Great Artist

Chapter 1324: serial killer

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With the help of Jean-Baptiste Grenouille, Giuseppe Baldini's perfume shop has made a comeback, business has even passed his previous peak, and even the royal family has begun to visit this small shop on the trading bridge. Shop Guisepe-Baldini has begun to consider opening perfume shops in various French cities

At the same time, Jean-Baptiste Grenouille also began to understand the mysterious art of making perfumes. Just like music, each perfume chord has four essences, or timbres, carefully composed of harmonious compositions. Each perfume contains three Chords: Top, middle and bottom, there must be twelve timbres The ancient Egyptians believed that to create a real perfume, you need to add special essences that can highlight and suppress other fragrances, and will not disappear after thousands of years, This requires the addition of a thirteenth fragrance, of course, this is just a legend

Jean-Bastit Grenouille stayed in the perfume shop of Giuseppe Baldini. He studied all kinds of ways to preserve and extract fragrance. He didn't care about money, reputation or status. , the only thing he cared about was learning how to preserve the scent So Giseppe Baldini started teaching Jean-Baptiste Grenouille how to use a condenser to bring out the smell of plants

Jean-Baptiste-Grenoye quickly learned the method of distillation to preserve the taste of various plants, so he began to try to extract the taste of a variety of other objects, iron chain, brass, porcelain, glass , leather, stones, water from the Seine, even a cat but no smell

Watching Jean-Baptiste Greno when Giuseppe Baldini told him that there was no way to preserve the taste of these things, "You can't distill the smell of cats, just as you can't distill the smell of you and me" Jena's innocent and persistent expression fell into despair under the words of Giseppe Baldini. The purest pursuit of things was preserved in those clear and transparent eyes, which shocked everyone's hearts.

Jean-Baptiste Grenouille fell ill and he started to have a high fever and sweating for the first few days, then he developed numerous abscesses, his body was covered with these little red water sores, many of which burst Watery pus flowed out, then swelled again, others were scarred, swollen, red, cracked like a crater, spewing thick pus and blood with yellow mucus After a while he looked like a martyr who had been stoned to death, with a hundred wounds oozing pus

Desperate Jean-Baptiste Grenouille loses hope of survival, his vitality is fading away The dream of reaching the whole country cannot be without the help of this apprentice. So, watching the dying Jean-Baptiste Grenouille, Giuseppe Baldini racked his brains, and finally evoked his memory: "That is a mystery. oil extraction method”

In order to learn this oil extraction method, Jean-Baptiste Grenouille had to go to Grasse, where the perfume-making industry is most developed, in just a week, and the persistent teenager was cured. Under six hundred different perfume formulas, in exchange, he obtained an apprenticeship certificate and was able to go to Grasse, the capital of perfume. Jean-Baptiste-Grenoye did not care about it, because the monstrous wealth had an impact on his life. it doesn't make any sense

Jean-Baptiste Grenouille set out on his journey to Grasse, and that morning Giuseppe Baldini returned to his bed, clutching the 600 recipes The notebook, which will be all his hope for the rest of his life, will also be the foundation of his creation of a perfume kingdom. He slept with the notebook contentedly, but never woke up again.

The trading bridge, which had been shaking like an earthquake, the entire deck between the third and fourth piers collapsed, and all the buildings and houses above fell into the river, completely shattering the home of Giuseppe Baldini, in it

This time, although Jean-Baptiste Grenouille chose to leave, Giuseppe Baldini, who only paid him two francs for the journey, still died immediately after he left. This is the fifth A man who deserted him is also the sixth lost life

Jean-Baptiste Grenouille, who left Paris, finally felt freedom and liberation. The farther he left Paris, the better his mood, the easier his breathing, the faster his pace, and the most free he felt. It was far away from people in Paris, and there were more people living in a small space than any other city in the world. At this time, he realized that it was the mist of people who were piled up, shrouded in clouds and mist over the city. It was as though the sultry air of a thunderstorm had oppressed him for eighteen years, and it was only now that he began to avoid this fog. So, against his original intention, he decided not to go to Grasse, but to avoid cities and villages. , avoiding humans

In the end, Jean-Baptiste-Grenouille finally reached a desolate mountain, and in the cave at the top found a corner without any human presence, where the air was pure and free of impurities, and he shouted with joy Get up, like a madman, having a carnival

He was immersed in a life where he was not disturbed by anything, and felt that such a life was beautiful. He was like a corpse, barely breathing, and his heart almost stopped beating, but he lived tenaciously and wildly. He began to search The distant smells in my head, the hostile stench of Madame Galard's bedroom, the stench and stench of the fish market, and of course the stench of the tannery's sewage, and the rest of the sweltering Parisians gathering. The fog together is like this, day by day, month after month, seven years have passed

Gradually, he began to build his kingdom with scents. From the sea, the breeze was as pungent as salty almonds, the greens with sap-filled stems had a fresh spring scent, and the lovely flowers were golden and soft, of course. And the smell of damp, bitter moss on the rocks... but the thing is, he doesn't smell anything from his fingers, his armpits, his feet, his palms, nothing.

This discovery made him panic. He took off all his clothes and climbed back to the top of the mountain for the first time in seven years. He breathed in the smell of the air, and then tried to open his arms to face the wind, and let the wind blow all his body. After washing all the smells, he returned to the cave again, carefully distinguishing the smells that were so familiar in the cave, but he still didn't find the smell that belonged to him.

