Great Artist

Chapter 1322: Perfume Premiere

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In the black space, relying on the dim light behind, you can vaguely see a wall made of stones. Sitting alone in the front of the light and dark can only outline a figure, but you can't see this person. Leaning forward slowly, the tall nose was immediately exposed to the light projected from the top of the head, and the pair of star-like eyes circulated in the darkness with a touch of brilliance. The nose that was exposed to the light sniffed gently. He sniffed the air around him, and the straight and graceful bridge of the nose seemed to have been carefully crafted by God, but, in the light and shadow, there was only one nose and a pair of eyes like stars. This picture is really weird.

There was a sound in front of the figure, and the figure suddenly retracted back. When the picture turned, looking forward from the back of the figure's head, you could see the lattice-style iron gate of the prison. Five guards entered the door. After opening the prison door , the two guards stepped forward and lifted the chains that held the wall. The head of the guard said anxiously, "Come on, we won't be able to stop them."

The guard undid the chain and roughly pulled the chain around the prisoner's neck. With a hard pull, the prisoner was pulled out. Pulling the iron chain around the prisoner's neck forcefully and quickly, the tall and thin prisoner could not help staggering forward, his footsteps showing a strange and messy appearance.

The prisoner was wearing only a pair of shabby dark blue cotton trousers. His hands, feet, and Guolu's upper body were already dirty, as if he had lived a primitive life for many years. Walking on the passage, the guards were anxiously and brutally pulling the chains on the prisoner's body. Because they walked too fast, they even pulled the prisoner's balance in one stroke, and the whole person fell down in the cold and damp castle passage. But the guards had no merciful intentions, and still pulled **** the chain. The tension on the neck caused the man to be dragged and slid two steps on the ground. The pain in his neck made the prisoner stand up quickly, and then use the messy small Shabubu followed closely to avoid falling down again.

The terrible riots came from the gate of the prison, proving the fears of the head of the guard just now, this precarious gate really won't last long.

When the hunched prisoner came to the balcony on the second floor and was pushed out, the indignant crowd in the square was frantically venting their dissatisfaction, "dry the blood of this devil" and "may you suffer the fire of hell" , "Hang him, this lunatic"... This monstrous anger almost broke through the blockade of the guards, and everyone could not wait to come forward and tear up the prisoner on the balcony.

The prisoner's face was finally exposed to the beige light at this time. It was a handsome face. Even though his cheeks were so dirty that he couldn't tell his original skin color, the outline of his brows still made people sigh. It's a pity. The scar on the right side of the eye under the eye ruined the overall aesthetics. Horrible scars are a distraction, knowledgeable people know it's skin damage from long-term work in a tannery Uneven turmeric color makes the skin look like a tattered lynx skin

"Court verdict: Within forty-eight hours, perfumer Jean-Baptiste Grenouille was to face the sky, be chained to a cross and, while he was still alive, be smashed with an iron bar twelve times, smashing his arm , shoulders, buttocks and foot joints and hang on a cross until death, and the executioner forbids any kind of act of mercy"

French is known as the most elegant language in the world, and at this time, this elegant and beautiful language also uses moving rhythms to pronounce a terrible sentence, which makes people horrified, and the people below, whenever a sentence is announced, will Loud cheers, as if to celebrate wildly that this terrible and cruel torture could be inflicted on the prisoner, making it possible to believe that if the prisoner Jean-Baptiste Grenouille was thrown into the crowd at this time , I am afraid that the people will desperately eat their flesh and drink their blood

In the face of the cruel sentence and the resentment soaring to the sky, Jean-Baptiste Grenouille's face was only calm, his deep eyes were blue, but there was no fluctuation, just like an outsider watching. all that is happening in front of you

In the eyes of the audience, the man in front of him is obviously Evan Bell, but he is not Evan Bell. This is Evan Bell that no one has ever seen. All the audience began to wonder what this could be. kind of story?

In France in 1738, this city, later known as Xiangdu, was filled with an unimaginable stench. In the filthy and disgusting fish market, a stinky, unkempt and dirty woman stood behind her fish stall, preparing A full day of business but suddenly, the dirty woman hugged her pregnant belly and showed a painful expression, the woman lay on the muddy ground, working hard, accompanied by a rush of water, the child gave birth to the dirty woman with a dirty The fish-killing knife cuts the umbilical cord and kicks the baby away, and that's the end of the birth

The elegant narrator explained in a soothing tone that this was her fifth child. The first few births were all born at a fish stall, and each time they were stillborn or semi-stillborn.

At this time, a guest came to the door, and the dirty woman stood up with difficulty, looking weak and suddenly, but then she really thought that nothing had happened.

