz stunned, "I will admit it generously, it was a night of romance, but It's just for fun Is it a misrepresentation from the outside world, or is it really something?”

Evan Bell's words are unhurried, cadenced, calm and comfortable, every word is like a needle, stabbed in Penelope Cruz's heart fiercely Evan Bell hates the most It is being calculated. The Heidi Montgomery incident was deep enough. Now that Penelope Cruz wants to calculate, use himself, and retaliate against himself, he must be prepared to suffer rebound damage. Evan Bell It is not certain that this rebound damage will be more serious than the wound on him.

At this time, the postures of Evan Bell and Penelope Cruz are really ambiguous. Bathing in the **** sunset is beautiful, making people blush and heartbeat, even if they become fashion blockbusters, it is more than enough. How could anyone have thought that the tension between the two has almost reached a critical point, and it will erupt at any time?

Penelope Cruz heard Evan Bell's words, her eyes paused, but this time she did not panic, but suppressed the tension that had just been raised in her heart, and a fox-like smile was drawn on the corner of her mouth. , "What if there is a third party involved? What if you betray me in this relationship? I have a lot of evidence ready."

No, Evan Bell pursed his lips and said softly, "I don't mind at all, if necessary, I'm even willing to cooperate with you to shoot a bed. Put a video to confirm the authenticity of this matter, but only if, Please make this a reality." Penelope Cruz's eyes flashed fiercely in one sentence, but Evan Bell continued, "Besides, you are sure there is a third party, Or, are you a third party?" This sarcastic remark was paired with the smile at the corner of Evan Bell's mouth, causing Penelope Cruz to slam into Evan Bell's head with a jerk. The muffled sound of "bang" made the lines of the two faces tighten.

This scene, in the eyes of outsiders, has become a beautiful picture of you, me, and love.

Penelope Cruz got angry and laughed instead, "I'm pregnant, yours" This is of course not true, but refers to what she would say to reporters

"Be born, please be born," Evan Bell narrowed his eyes, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "Then we will do the DNA test. As for marriage, I don't think we are in such a hurry."

One sentence made Penelope Cruz's heart feel cold. The man in front of her had no loopholes at all. No matter how stern she was, she couldn't hide her panic. Are you planning to use your power to hype you up?" After saying this, Penelope Cruz knew that she had shown weakness, and today's calculation seemed to have failed, but she had to find a way to make her whole body work. retreat

"Then I will cooperate as you wish." The tenderness and sweetness contained in Evan Bell's smile, against the backdrop of the sunset, made Penelope Cruz shudder twice~www.readwn. com~ We can invite the five paparazzi to come and help together, for example, to make the whole thing public; another example, to publicize our romantic experience, starting from the meeting at the Grammy Awards If you want If you want to promote the hype, let's make things even bigger

Looking at the smile at the corner of Evan Bell's mouth, Penelope Cruz finally couldn't take it anymore, turned his head sideways, opened his mouth and bit Evan Bell's shoulder. Evan Bell obviously did not expect it. After Penelope Cruz ran out of tactics, he actually chose to "hand-to-hand combat". He only had time to tighten the muscles of his shoulders, and he felt Penelope Cruz's teeth clenched up

On the one hand, Penelope Cruz is working hard and biting with all his strength; on the other hand, Evan Bell is clenching his teeth, tensing his muscles, and is carrying it hard.

If this picture turns the action of "biting" into a "kiss", it will definitely become another wave of beautiful pictures, but unfortunately, the crowds and paparazzi in the distance cannot distinguish the real details in this picture. Can only be happy to witness such a scene

The smell of blood spreads out in Penelope Cruz's mouth

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