For the first time in his life, he discovered that he was a tasteless person, and to others he did not exist

At dawn the next day, Jean-Baptiste Grenouille set off on his journey to Grasse again. He wanted to tell the world that he exists, has always existed, and is unique.

The brocade-like purple lavender fields spread out in sight, but in the wind, Jean-Baptiste Grenouille smelled a unique smell. He smelled the most beautiful, perfect and wonderful smell in his lifetime. A carriage galloped past the road, and the red-haired girl in the carriage had an unforgettable fragrance, while Jean-Baptiste Grenouille, ragged and scruffy, seemed like a long drought. Like the land of the rain, I breathlessly breathed the fragrance in the air that made almost all the smells in the world pale.

Jean-Baptiste Grenouille came to Grasse and found the girl, the girl who had just finished bathing, dressed in a bathrobe and went to the window to pick a white rose and the fragrance on her body made him indulge in it, greedy and greedy. Breathing eagerly every ounce of fragrance he knew who she was, she was the daughter of the Second Senator of Grasse

He began to learn oil extraction in Grasse. His talent soon allowed him to master this mysterious skill. He continued to experiment with his own ideas. Then he put the girl in the oil tank for extracting the fragrance of flowers, and tried to extract the girl's body according to the normal method of oil extraction, but he failed.

Afterwards, he paid a prostitute holding a pug to smear animal grease on the prostitute's arm, wrap the prostitute's arm with gauze, and scrape the grease off with a spatula overnight. , so that there will be a woman's body in the grease, but the prostitute is afraid and she refuses so he ruthlessly kills the prostitute and then shaves the prostitute's hair all over her body Apply grease up and down, experiment with your own ideas

The taste extracted by this method finally satisfied him. Then, he tested it on the pug of the prostitute, and proved that this kind of smell can indeed extract the body of the girl. He finally succeeded. Then, he did After two experiments, one was that he had no perfume on his body. After entering the store, no one noticed his existence at all. If he had no body odor, he would not exist in this world; the second time was to use a big man. Perfume extracted from clothing, which gave him the VIP treatment in the store, even though he was wearing the ragged clothes of an apprentice, he confirmed that relying on perfume, relying on different body. A successful perfume can make him different. people, even allowing him to easily achieve the purpose of controlling others

At this time, he finally confirmed his success, so he took out twelve perfume bottles and prepared to make a unique perfume in the world

After this, one after another, teenage girls were killed and found with their heads shaved, Glass began to panic and imposed a curfew but even so, when he didn't use any perfume, he just didn't smell, just didn't exist Yes, no one was able to catch him that the girl was still being killed. Twenty-four girls were killed, which caused a panic in the whole Grasse and also caused the church to fall into chaos.

Look at the corpses of girls who have been twisted into artistic symbols, the white ketone body is impacting everyone's vision, and the neatly arranged twelve bottles of perfume bottles are impacting everyone's hearts.

The bishop of the church prayed in front of the general public, and the news of the murderer's arrest came from the neighboring town of Grenoble, which made everyone shout "Hallelujah", but only the audience knew that he was still making his own unique perfume

He started chasing the second senator's daughter, Lola Richis, and he decided that Lola Richis was the most unique being in this world, and it would be the thirteenth fragrance he made. This bottle of perfume is the key to the eternal fragrance and unchanged for thousands of years

And Lola's father, Antoine Richis, is always wrong. There are too many doubts. After Lola Richis escaped from Jean-Baptiste Grenouille's two pursuits Afterwards, Antoine Richis didn't have any evidence, but his inner unease told him that what the murderer would get from these girls would end. Nightmare haunts him, he is like a frightened bird, worried that his daughter will leave him at any time, so Antoine Riches took his daughter and ran away, leaving far away

Antoine Richis divided his troops into two groups, let his servants get on his daughter's carriage, and escaped alone with his daughter, but this method still did not stop Jean-Baptiste Grenouille's pursuit, when he noticed When the scent of his dream department was leaving the town, he resolutely chased it out, and then relying on his sense of smell, he identified the right direction at the fork in the road, and followed the past.

On the other hand the pug of the prostitute at the beginning followed the smell to the workshop where Jean-Baptiste Grenouille worked, and in Jean-Baptiste Grenouille The hair and clothes of the previously murdered girls were dug out from the floor of the room. The investigation work finally came to light, and Glass knew the real murderer, an elementary school apprentice who usually seemed taciturn and didn't exist at all.

The father-daughter duo stayed at a random family hotel, Antoine Richis locked his daughter in a room with a window facing the sea cliff, while he lived next door

The smellless Jean-Baptiste Grenouille scrambled into the family hotel with ease, and even the dogs couldn't sniff him. He walked quietly into Antoine Richis's room. , took the key to Lola's room from the bedside table, and entered his destination smoothly.

Looking at Lola Richis lying on the bed, her red hair like a waterfall spread out on the white sheets, her wonderful face like an angel, but even so, her beauty did not arouse Jean-Barre With any sympathy from Tist-Grenoye, he waved his usual stone pestle without any hesitation and completed the collection of the thirteenth scent of his unique perfume.

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