The baby was lying on the pile of fish, the umbilical cord was drooping on the stomach, and the residual blood all over the body was mixed in the internal organs of the fish, which made the stomach roll. The smell, the smell of vomit, the smell of garbage... stimulated his innately sensitive sense of smell. Then, he made a choice that was different from his previous four "brothers". He opened his eyes and let out a cry

People began to look for the source of the sound, and saw the newborn baby through the gap in the fish stall, so they looked for the mother of the child, but the dirty woman had already escaped, and people found that the dirty woman was trying to murder her own child. So, dirty Woman arrested, then hanged

This is the first person to die because of him and the first to abandon him

Then, according to the law at the time, the baby was sent to a convent to be baptized and given the name: Jean-Baptiste Grenouille

The Abbey put Jean-Baptiste Grenouille in the care of a wet nurse, for which she was paid three francs a week. But after a few weeks, the wet nurse returned with the baby because she thought the A baby is a devil, he doesn't smell, doesn't have any smell that a normal child should have a normal child, either like cheese or butter, or lasagna in milk, or caramel...always there A smell, but the baby doesn't So the nurse develops a fear of the baby

The wet nurse handed Jean-Baptiste Grenouille to the elders of the abbey, then turned and left, but before leaving the street, she was hit by a carriage and fell to the ground in a pool of blood. The second person who abandoned him, and the second person who died because of him." The elegant narration was still explaining, but the audience in the cinema felt a slight chill from this soothing and beautiful language. It is slowly climbing onto itself at an invisible speed

The elder of the monastery looked at the baby placed in the bamboo basket, thought about it carefully, and finally got on the carriage and sent the baby to Mrs. Galar next to another monastery on a rainy night. Just give money, Galar The explanations of Mrs. Gallard, who is narrated to children of any age and of any race, are brief and succinct. Mrs. Gallard is a weather-beaten woman whose husband who abused her died of cholera, and whose father beat her as a child put an end to it. Her sense of smell, and she is numb to everything around her, life and death can't impress her, only money can make her eyes light up

The arrival of Jean-Baptiste Grenouille made even lying down a luxury in the already crowded room. The boys also sensed the horror of this baby, not because they sensed that there was no smell on him. , but because the baby's nose that keeps opening and closing seems to be greedily breathing all the air around him, which makes it difficult for the boys around him to breathe, and the temperature in the rainy night is terrifyingly cold, so several boys plan to suffocate him. , but Mrs. Gallard unexpectedly appeared to save the baby, the baby was bruised, but still survived and the boys who intended to murder were naturally beaten by Mrs. Gallard, because the baby represented money, she could Receiving the dole from the abbey can imagine that Jean-Baptiste Grenouille was not welcomed from the start

Jean-Baptiste Grenouille grew up, he was different from everyone, he always inhaled hard, smelled all kinds of fresh smells, he used his sense of smell to learn words He lay on the firewood up, his legs stretched out, he closed his eyes and rested, he didn't move, he didn't look, didn't listen, didn't notice anything. He only smelled the scent of wood, like a hat covered him. Submerged in these smells, the last pore in his body was soaked with the smell, and he became wood, like a wood. After accident, he learned the word "wood". His sense of smell is his unique talent. He could smell the apples flying behind him and hit him, he could smell the roundworms inside a dead mouse, he could even smell frog eggs in a pond far away

The lens of the film shows a magical picture for the cinema. The lens seems to be Jean-Baptiste Grenouille's sense of smell, constructing a world of smell: stone, grass, wood, river water. This is a kind of It's a wonderful feeling. Every object on the screen seems to have its own smell, and then it is transmitted from the lens through the nose of Jean-Baptiste Grenouille. The whole movie theater seems to be filled with hazy. The breath of the audience, each audience uses their own nose to experience such an unprecedented world of smell

At the age of thirteen, Jean-Baptiste Grenouille was sold by Madame Galard to a tannery for seven francs. As a laborer Madame Galard only got a short-lived benefit because she left He was robbed in the street and died by cutting his throat, watching Madame Galard fall softly, just a few steps away from Jean-Baptiste Grenouille

"This is the third person to die immediately after abandoning him." The French of the narration is still elegant, but the story that happened to Jean-Baptiste Grenouille with an uncontrollable sense of fatalism is also cast a touch of mythology

The average lifespan of a tannery worker is only five years, but Jean-Baptiste Grenouille, like a stubborn tick, escaped being abandoned as an infant and returned from the yard of Madame Galard. Survived the murder of the boy, and is now successfully surviving in the tannery, not only in the fifteen or sixteen hours of hard work a day, but also in the environment of the tannery's poisonous gas, and He began to travel to the prosperous city on the banks of the Seine, and he knew that there were many unknown flavors waiting for him.

Jean-Baptiste-Grenoye's tenacity and tenacity won him the appreciation of the owner of the tannery, and let him go to Paris to deliver all kinds of fresh smells floating towards him in the middle of the city Here the smells of people and animals, food, disease, water, stones, ash, leather, soap, fresh bread, eggs boiled in vinegar, noodles, polished brass, sage, beer, tears , oil, and dry and wet straw mixed together, and among these smells, he smelled a charming aroma, which attracted him step by step down the street to the door of a beautifully decorated storefront.

Here Jean-Baptiste Grenouille smells the real perfume for the first time: the usual fenugreek and rose perfume added to the garden fountain for the festival, mixed with orange blossom Complex and priceless scents of oil, tuberose oil, kalanchoe oil, jasmine oil or cinnamon oil in which a handsome man in uniform holds in his hands a bottle of perfume called Love and Spirit , attracting the eyes of all kinds of ladies Intoxicating and attractive effect

Suddenly, a light wind blew, and Jean-Baptiste Grenouille smelled a special aroma in the wind, which suppressed all the smells around him and grabbed him all at once. He closed his eyes involuntarily, savoring the fragrance

Today, 14,000 is starting to warm up for tomorrow's outbreak. Please support me. Please subscribe, ask for monthly tickets, and ask for annual work tickets.

ps, I accidentally wrote too much of the "perfume" movie this time, 囧, it will be finished in one breath tomorrow, please forgive me

ps again, the outbreak will start tomorrow, and the double monthly pass after tomorrow will be requested in advance, to be continued)

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